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  • #31
    Ok, i've finished the scenario. I played a Rome and conquered Iberia and Italy first cause it was unpopulated and I wanted a secure sphere around the capital.

    Don't bother with the barbarians, they're too big. Fortify a few legion in the mountains to fend them off from getting to the cities.

    Then I moved across the Pillars and took out Carthage, which went pretty smoothly.

    I then had amassed troops in Italy by the time Carthage fell. So as my troops from the Phoenician war moved into Egypt my troops in Italy moved out into Macedonia and Greece.

    The two flanks met at Tyre and we forced the Perisans and Egyptains back into defeat.

    By the time I reached Persepolis it had grown to a size 11 city and was well defended. But I also had about a hundred units pouring in from the now large and settled western half of the empire.

    Overall a beautiful scenario. Excellent units, graphics, love the SPQC background (wonderful touch) and much more.

    I can't wait to play the other civs!

    For ha ha's I played as the Phoenicians (which you spelled wrong ) and that was pretty fun just by itself.

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    • #32
      What you could do would be to give the Romans the tech in the Mysticism slot, which doubles the effect of Temples... Temples who relieve 2 unhappy people are better then a single citizen... Anyhow, I'll get back to the scenario tomorrow....

      Hmm... I'm thinking of bypassing Massila and taking out Iberia first....
      *grumbles about work*


      • #33
        Is there room left for another playtester? I'd love to playtest this one, if you can use one more...

        Also, if you want/need hosting or alternative hosting, I could put that up on my website


        Sprecher der ToT
        First Minister of Machiavellia
        Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...


        • #34
          Thanks for all comments

          I just sent the corrected fourth Roman events to all of you.

          Ok, I´ll do the following: I´ll make a reworked version of the scn that includes...

          -corrected spelling
          -some techtree changes (e.g. for more happyness)
          -some terrain changes/improvements (e.g. royal highway, more other roads/irrigations around some enemy cities etc.)
          -reduce trade a bit (no more trade bonus for hills)
          -improved events (perhaps the BC thing saves enough space to create more enemy units)
          -the events set (I think also four files) for the Macedonians/Phoenicians

          I´ll finish these things next weekend, so you can relax a bit now...

          If someone has more suggestions for the new version, feel free to post it here.

          BTW, one tester has suggested that I make only the Romans playable now, and release a separate scn for the Macedonians. I think it is a good idea, but currently I´ll try to make that extra events for the other civs. But I plan to make such a game a bit harder, because when you play as Macedonians/Phoenicians, you´ll face a Roman war machine that receives heavy support via events...

          Warvoid, some questions to you:

          -How many turns you needed to finish the game?
          -Do you found the later game too easy?
          -Should I increase the tech paradigm?

          KhanMan, currently I have enough testers, but when I´ve finished the new version next weekend, it would be good when some people play the other playable civs, so I´ll contact you then...



          • #35
            Hola BeBro !!! Really, a great scenario !!!! Well, apart of tha samnite helmet ( you did this on purpose to represent all italic tribes, right ? ), it seems quite good.
            De Samnio
            Tip number two: Capua was the main city of Sabellian tribes ( civilized Samnites o' the plains ), and not of Samnites. Maybe you can change Events.txt this way "Capua, the most important Campanian city": it'll be more realistic.
            And yes southern cities were a lot more hard to take over by Romans because Samnites were good warriors and Samnium mountains were a lot easy to defend & fortify and only when Romans surrounded Samnium with fortress and colonies like Lucera or Venusia ( and so cutted all trades between samnite sheeperd population and plains ) they managed to tame them a little. After all, Gaul and Samnites taught to Rome how to conquer the whole mediterranean lands...
            And remember that Samnites were finally defeated only by L. C. Silla at Porta Collina's battle ( they were Marius' best allies and supporters )...

            "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
            "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
            "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


            • #36
              And please get rid of Aquileia...

              PS I finally get a recostructive picture of Tarquinia. I posted it to you. Hope you got it...
              [This message has been edited by Prometeus (edited November 26, 2000).]
              "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
              "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
              "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


              • #37
                Yes Prometeus, I´ll change that Capua event to "Campanian", sounds better (I wasn´t sure if it was a Samnite city)


                Originally posted by Prometeus on 11-26-2000 05:32 AM
                And please get rid of Aquileia...

                But why, Prometeus?

                Edit: Just received the pic, thanks!

