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Red Front v.1.4

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  • #16
    More on Red Front:

    Just started...

    They are coming in hard, but I was able to get some refugees out of there. Odessa is being hit hard, but surprisingly, I'm holding it! Soon I will retreat some men out of Odessa and let them have it. I'm saving some men for any final onslaught I will have to accomplish in '44-'45.
    Please Visit:

    And contribute if you can!


    • #17
      Hey there PolarisGL,
      Screw Odessa! Don't forget to pillage the industry square next to it before you split!
      If you are going to hold any of the Ukraine, hold Kiev. The "Wheat Fields" will help you during the winter. Also, any units you have now will be near-useless in 44-45. You'll be pumping out tons of armor by then anyway. So don't try to "save" 'em, just use 'em as Panzer-fodder to hold Kiev as long as possible.

      See you next December in the Kremlin, Komrade, when the first snow falls... if you are still there...


      • #18
        *cough* T-34/85 Guards *cough*
        Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


        • #19
          Just saw what you guys were complaining about on the "Wonder text". I have been playing FW and just loaded MPG on my laptop... Also went from 800 x 600 to 1400 x 1100 graphics.

          One of the two did it. Now I can only see 2/3 of the Wonder text. For that reason I think the game looks and plays better in FW.
          The High resolution screen setting just force me to use Max. zoom to see the units better, otherwise they look like ants scurrying (sp?) around. You can't get any more details anyway beyond the pixels that were entered in the basic graphic. Maybe in 1600 x 1200 (Twice normal 800 x 600) you get exactly 4 times the view area and perfectly crisp (but small) units. At the 1400 x 1100 you get a scaling factor that distorts the picture unless you go to max zoom in which case it looks just like 800 x 600!
          Alex E-mailed me that he has placed the scenario on his site.


          • #20
            Nice Captain Nemo!!!
            Nice find... so what does all that jargon mean up there? I need to get FW to have it look right? I'm using MGE. The graphics look great to me.
            So is there a way to fix this by changing some of that mumbo-jumbo in the rules.txt or what ever?
            Could you post it if there is a fix. I know it's small but like I said before, you put so much work into this, it's only fitting for it to be perfect.
            I'll still play it anyway!!!


            • #21

              Will do, going to find time for it today.

              I've had the last two days off from the observatory, and might I say it is a huge load off my back!
              Please Visit:

              And contribute if you can!


              • #22
                BTW-Nemo, great job on the .bat files, especially for lazy people like me
                Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                • #23

                  BTW-Nemo, great job on the .bat files, especially for lazy people like me

                  Indeed, the new menu selection aparatus is yet another small detail that combine to make this the best scenario currently available. Perhaps ever available....?

                  I always feared that my mouse-aim would be off and I'd load the wrong season!

                  I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!


                  • #24
                    Hey Nemo, may I ask what the "village" units do? They just get destroyed. I can understand the Stalin Line as it's a nice "personal" touch, but the villages are few and don't do anything. Or does it trigger a moveunit event or more units? Otherwise, I'm sure it could've been used for another type of unit
                    Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                    • #25
                      never mind about that question, Scott F told me why
                      Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                      • #26
                        Well just in case someone else is curious:

                        1. The village unit only exists in the first summer. Thereafter the unit is promply turned into someting more exciting... As is every other unit that goes away after a while, like the Russian General, the Stalin Line, the German Feldmarshal, the Pontoon Bridge, The river mines, the Russian fortified positions etc... Not a slot is wasted otherwise there would be more units!

                        2. Their function: imagine 100s of Germans desperately trying to hop into those squares, just waiting for that first Panzer to reach the Russian village and blow it to pieces... Got the picture? BTW they look like isolated "suburb" squares so they are as inconspicuous as possible.
                        [This message has been edited by Captain Nemo (edited March 27, 2000).]


                        • #27


                          • #28
                            Captain Nemo,
                            Just out of curiousity, why not have the German units be created inside cities instead of using a unit space for the village?


                            • #29
                              Very good question!
                              To outwit the idiotic AI! Units created in cities like to immediately fortify there making for huge garrisons but very little agressive behavior or conquest... Once fortified it is impossible to get them to move out even with repeated move commands.

                              The AI is actually continuously trying to lose the game... what I had to do was to outwit him and fool him into making some semi-intelligent moves!


                              • #30
                                Is that the case for both defensive and offensive units?
                                "I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."

