I must have written this like 30 times now, but the truth is that, after a 6-month sleeping time, the Spanish Civ Site has returned.
It's a sad but logical fact that Civ2 is slowly dying out. 5 years is probably too much time for a computer game. Anyway, in an attempt to attract more people to the Civ2 world, I've decided to broaden the scope of my site.
From now on, the bestonet section will host not only those scens that I cherish the most but also all those that you Apolytoners enjoy. So please let me know which scens that I am currently mising should be in the site. Do it here or by e-mail. Thnx.
(Self-nominations of course welcome)
PS. WarVoid, mon ami, it was not my intention to bother/mock you in any way with my thread about your Arabic site. Actually its mere existence flatters me to the extent of permanent "red-cheekness". I'd be very happy if you wished to put in your site my Arabic scenarios (Al-Andalus and Granada). I know my namesake Jesús M. would also be glad to see his Alpujarras scen up there. You've got an excellent idea, don't let it die!
On another topic, happy Reyes Magos Day!
[This message has been edited by Jay Bee (edited January 03, 2001).]
I must have written this like 30 times now, but the truth is that, after a 6-month sleeping time, the Spanish Civ Site has returned.
It's a sad but logical fact that Civ2 is slowly dying out. 5 years is probably too much time for a computer game. Anyway, in an attempt to attract more people to the Civ2 world, I've decided to broaden the scope of my site.
From now on, the bestonet section will host not only those scens that I cherish the most but also all those that you Apolytoners enjoy. So please let me know which scens that I am currently mising should be in the site. Do it here or by e-mail. Thnx.
(Self-nominations of course welcome)
PS. WarVoid, mon ami, it was not my intention to bother/mock you in any way with my thread about your Arabic site. Actually its mere existence flatters me to the extent of permanent "red-cheekness". I'd be very happy if you wished to put in your site my Arabic scenarios (Al-Andalus and Granada). I know my namesake Jesús M. would also be glad to see his Alpujarras scen up there. You've got an excellent idea, don't let it die!
On another topic, happy Reyes Magos Day!

[This message has been edited by Jay Bee (edited January 03, 2001).]