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Platehead's is Moving

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  • Platehead's is Moving

    The files didn't fit on Geocities anymore and I didn't feel like spending $2.50/month for every 5 megs beyond the default.

    The new address is:

    ...not much is new, but we are hosting Red Front and some other cool scenarios. I updated the links and am now hosting all the scenarios I link to "on site" instead of mooching off of others. Should save on the file link breakages, too, and makes for an easy way to makes sure sleague's review links stay current, too.

  • #2's a museum


    • #3
      Blackclove: When I play a scenario I usually produce an Excel file (cut and copy from rules.txt) for unit stats. The files proved to be very useful when I played the scenarios, since they give complete information about units.

      Currently I have 3 such files: a file for Red Front 1.4, sorted by unit slot then by season; a file for Spartacus, also sorted by unit slot then by season; a file for your dungeon scenario (Version 3.1), sorted by civ then by strength.

      If you are interested I can send them to you, and maybe you can post them in your site for downloading.


      • #4
        Thanks, Xin, sounds useful to me. I'll be glad to post them. Keep in mind that Platehead's is updated roughly once per blue moon, so after the current round of updating (which should end in a few days) I will mostly be focusing on SLeague again. Right now it just became imperative because we need a place to host old scenarios that vanished off the net.


        • #5
          Stefan, feel free to post Toussaint. It's a tough scenario to win. We should turn it over to Xin Yu and see what he comes up with

          I really wish someone would pay me to spend all day writing Civ II scenarios. Sadly, that doesn't seem to have happened yet. If MPS was willing I'd hire my dream team of you, Cam, Alex Mor, Captain Nemo, Jesus Balsinde, Harlan Thompson and Erwan and go to town with "The Ultimate Civ II Scenario CD". We could work full time and crank out 30 new scenarios for Civ II on 1 CD-ROM. Maybe while I'm dreaming we could get Mick Uhl, too


          • #6
            I'd do it! But I don't think there is the kind of Money in scenarios that could pay for a fulltime design team. I did E-mail MPS and ask them what their interest would be in hiring independent "Contractors" to build scenarios for them. Never got an answer though.
            The only way I would see them doing it would be if it could jump-start a ToT collection, since there is still so little available for ToT.
            I thought "Contractor" because I don't think anyone could afford to quit their Day job to do this... At least I couldn't...unless there has been some drastic changes I haven't heard of in the payscale for that industry.


            • #7
              Your site still is one of my favourites.

              By the Way, I'd like to open a favourite scenario section, and I wanted to ask you if I may post Touissant L'Ouverture to it?

              Follow the masses!
              30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!

              Our survival is based on continouus changing.
              -Mao Tse-Tung
              God might have created us as equals, but democracy and science pretty
              much screwed that whole idea..

              Visit my Homepage at:
              Follow the masses!
              30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


              • #8
                blackclove: please check your mail on yahoo. I have sent the files, plus some comments to Dungeon V3.1.


                • #9
                  Great idea! TOT definitely needs a scenario CD to boost sales. There is a chance to get the contract!

                  We can add a book of 'walkthrough's to the scenarios in the CD. I can help with that.
                  [This message has been edited by Xin Yu (edited May 13, 2000).]


                  • #10
                    blackclove: I played a little bit Toussant today. I got Monarchy and also three wonder cities: Suntzu, Mich, SETI. It was only turn 9 (and can be improved!). However I got to restart since suddenly my reputation became dishonorable . I hate to ruin my reputation!

                    The key strategy I used so far:

                    Talk to Spain on turn 2 to get 850 gold, or a tech and 700 gold (not sure which is better);
                    Rush build frigates, and use them to bombard the Southern and the barbarian. They will become vets (Sun Tzu effect). Later, when 2-deck ships are available, do the same thing to French/English cities. These are the best units for attack and defense.
                    Hire scientists in size 5 cities to get Monarchy quickly. Occupy the SETI city early helps. Give up land unit techs and go for sea unit techs. Should be able to dominate the sea before long. Then go for artillary to attack inland cities. Remains to figure out: how to defend from the Nasty british Adm ship and the French invasion event.


                    • #11
                      The initial infantry unit is enough for defense behind city walls, especially if paired with a cannon. But none of the units are good enough for attacking except the 2-deck ships. That's why I chose to build up ships instead of land units. 2-decks are also good at defense, and they can kill non-vet 3-decks. I'll build then in my coastal cities. However there's not enough enemy units to kill to make them vets, that's a problem .

                      It seems that Toussaint only needs to avoid back stabbing Spainish to keep a spotless reputation, but I'm not sure. Spain is my best trade partner, I really don't want to piss them off. That stupid Toussaint...

                      By the way, I'll get many vet frigates as well since they have a move 6 so they won't get lost when crossing the sea.
                      [This message has been edited by Xin Yu (edited May 16, 2000).]


                      • #12
                        Wow - not bad. I usually go the opposite route and build up my land army. We then leave coastal cities undefended except for Wonder cities and focus on destroying any incursion from the sea. If no units occupy the coastal cities, enemy ships can't bombard them.

                        By the time I have unified the island I usually have enough troops to defend against anything the enemy throws at me.

                        Oh yeah, and Toussaint's reputation is supposed to turn dishonorable . He backstabbed just about everyone in his attempts to create a free Haiti.


                        • #13
                          When you say "dream team" that is an understatement - the scenarios all of you guys are turning out is incredible - makes anything in CivII that was done by the "professionals" amateurish by comparison.

                          With the knowledge and skill you fellas have developed, you could probably start your own game company and develop your own "civ" game - and I'd definitely help out on the historical research part

                          Keep up the excellent work fellas - just great work by all of you....

                          Go tell the Spartans, passerby:
                          That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.


                          • #14
                            Blackclove: How's the contract thing going?

                            I played Toussaint again till turn 4. Again I used Spanish money and also sold some improvements to rush build frigates. I have the SETI, MICH, SUNTZU. (Nothing new here).

                            Then I talked to the Americans, which on turn 1 declared war on me. What I had was -- alliance and two techs (trade one, gift one)!

                            I have to restart to maximize the benifit. My plan is:
                            Talk to everybody on turn 1 and ask for tribute so they'll declare war.
                            Get 'Enlightment' from Spain on turn 2 (so American won't give me it as a gift), then after capturing the Mich city (event will give me a tech), trade with American for 'American tech', allied with it, and get a gift tech of 'Industry' (this is my science under research so my bulbs can be used for Monarchy).
                            Talk to French and trade 'American Tech' for 'Naval Architecture'.
                            Net effect: be able to produce 'Americans' (better defense than any Haiti units) and '2-deck ships', and soon will get Monarchy (hiring scientists will get me there by turn 6-7).
                            Drawback: French will be more difficult to defeat if it has the American units, so got to be fast to attack it.

                            If it works the game is pretty much won. I'll keep you informed. In the next version perhaps you can make the American tech cannot be traded?


                            • #15
                              The approach of my previous post really works. The only condition was that my reputation must be spotless (otherwise American and French won't trade tech). Which means, either I must provoke Spain to declare war on me by turn 5 (later than that an event will put my reputation to dishonorable), or I must seal the deal before my reputation drops. It is not always possible to make Spain declare war, but sometimes it works.

                              By turn 8 I got Monarchy. The net gain was huge (5 techs, 4 of them very useful, occupied 3 wonder cities, plus produced some vet frigates and was able to produce good land and sea units). Diplomacy wins this scenario.

