quote: Stefan, when is that preview of your new scn going to be up? |
Following the present course, never . I have lost all HP files and my FTP-data, though that may be saved somewhere. I will do my best to reestablish my site, but don't lay much hope on it. I will do some new artwork for the scenario, but at the present state, anybody can already pick it up via eMail: Stefan.Haertel@t-online.de
It can be regarded as "finished" since the playtester reports have seemed to stated that, but any additional comments are appreciated.
quote: I didn't say I was giving up the game, Stefan. I don't care for the 'designer knows best' attitude of the league. Without the players, the scenarios are just so many bits of programing floating around cyber-space. But others don't think that way. Well, they can have it. I have other fish to fry. |
I hope you don't think that way about me.