Ok, I just finished my RedFront 1.4 game in October of 1944 with 90% of Germany in my hands. I got a little tired of managing the 100 or so new units I was getting a turn and I figured it was all over already.
Here's what I did to win:
I liked Xin's tech strat. I took a spin on it though and in all cities west of the Don, set all workers in some cities and just those not producing enough shields for refugees.
I made sure I had ****LOADS of refugees (140 is a good number by November). I would build them in every city I could. Red Army units are worthless and even dangerous in the first part, DO NOT BUILD THEM. I would find sites with lots of plains and preferably a few grassland or kollektiv squares in the vacinity. I would usually set 6 refugees to a site for a city. I built around 5 cities near Stalingrad, and a few back in the Urals and beefed up other Ural cities. I'd bump up Ural cities with Steel mills to 8 in some cases. I'd make sure all the candidate cities got Grain Elevators ASAP.
The other part of the summer was that I would disband ANY red army that I couldn't rescue that the Germans had a CHANCE of Killing. I rescued all of the Fortified Positions possible with cities of my own and escorted them out. The one southeast of Moscow I left the city stay there. The germans lost about 80 units attacking that.
When Karl appeared, my cruisers were all there to say hi. I sent mass infantry to Kerch from Sevestapol to keep my forts up.
The spot between Narva and Leningrad was changed to a minefield and all areas with permanent forts got fortifications.
Then winter came. Muahahahaha! I was beginning to produce my first Il-2 squadrons. These would be funny next year. The puny Germans tried their luck outside Moscow, but ran into some minefields. I was having problems along the Don where I had pulled up some fortified positions, and the germans were flying by into the rear areas. Some T-34s cleared that up though.
A KEY THING I noted during the winter was what Airports could do. I already knew they would become railroads (which I used later BTW) when strung together. BUT in winter, when they are on the plains, they act LIKE INDUSTRY, and in the summer, they act like FARMLAND, so I put airports on all my industry squares next summer to get shields, trade, and mass shields from the square. I would airport first during the winter to get shields.
Summer of '42 came and so did Stalingrad. I had already evacuated that worthless city south of Stalingrad next to the german garbage barge on the river. The Il-2s tore everything up, and Rostov was quite safe thanks to a Fortified Position.
La la la, by January of 1943, I had about 80 T-34s ready for the Germans thanks to my happy happy Ural production (140 refugees are amazing!) Guess where they went? Oh yeah Stalingrad baby. Shoo! Bad Germans!
I tried a limited attack up near Moscow, but that got derailed because the Germans tore up Kaluga's anti-tank defenses (WTF?) and I lost 11 Units. Ouch. Well that's alright, I had a little present welling up near Kalinn and down near Voronezh (sp?). On the scale of another 20 T-34s in each area. Of course I had backed all these up with Katyushas from Stalingrad, Moscow, and that one city in the Urals with the 3 supersquares in the mountains.
The Summer of 1943 was Hillarious. This is so considering by August, I was in control of the Ploesti oil fields. There was a massacre of about 200 German infantry and armor units near Perekop thanks to about 100 T-34s, 20 Katyushas, and 15 Il-2s. By now I had a near infinite suplly of T-34/85s (thanks to the 35 a turn I was building).
Army group North had also made good progress, and the whole of the Front looked like a Giant pincer as South and North closed the gap around Minsk and the Pripyat. Kiev held out until next year... But I was ready for a huge breakout come next summer at Voronezh, because I was waiting for Kursk to end. Nothing like 50 T-34s for a Breakout.
The winter of '43-'44 saw little but the capture and surrender of Romania and the fall of Riga and Kaliningrad, Talinn, and Narva.
Haha summertime!
Let's just say Berlin fell in August of 1944.
It got a little hairy when I was producing 40 Motorized Infantry (those are cool!), 20 JS-2, 40 T-34/85, 20 Katyusha, 5 Yak-9, 15 Il-2, and 10 JSU-152 a turn. The fact that I had a straight line of airports from Chelybalinsk to Warsaw made resupply of the Red Front simple (oh yeah, except for moving 200 friggin units a turn to replace the 70 or so I lost
The Americans didn't do much but Multiply in Southern Italy.
I tell you now, mass refugees and airports are the key to production in this game.
Also, when rush-building ANYTHING, always buy a Red Army first, the 50,000 you pay helps defer the cost of the first few shields of any project, which is always HALF the cost of the item (even in diety, which I play on)
For example, a 1200 Gold ammunition plant will only cost about 500 Gold after you spend 50 gold on Red Army and switch it over.
