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Call for Scenarios

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  • Call for Scenarios


    I must have written this like 30 times now, but the truth is that, after a 6-month sleeping time, the Spanish Civ Site has returned.

    It's a sad but logical fact that Civ2 is slowly dying out. 5 years is probably too much time for a computer game. Anyway, in an attempt to attract more people to the Civ2 world, I've decided to broaden the scope of my site.

    From now on, the bestonet section will host not only those scens that I cherish the most but also all those that you Apolytoners enjoy. So please let me know which scens that I am currently mising should be in the site. Do it here or by e-mail. Thnx.

    (Self-nominations of course welcome)

    PS. WarVoid, mon ami, it was not my intention to bother/mock you in any way with my thread about your Arabic site. Actually its mere existence flatters me to the extent of permanent "red-cheekness". I'd be very happy if you wished to put in your site my Arabic scenarios (Al-Andalus and Granada). I know my namesake Jesús M. would also be glad to see his Alpujarras scen up there. You've got an excellent idea, don't let it die!

    On another topic, happy Reyes Magos Day!

    [This message has been edited by Jay Bee (edited January 03, 2001).]

  • #2
    I'm not being pompous or rude, but I made the scenario Gettysburg, and only one person played it, and loved it, and no one else tried it out.

    I urge others to at least try it out. I, personally, wouldn't call it a BEST on the net, but its still pretty fun.

    If you're War of Cuba is not already there, Jay Bee, then I nominate that.

    I nominate Roman Riots.
    Please Visit:

    And contribute if you can!


    • #3
      More people played your scenario then just one Polaris, I just didn't enjoy it that much. I'll admit it was fun for awhile, but it did not have the depth to keep me hooked. I may have to give it another run through now though .


      • #4
        Thanks for your swift reply, George. Where can I find Gettysburg?

        My own scens do not count, they have their very own section on the site


        • #5
          I nominate "Darius the Great version 2.2" and "Mughals" as my very own scens, and also "Antigonos" by Prometeus and "Imperium Romanum" by Bernd Brosing when it is out.
          Follow the masses!
          30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


          • #6
            ... and Shaibani? I enjoyed that one very very much!

            PS. What ever happened to our "joint" project? Hope you remember what I'm talking about I volunteer to do the map as soon as I get a child-free evening


            • #7
              Thanx, Stefan, for your nomination... Jay Bee, I think you must add Mark Eklund newest scenario too, "Karl XII" - currently on SLeague review section... - and Stefan's "Artaxerxes".

              PS River War made by Allard Hofeld is a cool scen, too...

              Of course, if I'll have more time ( after "A-she-na" scenario failure, my new Chan Kuo scen has really take me the hand: it started as a simple restyling, and it's ending up as a brand-new scenario: new map, opponents, rules, terrains, units, chronology, goals... hope to finish it soon!!! ) - I'll post more names here.
              [This message has been edited by Prometeus (edited January 04, 2001).]
              "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
              "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
              "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


              • #8
                Any chance you'll be accepting Mac scenarios? If you're willing to post them, I have several Mac scenarios I've built that I'd be willing to submit. (And if anyone wants to figure out how the heck you convert a Mac scenario to a PC scenario, I'd love to hear it!)
                EchoPapa's scenarios are available at the ACS Mac Site
                Visit the Institute for Naming Children Humanely at


                • #9
                  I just now noticed my site is down at Modern Empire for some reason. I'll try to get it to you sooner or later, Jay Bee.

                  Yeah, and Bernd Brosing's Cross & Cresent (sp?) scenario as well.
                  Please Visit:

                  And contribute if you can!


                  • #10
                    I'll nominate Harlan Tompsons WW2: Pacific Theatre scenario.
                    The latest version of Second Front by Captain Nemo would also be great

                    If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error
                    -John Kenneth Galbraith
                    'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                    - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                    • #11
                      Oh my.... what have I done???? The Spanish site is now going to be replete of those pestering WW2 scenarios!!!! Mr Temba please help me out!!!

                      Now seriously, thanks all for your suggestions. All the scenarios you suggested here will soon be on the site.

                      It's true that WW2 scens are not my cup of tea but those cited by Case plus of course Red Front and WW2 in China are true masterpieces which should have been in the site long ago.

                      Prom: Artaxerxes is already in. The other suggestions are quite good! I am still expecting an Almogavers scenario from you

                      Echopapa: I hate to tell you this but for now I do not contemplate the addition of Mac scenarios to my site. I'd suggest you to submit them to the Apolyton Civ2 Mac section.


                      • #12

                        Originally posted by Jay Bee on 01-03-2001 06:18 PM
                        PS. WarVoid, mon ami, it was not my intention to bother/mock you in any way with my thread about your Arabic site. Actually its mere existence flatters me to the extent of permanent "red-cheekness". I'd be very happy if you wished to put in your site my Arabic scenarios (Al-Andalus and Granada). I know my namesake Jesús M. would also be glad to see his Alpujarras scen up there. You've got an excellent idea, don't let it die!

                        I'm never offended, I apologize for using the Spanish CivII Site as a basic template for the ArabCiv site, but hey, I gotta follow the best.

                        I do hope to expand it, and, as you said, broaden the scope of Civ2 and attract more people to the genre.

                        I'd gladly upload more scnarios to the ArabCiv site but I have a very limited amount of server space. Maybe I can get hosting by Apolyton some day which would allow me to expand the site considerably.

                        BTW, joyous Reyes Magos day to you too!


                        • #13
                          Oh, and feel free to host any of the ArabCiv scenarios on your site if you want to.

                          New England Civil War (currently hosted at SLeague) is probably my best work next to Heavy Metal.

                          I also did "Puerto Rico Civil Guerra". A Puerto Rican civil war scenario I did for a few Spanglish friends of mine. If you'd like to host that i'd be honoured and happy to send it to you.

                          Do you have an email address for submittals?


                          • #14
                            Glad to see you have gotten a good sense of humor. Cos you never replied to that thread I thought you were mad at me.

                            And, speaking about good sense of humor that Puerto Rico Guerra Civil scen sounds like fun. I assume it's pure fantasy which regrettably puts it out of the scope of the Spanish Site but still I'd like to take a look at it.

                            I understand about your space problems in GeoCities. I walked that road before joining Apolyton. There is a way to get around that, you know?

                            Also, you can put a link to my files. Some people do this w/o asking and I hate it but this case is different because it's me who is offering it to you.

                            My e-mail is account size).


                            • #15
                              My god, I seem to forget so many things recently
                              I didn't even remember Shaibani the moment I wrote that!
                              Of course, Shaibani is IMHO one of my favourites!


                              PS. What ever happened to our "joint" project? Hope you remember what I'm talking about I
                              volunteer to do the map as soon as I get a child-free evening

                              I sent you a mail concerning that.

                              Follow the masses!
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                              The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country.
                              -George W. Bush

                              Shahan Shah Eran ud Aneran

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                              Follow the masses!
                              30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!

