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Xin Yu's Strategy for Red Front 1.4 -- welcome comments

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  • #31
    What do you guys think, are the "fortified batteris" the same value as the "fortified positions? I think the latter has a health meter, whilst the other doesn't or at least you don't see it. I'm thinking theat the batteries (the concrete ones) are more powerful defenders. BTW- I'm not bothering to look in the rules.txt or whatever it is...
    I started RF again, this time on Colonel level. I'm trying to move the fortified positions around. Have you guys been able to get any into Moscow? Since they can't be 'activated' for a move, there is no way to airlift one there. Also the river isn't wide enogh for a freighter to steam one up.
    Surprisingly, the Germans are giving me a hard time at Moscow! They usually are more interested in the south, but with
    "fortified positions" in Sevastopol, Kerch and Rostov they are focusing up at Da Kapital! I managed to get a "fortified battery" into Leningrad, but by an embarrasing turn of events, I wasn't able to get the second one there, and it was stuck on a freighter in the lake just North of Leningrad. So I put it up in Kitalea(sp?) to hold down against the Finns. This is kinda a waste of the unit, but I can't get it to the town just East of Leningrad (because the Germans just captured it!). That town would have been a better place for itinstead of Kitalea. I'm holding Leningrad fine, but the Germans are moving a little south, and are have taken Cherepovits, and are threatening to break out into the Urals at several points.
    I wasn't able to set up the first turn for full fortified position movement. I hadn't decided if I was going to do it or not. I could have scouped up a few more of them. Some of them I built a city on, but kept them there, building anti-tanks defenses and keeping the Germans from breaking into the backcountry. I've got some KV1's going...starting to hold my ground now. I think they will get into the east and take some cities. It's the first snowfall, so I'll be moving lots of Siberian units into the backcountry to hold down the fort. I'm definately finding the difficulty level increase to be effecting my game.
    I'm getting my airforce going soon. Exclusively Il-2's, they will ease much preasure off of the front. Those bad boys can take out close to 20 units per turn!!!
    Just got my guard units, I haven't checked for the tanks, but many infantry have been promoted so far.
    Unfortunately, the last turn befor the winter the Germans captured Kiev. I shed a tear as the capital of my ancestral homeland fell, vowing to return with avengance.
    I had some more questions too...I can'rt remember them now. I'll think of them soon.
    I'll keep y'all posted on my progress...

    I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!


    • #32
      Something to consider for all scenarios:

      Even when special ressource terrain has different movecost and/or defense bonus than the regular terrain of the same type, Civ II ignores it...

      I just found this out by testing significantly different defensive values and verified that the game uses the basic terrain movecost and defense x for all slots of that type. Only the food, shield and arrow production numbers are affected by the special ressource flag.

      This nullifies the Sawmill, Izba and Kollektiv defense strategy in RedFront.


      • #33

        This nullifies the Sawmill, Izba and Kollektiv defense strategy in RedFront.

        Yeah, it didn't appear to be terribly effective. Thanks for the info Nemo.

        BTW- you probably have already seen this but check this out:

        Great site regarding Soviet tanks.

        I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!


        • #34
          Thanks Captain Nemo for pointing out the defense bonus thing. I'll still recommend building a city on the kollective square west of Moscow since that square is on river and strategically very important.

          Sten Sture: If Odessa and Nikolaev is safe, the German troops cannot get to Kherson easily. You must have evacuated the fortress square next to Kherson so German units can generate there from events. Do not leave any square which has a fortress, a fortified position, or a village unoccupied.


          • #35
            My Strategy:

            Run away. Run all the way to the Don. Then kill. Kill! KILL! ONWARDS COMRADES!! KILLLL!!!!!!


            • #36

              Do not leave any square which has a fortress, a fortified position, or a village unoccupied.

              So these are the places where those little devils multiply, huh? If you occupy these site, am I to assume that the German units will not be generated? Won't the AI just look for adjacent squares with which to fill with units?

              I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!


              • #37
                FMK: They'll still appear but will be far west of the positions. The events gave, say, 6 positions for a unit to be generated. The last in order would be a german controled square. So if they couldn't be generated in Russia they would be in Germany.


                • #38
                  Ok, ok,
                  Nice. That could buy you quite alot of time. But doesn't the AI hold these places in high regard? He will probably fight like the dickens to get there. This only works if you have the excess resources to pump units into fortresses.
                  So let's compile a list of these sites, I imagine that 1 of the 2 fortresses next to Kiev would be possible "generation location".

                  I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!


                  • #39
                    What I meant was that you should not remove soldiers from an occupied fortress within your territory.


                    • #40
                      Captain - thanks for catching that one... I thought I was just having bad luck. It does make sense now that I think about it, but from a strategy standpoint it really is too bad. I may still try to hold the two central front special cities (kollectiv north and ibza south) that I am building since they are on rivers and good geographically, but maybe I will just fortify them. The Ibza will at least have its 50% bonus...

                      (I am just in July on my second time through the summer of 41, and I swear I spend more time thinking about what to do than actually moving units)

                      Has anyone delivered a UK caravan to the US to get the immediate trade bonus instead of trying to get it to Murmansk/Archangel?? It isn't historically good to do and theoretically it should mess up some event somewhere, but I wonder if it helps to get an early advance quicker. Probably not, I don't think you could get 4 in the first three turns, prior to getting the refineries roaded in september.
                      Be the bid!


                      • #41
                        Xin, I must have left that fortress open or just Red Army guarded, I can't remember. It is one of the few fortresses on a river, so I hope I didn't leave it completely vacant, which would have been really dumb. IIRC I was thinking that troops would be stopped by the ZOC around Nikolayev, until after the fact, when I noticed that they had the ignore ZOC flag...

                        grrrrr - a three day weekend and I only got one turn in...
                        Be the bid!


                        • #42

                          grrrrr - a three day weekend and I only got one turn in...

                          Gees Sten, I got to '44 on a 2 day weekend!


                          • #43
                            But wont you need them in the cities?
                            Is this a worthwhile trade off?
                            If they capture cities what good is where the units are generated?

                            I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!


                            • #44
                              FMK: there are too many German tanks for you to hold a fortress square. You should try to hold the cities instead.

                              Here are possible good tactics using the Caucasus calvary unit:
                              a) use your cavalry to pillage enemy industrial squares. A Cavalry has move 2 and all as road. If you have a fighter leads its way it can go 5 squares into the enemy territory and pillage the squares.
                              b) use cavalries to occupy and fortify on forrests and spruces in the first Summer to delay enemy advance in the north-central front.
                              c) If you lost Rostov and enemy units were all over the Caucasus, you can send the calvaries to occupy and pillage the working squares of Rostov thus the city cannot support that many units. They will automatically be disbanded.


                              • #45
                                My first turn took me an hour and a half to plan everything and move it. I'll tell you it really paid off all four years.