I can also not stress the importance of getting convoys to Baku (3000 Gold and beakers is not to be turned up.)
Here's what I did to win:
I liked Xin's tech strat. I took a spin on it though and in all cities west of the Don, set all workers in some cities and just those not producing enough shields for refugees.
I made sure I had ****LOADS of refugees (140 is a good number by November). I would build them in every city I could. Red Army units are worthless and even dangerous in the first part, DO NOT BUILD THEM. I would find sites with lots of plains and preferably a few grassland or kollektiv squares in the vacinity. I would usually set 6 refugees to a site for a city. I built around 5 cities near Stalingrad, and a few back in the Urals and beefed up other Ural cities. I'd bump up Ural cities with Steel mills to 8 in some cases. I'd make sure all the candidate cities got Grain Elevators ASAP.
The other part of the summer was that I would disband ANY red army that I couldn't rescue that the Germans had a CHANCE of Killing. I rescued all of the Fortified Positions possible with cities of my own and escorted them out. The one southeast of Moscow I left the city stay there. The germans lost about 80 units attacking that.
When Karl appeared, my cruisers were all there to say hi. I sent mass infantry to Kerch from Sevestapol to keep my forts up.
The spot between Narva and Leningrad was changed to a minefield and all areas with permanent forts got fortifications.
Then winter came. Muahahahaha! I was beginning to produce my first Il-2 squadrons. These would be funny next year. The puny Germans tried their luck outside Moscow, but ran into some minefields. I was having problems along the Don where I had pulled up some fortified positions, and the germans were flying by into the rear areas. Some T-34s cleared that up though.
A KEY THING I noted during the winter was what Airports could do. I already knew they would become railroads (which I used later BTW) when strung together. BUT in winter, when they are on the plains, they act LIKE INDUSTRY, and in the summer, they act like FARMLAND, so I put airports on all my industry squares next summer to get shields, trade, and mass shields from the square. I would airport first during the winter to get shields.
Summer of '42 came and so did Stalingrad. I had already evacuated that worthless city south of Stalingrad next to the german garbage barge on the river. The Il-2s tore everything up, and Rostov was quite safe thanks to a Fortified Position.
La la la, by January of 1943, I had about 80 T-34s ready for the Germans thanks to my happy happy Ural production (140 refugees are amazing!) Guess where they went? Oh yeah Stalingrad baby. Shoo! Bad Germans!
I tried a limited attack up near Moscow, but that got derailed because the Germans tore up Kaluga's anti-tank defenses (WTF?) and I lost 11 Units. Ouch. Well that's alright, I had a little present welling up near Kalinn and down near Voronezh (sp?). On the scale of another 20 T-34s in each area. Of course I had backed all these up with Katyushas from Stalingrad, Moscow, and that one city in the Urals with the 3 supersquares in the mountains.
The Summer of 1943 was Hillarious. This is so considering by August, I was in control of the Ploesti oil fields. There was a massacre of about 200 German infantry and armor units near Perekop thanks to about 100 T-34s, 20 Katyushas, and 15 Il-2s. By now I had a near infinite suplly of T-34/85s (thanks to the 35 a turn I was building).
Army group North had also made good progress, and the whole of the Front looked like a Giant pincer as South and North closed the gap around Minsk and the Pripyat. Kiev held out until next year... But I was ready for a huge breakout come next summer at Voronezh, because I was waiting for Kursk to end. Nothing like 50 T-34s for a Breakout.
The winter of '43-'44 saw little but the capture and surrender of Romania and the fall of Riga and Kaliningrad, Talinn, and Narva.
Haha summertime!
Let's just say Berlin fell in August of 1944.
It got a little hairy when I was producing 40 Motorized Infantry (those are cool!), 20 JS-2, 40 T-34/85, 20 Katyusha, 5 Yak-9, 15 Il-2, and 10 JSU-152 a turn. The fact that I had a straight line of airports from Chelybalinsk to Warsaw made resupply of the Red Front simple (oh yeah, except for moving 200 friggin units a turn to replace the 70 or so I lost

The Americans didn't do much but Multiply in Southern Italy.
I tell you now, mass refugees and airports are the key to production in this game.
Also, when rush-building ANYTHING, always buy a Red Army first, the 50,000 you pay helps defer the cost of the first few shields of any project, which is always HALF the cost of the item (even in diety, which I play on)
For example, a 1200 Gold ammunition plant will only cost about 500 Gold after you spend 50 gold on Red Army and switch it over.
I can also not stress the importance of getting convoys to Baku (3000 Gold and beakers is not to be turned up.)