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World War One email game

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  • World War One email game

    I've been reading some of the latest threads on email multiplayers games and found them exciting. I guess it's too late for me to join in any existing game, so I'm opening up this thread to ask if anyone is willing to play my 2nd Reich scenario. I made a version specifically for multiplayer, but I never actually played it myself. Turns can be rather long, so I think playing it through email a turn a day would work out well. The human playable civilizations are the Allies (which include the British/French and the Americans later on), the Germans, the Austro-Hungarians, the Russians, and the Italians. Because of the way the alliances work, I could play the game with 1 other person at the least, or up to 5 if there are enough people interested. Plus, if someone wants to stop once the game is started they can give their hotseat password to someone on their team willing to continue. The scenario can be downloaded at CSC if you don't have it and want to take a look at it first if you commit to anything (oh, and if you think the graphics suck, you can replace them with your own!). I think Allard also reviewed this scenario at the SLeague. So if anyone is interested, please post here and let me know. Thanks.

    "There is no more illustrious history than the history of the Magyar Nation... The whole civilized world is indebted to Magyarland for its historic deeds."
    -Theodore Roosevelt, to the Hungarian Parliament,
    April 2, 1910

  • #2
    Hi Mike, long time no hear! I believe there is still anopen slot for our 30 yr war game. You're welcome to join!


    • #3
      I did like that scenario (most of yours actually), and I'm curious what changes you made for multiplayer. Were they event changes? Changes to make it move faster? Changes to make it more balanced?

      To be honest, some of my prejudices against WWII scenarios (despite all the great efforts out there, I just don't think the game engine is capable of simulating that conflict to my satisfaction) also applies to WWI games, albeit somewhat less strongly. Plus, I'm ambivalent about playing a multiplayer game that includes the scenario's designer (seems somehow "wrong" me old-fashioned).

      Hey, why don't you dust off that that old Roman scenario and update it for multiplayer...or better yet, something in Test of Time...

      Seems to me Techumseh piped up a hair before you did on the 30 years war scenario...but he seemed willing to yield if your interest was stronger...why don't you work it out with him? I think it'd be great to have a full seven players IFF we ever get that one off the ground.

      If you do get a few more people interested in 2nd Reich or something else, you can consider me a "maybe", or an alternate, or a sometime human player for a non-critical civ (say the Italians). My problem is my free time tends to swing wildly between feast and famine. I think PBEM should fit into the schedule nicely, even when things get hectic, again. But two games might be pushing it, and I'd have to focus on the one I committed to first.


      • #4
        Nobody's interested?


        • #5
          I'm interested.

          I assume we're talking about standard MPS CiC WW1 scenario?


          • #6
            Hi M.C.

            You probably know that there is still an open slot for our never-starting 30 yrs game. RobRoy quit. I would like to invite you to join.


            • #7
              Geez I've shoulda known this was you Mike

              Allard: He's talking about his WW1 ("2nd Reich") scenario.
              Follow the masses!
              30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


              • #8
                MagyarCrusader... Mike... 2nd Reich... Now all comes together!

                2nd Reich is even better! I've developped some nice strategies for it!


                • #9
                  Yes Allard, 2nd Recih. You can replace my graphics with the units you drew for your unreleased western front game . Can you please email them to me as well if you still have them? What civilization(s) are you interested in playing?

                  JB, I just posted in the other thread. Thanks for letting me know about it (long threads like that lose my interest rather quickly...)

                  RobRoy- the multiplayer version comes with the scenario. It just uses different events. The single player events just added units to the enemy civs to make it a challenge. The multiplayer events contain all the essential events like battles, but without the unit creation actions.


                  • #10

                    You can replace my graphics with the units you drew for your unreleased western front game

                    They are not thát bad


                    Can you please email them to me as well if you still have them?

                    Why don't you have an email link in your profile? Hmm, well, anyway, you can download the stuff here:


                    edit: A geocities page, so may have problems with downloading. If there are, type in the adress manually..


                    What civilization(s) are you interested in playing?

                    Don't care
                    [This message has been edited by Allard HS (edited January 15, 2001).]


                    • #11

                      I'm interested to play.
                      My choices:

                      1. England/France
                      2. Austria-Hungary.
                      3. Germany


                      • #12
                        Thanks Allard for the link. Sure you don't care about which civilization?

                        Personally, I prefer the Central Powers (wonder why ?) Either one is good for me. But how does this sound: Germany/AustriaHun=me, Allies=Marko, Italians/Russians= Allard. If I remember correctly the Allies and Russians were the biggest civilizations, so splitting them up would make it easier. The Russian turn is right after the Italian turn, just like the Austrian turn is right after the German turn. Russia dies off towards the end thanks to the Reds, so that way the player can still use Italy. Thats my reasoning behind it. Any objections/comments/questions? Make sure you have the latest MGE patch installed and hopefully I'll start the game tomorrow. Thanks.

                        My email is . Its not in my profile because I'm too lazy to add it in there.


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Wait MJ...when the hell did you come back???
                            Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                            • #15
                              No, the question is when was I gone? I've always been lurking around the SLeague, but my visit became less frequent as I got bored with civ2, and began working less and less on scenarios. I hardly posted because nothing really seemed to be of interest. I had to stay here to check up on the ToT design contest. I read a thread about people playing a multiplayer hotseat game with Nemo's WW2 scenario and it sounded very interesting. Once before I attempted to play an email game with John Petroski on Ansteig, but we only played about 8 turns and never finished. This "new" aspect of multiplayer civ2 really interests me, and so I started this thread hoping to play the 2nd Reich scenario. I also joined in on the 30 Years War scenario, but unfortunately I can't play as the Magyars .

                              So anyway, as long as the ToT contest is going around, and the multiplayer games are being played, I'm an active SLeague poster .

