A new scenario coming soon...
Although Mathias Koster's Death and resurrection of an empire (shouldn't it be resurrection and death of an empire?) covers the last centuries of the Roman ('Byzantine') Empire, the Osmali aspect is limited, and they are given an unhistorical headstart in central Anatolia which was then part of the Sultanate of Roum (Romania). When I played it at Katapan (prince) level to start with the Osmali never became a threat, being far away from the main theatre of war-the sea of Marmara and the Balkans.
So this scenario is effectively its continuation after the Paleologi reconquest of Constantinople (Nea Roma) and its rapid decline afterwards.
I was wondering whether to start of under the reign off Osman with one city, Bursa, or start under the reign of Orhan with an established Emirate covering north-western Anatolia.
Civs to be included:
Romans (otherwise falsely known today as 'Byzantines')
Armenians (now in Cilicia, south-east Anatolian coast)
Cypriots (Lusignan kingdom)
Persians (should they be under Jalayrid, Timur Laing, Shah Rukh or the Ak Koyunlu dynasties?)
Osmali (Ottomans)
I had thought of including the Serbs and Bulgars, if the scenario is to begin under the Age of Osman literally then they may replace the Georgians and Cypriots-however by 1361 the Serbian and Bulgar Empires break up into principalities-how do I replicate that in the scenario-if given Princepalities (Republic) government can they be forced to change government (perhaps, if they are really under an Empire governement which is of course backwards)?
Barbarians will play the role of Wallachians, Khanate of the Golden Horde, Catalonian state of Athens, Genoese possesions, Venetian possesions, Knights of St. John in Rhodes, the Achaen principality, Anatolian 'Ghazi' Emirates and the Roman Empire of Trabizond.
The map I will be using is the same one I used for Age of Alexius-my one!
Why, you may ask, the rush to edit and release these scenarios?
Well my theory is that when Civ III comes out it is very unlikely there will be as much interest in Civ II as there is at the moment, look at Civ I for example.
What is your opinion?
Although Mathias Koster's Death and resurrection of an empire (shouldn't it be resurrection and death of an empire?) covers the last centuries of the Roman ('Byzantine') Empire, the Osmali aspect is limited, and they are given an unhistorical headstart in central Anatolia which was then part of the Sultanate of Roum (Romania). When I played it at Katapan (prince) level to start with the Osmali never became a threat, being far away from the main theatre of war-the sea of Marmara and the Balkans.
So this scenario is effectively its continuation after the Paleologi reconquest of Constantinople (Nea Roma) and its rapid decline afterwards.
I was wondering whether to start of under the reign off Osman with one city, Bursa, or start under the reign of Orhan with an established Emirate covering north-western Anatolia.
Civs to be included:
Romans (otherwise falsely known today as 'Byzantines')
Armenians (now in Cilicia, south-east Anatolian coast)
Cypriots (Lusignan kingdom)
Persians (should they be under Jalayrid, Timur Laing, Shah Rukh or the Ak Koyunlu dynasties?)
Osmali (Ottomans)
I had thought of including the Serbs and Bulgars, if the scenario is to begin under the Age of Osman literally then they may replace the Georgians and Cypriots-however by 1361 the Serbian and Bulgar Empires break up into principalities-how do I replicate that in the scenario-if given Princepalities (Republic) government can they be forced to change government (perhaps, if they are really under an Empire governement which is of course backwards)?
Barbarians will play the role of Wallachians, Khanate of the Golden Horde, Catalonian state of Athens, Genoese possesions, Venetian possesions, Knights of St. John in Rhodes, the Achaen principality, Anatolian 'Ghazi' Emirates and the Roman Empire of Trabizond.
The map I will be using is the same one I used for Age of Alexius-my one!
Why, you may ask, the rush to edit and release these scenarios?
Well my theory is that when Civ III comes out it is very unlikely there will be as much interest in Civ II as there is at the moment, look at Civ I for example.
What is your opinion?
