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English version finished - need tester

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  • #16

    you can send to me too.I use to be good at spotting *weird* incompatibilities


    • #17
      Great, benedetti!

      The credits for this version will be very long...



      • #18
        Yes! And it will include me, I think!

        My first post after at least one week! Well, BeBro, when you set the string heap in labels.txt on 30.000, it should work fine, because I don't think it can't be too large. Or is it able to? Hmmm. Forget it...

        Another thing: in the first post in this thread you talked about some hints. What did you mean here?

        Could you give me the same hints? Or were they included in our e-mail-dialogues. (könnte ja sein, daß es sich bei diesen hints um sachen wie grenzsicherung handelt...)

        Anyway, I hope that the main speling mistakes, if there should be any , aren't discovered in events.txt or rules.txt since I was the one who translated them. Well, at least 70% of them...

        Are there actually any spelling or even grammar mistakes discovered? I don't hope so...


        • #19
          Hey Andz, you are (of course) in the credits !

          The hints are mainly things that we´ve already discussed via email. Have you specific questions (about the gameplay or other points)?

          However, Don hasn´t reported any mistakes until now, so it´s clear that your translations are very good! I hope that benedetti and Shaka Naldur agree with that...



          • #20

            I am happy to report, sire, that your scenario works okay under both FW and MGE. Furthermore, I believe this is a beautiful scenario. I happen to be something like an "scenario advisor" for the Bestonet section of the Spanish Civ Site. I'd like to propose your scenario for inclusion in that section if that's fine with you.

            Uh, almost forgot, the English reads fine to me. The city names aren't in English though (I know, I know)
            [This message has been edited by benedetti (edited June 09, 2000).]


            • #21
              Thanks, benedetti, that sounds great to me! Andz will also like what you say about the translation.

              And I´d be very happy if the scenario would be in the Bestonet section.

              So, I think a can finally release this version in the next days...


              • #22
                Sorry about my lack of testing reports be-bro, but I am in the middle of my exams at the mo,
                but here are a few things I have noticed:

                1. Oxford is NOT a costal city, try renaming it to gloucester.

                2. the tranlation is good just one grammer error, in the first event (about 1000-1050)
                it should be attck instead of attacking.

                3. Playing as the british is quite hard but enjoyable, playing as the Germans (Or holy Roman Empire) is a cool but take a long time to build up properly, Playing as the French is surprisingly easy. Just my experiances of play.

                4. A suggestion: a few more events wouldn't go amiss although I know the events.txt is almost full.

                and finaly thanks beBro for leting me test this fine scenario

                Cockney used to be schizophereic but we'er ok now
                "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


                • #23
                  2. If he's trying to fix grammar, maybe he should check spelling too
                  Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                  • #24

                    Originally posted by Mao on 06-10-2000 09:06 PM
                    2. If he's trying to fix grammar, maybe he should check spelling too

                    Have you discovered a spelling mistake? report it at once! in the events? ruleS? aaargh!
                    [This message has been edited by Andz83 (edited June 11, 2000).]


                    • #25
                      I'd like to try this scenario.
                      Somebody wanna send it to me?



                      • #26
                        You're little thing in #2 wouldn't happen to be supposed to be "attack" and how "attck" right?
                        Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                        • #27
                          WarVoid, I´ll send you the scenario.

                          Cockney, thanks for the advice, I renamed Oxford

                          I´m currently making the last little changes and I think I´ll create a new topic later on this day with a link to the release version.

                          Any new errors will be corrected in the next big update (if there is one ).

                          So, thanks to all who helped me.