                [This message has been edited by BeBro (edited November 26, 2000).]


                • #38
                  Aquileia was founded by, I believe, Augustus or even later.
                  I haven't had the time to check much yet, I will today, but my first impression is: Fantastic!

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                  • #39
                    You know Bernd that I am only waiting to play Carthago and teach those evil Romans a lesson, right?

                    Mathias' Civ II Page
                    The Lost Geologist Blog


                    • #40

                      Originally posted by Stefan Härtel on 11-26-2000 07:01 AM
                      Aquileia was founded by, I believe, Augustus or even later.

                      It was founded in the first half of II century BC to protect Venetic allies and latine colonies from Iapodian, Istrian and Celtic raids... Augustus elevated it to full Roman law colony status
                      A tip: if you really want to place a city in that area, place it one more square on west direction on the coast and call it Opitergium ( the modern Oderzo ); it was a well developed Venetic emporium...
                      Other possibilities are:
                      a) one more square in the hinterland and call it Tervisium ( Treviso );
                      b) two more squares near mountains and call it Bellonum ( Belluno ).

                      PS Karalis, with K...

                      [This message has been edited by Prometeus (edited November 26, 2000).]
                      "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
                      "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
                      "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


                      • #41
                        Thanks, Prometeus, i´ll change Aquileia to Opitergium or Tervisium

                        Edit: ah, forgot...I have a map that shows Caralis with C , it looks more Latin so, but what is the correct spelling?

                        Shadowstrike, do you think I should give Rome the tech for the Quinqueremes whith that "first Roman fleet" event in 261BC? But I´m afraid this would be too easy. What do the others think about this problem?

                        [This message has been edited by BeBro (edited November 26, 2000).]


                        • #42
                          It would be historically accurate, but I'm not sure if this would be to unbalancing.

                          OK, I was away for most of the morning... Better get started again....
                          *grumbles about work*


                          • #43
                            Played it so far until 312 BC. The Scenario is great though there isn't that much strategy to it but except to do what the Romans did . I subdued the south without Tarent, still sieging it. In the north, still sieging Ravenna. The basic strategy is to Fortify your units around the towns and get free units and then attack when you have enough. Alexander the GReat doesn't do much, the free greeks are still pretty strong, lost mabye a city. You should add units to the macedonians and not allow the Greeks to build Spartans only the normal "free" greek. The Spartans will be thorugh events, should make the Macedonian conquest easier. That's all for now but I'll another mini-rsume when i get to the second event file.

                            Strong points until now:
                            Smooth Gameplay

                            Negative Points;
                            Historical accuracy lacking somewhat
                            nothing else


                            • #44
                              I just found another problem. The Amphitheatre doesn't relieve any unhappiness. I think the problem lies in the tech tree (the tech slot that makes Cathedrals work isn't the one that gives you this building).

                              I think this design tip specifies which tech:

                              Other then tht, I think I'm doing fine. I have a foothold in Spain, but Hannibal just came and took one of my cities... With the enemy having siege towers, I think it will be a while until I can reclaim it...
                              *grumbles about work*


                              • #45
                                Shadowstrike, I think the Quinquereme tech would be a big advantage for the Romans, probably too big for a Human player...

                                VietMinh, I made Spartans available, because Hellas was under the Spartan hegemony 386BC. However, I mainly named all Greeks after a known polis (Spartans, Athenians Thebanes) because I want to avoid that all Greek units are only "hoplites". Remember also that in the 4th century BC more and more Greek hoplites (also Spartans) became mercenaries who fought in many different countries.

                                For the Macedonians, my goal was not that the Macedonians conquer the complete Persian Empire as Alex did. I know this isn´t accurate, but in my eyes, it´s much better for the game - it would be a bit boring when the Romans meet only Macedonians in the east. In my tests the Macedonians conquered nearly the half of Persia (sometimes more, sometimes less), slower as Alex did, but I think this is ok.
                                It´s also better when you think about the Hellenistic period with its different Hellenistic realms, so when the Romans advance eastwards, you can consider Macedonia, Egypt and Persia as "Hellenistic" (I know, I know , but with the civ2 limitations...)

                                Ok, the next days I´ll probably be busy with other things, but I´m still optimistic that I can finish the improved version next weekend.

                                Edit: just read your last post, Shadowstrike. Thanks for that hint, I´ll change this in the upcoming version

                                [This message has been edited by BeBro (edited November 26, 2000).]

