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The Civilization II Scenario Creation Team: Official Website Launched!

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  • The Civilization II Scenario Creation Team: Official Website Launched!

    Yes, I am now one of the main guys of the creation team. Sound engineer of Aufstieg and head engineer of Vive l'Empeuer! Wish us luck! If we get popular enough, DanQ said Apolyton would host us. We just want it to get larger, and Aufstieg's release date has not been announced. Keep close eye on the site for a release date. Thanks for your support so far, everyone! Tell us how you like the site!
    Nicholas Crown
    The War of Civilization - An online Civilization text game.

  • #2
    What's up with this Aufstieg thing? I've heard of it, but aren't there 50 World War 2 scens already? What'll make this one any different?

    And best of luck with you Napolean scenario. Great page, too.
    sigs are for fools who havent said enough!


    • #3
      Djugashvili, thank you for your comment. Don't wish just me luck, wish all seven of us who are working on it!

      We plan to make Aufstieg the World War II scenario to end all WW2 scenarios, even dominate Red Front. SEVEN PEOPLE are working on the scenario, and the scenario will be in Fantastic Worlds format. Thanks for your reply!
      Nicholas Crown
      The War of Civilization - An online Civilization text game.


      • #4
        DarthVeda, maybe YOU can't do it, but WE can. And yes, all seven are working on it you ****ing loser so shut the **** up *******.

        The Civilization II Scenario Creation Team Website will now be hosted off Sidgames ASAP. I am the new staff member at SG too, doing many sections to kick Apolyton's ass.

        With me going to Sidgames forums and community will be JP, DM, and many others. APOLYTON IS GOING DOWN, TRUST ME!

        Nick Crown (Greek.)
        The definitive source for strategy gaming.
        Nicholas Crown
        The War of Civilization - An online Civilization text game.


        • #5
          I don't want to be too picky, but it should be "Vive l'Empereur" not "Vive l'Empeuer". Unless it is some strange word I don't know which isn't french for emperor.
          Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


          • #6

            Though coordination between all of us is not 100% correctly, and I did not know until now that Nick was also on the team, yes there are a large number of people working on this project. Yes, working, not sitting on their ass! We all have done a lot of work already, I'm not going to tell where we stand exactly, but a number of units have already been created. From scratch, not copied, obviously.

            As for Vive l'Empereur, I know nothing about that, and I think Nick means that he's working on that one on his own.

            As for your saying that FW is out, I think ToT is great but it still remains to be proven. To me, it lacks the simpleness, also the amount of people owing ToT. For the moment, which may take until the release of Civ III, which I doubt will be so quickly judging past releases in the Civilization series, for the moment FW is still the number one way of making a scenario.

            I agree with you that many scenarios that try to become great fail, but on the other hand, some scenarios which try to become great to succeed. When you don't believe that your scenario is going to be great, you can better not even start it. I think however, that it's best to keep it to yourself and only reveal it once ready. This will surprise everybody and make it much greater.
            Also, a scenario with 7 people working on it has never happened before. Not since the release of Civilization II, although many times it has been tried and failed. That it has progressed this far already seems special already.

            A scenario might take 2 afternoons, or might take half a year, and still both may be good. However, you wíll notice the difference in quality between both of these after two months, three months. When you get tired of the one, but not of the other. Sure, not every member of the team may be working as hard as others, but you should realise that a scenario takes time, and the longer you take after you finished it and before publishing it, the greater it will be. Take Red Front. Captain Nemo has pointed out that it has taken him about half a year to finish. Do you really think he has spent all this time just to draw those great units, to put in place those hundreds of cities? No, that might have taken him 2 weeks, 4 weeks. He could have published it right then. We all would have thought "oh nice scenario, fun to play" and forget it. What makes it so great is that after those 4 weeks, it has been playtested for 5 more months, looked into every minor detail. Every unit must have been drawn over since, there must be twice as many units now as then.

            You have seen no artwork, no planning details? No screenshots or no dialogues? So much the better. The less everybody sees, the better the surprise will be. I have made the mistake before of advertising too much before the release, and I've learned from that that it's better to say nothing at all.

            understand me well. I'm not trying to defend Nick. I often don't agree with him, but I'm not interested to participate in those childish "no" and "yes" games. On this one, however, in scenario creation in general, let him speak (hopefully let him not speak too much, revealing too much), but form your opinion only after you played Aufstieg.

            Nick, I would advise you to stop talking too much about the scenario, as I believe I have made clear before in this post, since it will only give the scenario a bad reputation.

            Thank you for your attention.


            • #7
              I'm not attacking the project, only the doof that I mentioned a few posts earlier. I hope Aufstieg is a great scenario. I just haven't seen anything of it yet.

              Saying it will be great and will be the best is incredibly arrogant--I can't stand for that kind of ****.

              The proof is in the pudding, and I ain't seen no pudding!

              So thou hast no right to gloat.


              • #8
                Allard, did you get my email?
                Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                • #9
                  With me going to Sidgames forums and community will be JP, DM, and many others. APOLYTON IS GOING DOWN, TRUST ME!

                  As the official PR Rep of SidGames I would recommend that you avoid bashing Apolyton.:-)

                  St. Leo
                  Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                  • #10
                    If you really had 7 ppl working full time on your team, you could have this scenario out by April, at most.
                    I don't think full time. Nobody works on their scenarios full time. But good luck to all.
                    Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                    • #11
                      I've had enough! Darth, Nick go sit at the other table! I mean it! Now! Too much! Go sit over there! Yes, by yourselves! Now! What? Afraid he's going to hurt you..?

                      Argueing; Don't start none, won't be none.


                      • #12
                        Allard, EXCELLENT SPEACH! John should have talked to everyone about Vive l'whatever.

                        St.Leo, understandable. ,

                        Fast Eddie, ok, I'll go into my corner now. As long as I can play with the Flinstones telephone!

                        DarthVeda, wish us luck! Thanks for the items, nothing against you.

                        Geez, now I'm gonna be in a good mood for the rest of my life.

                        Dan and Mark, I love the new front page, I like how you can see the updates clearly. Good work!

                        Nick Crown (Greek.)
                        The definitive source for strategy gaming.
                        Nicholas Crown
                        The War of Civilization - An online Civilization text game.


                        • #13
                          BEWARE: This is the Uber NickC Flame!

                          Um, Nick, It would be propper to point out that in late 2000-early 2001, Civ3 will be out, or very close to it. I wouldn't plan scenario production beyond that.

                          You keep referring to Aufstieg in the future tense, am I to believe that work has not even passed the planning stage?

                          You claim to have 7 people on the project, but I doubt it is really that high, you MIGHT have 2 people that are really working on it. The other 5 are just sitting on their ass until something is given to them.

                          I would also like to point out that FW is an outmoded medium of Civ2, you could never produce the paradigm WWII scenario on it.

                          One of the sure signs of failure is the aspiration to greatness. Every scenario I've created that I imagined from the start would be worshiped by the general public, has been a total P.O.S.

                          The scenarios I work at without dillusions of grandeur usually turn out to be the greatest masterpieces of my portfolio. (I created GangWars in little under a July month and that turned out to be one of my best scenarios... and I've learned so much more since then).

                          If you really had 7 ppl working full time on your team, you could have this scenario out by April, at most.

                          We have seen no screenshots, no planning details, no artwork, no credible dialogue as to the nature of this Uber Scenario. My point is, PUT UP OR SHUT UP!

                          I've had e-fuk-ing-nuff of your BS about your great scenario(s). I have never seen a pic of them, and the ones you put up recently for TSW don't impress me in the least. It's all been done before!

                          Coming in here and acting like you are GOD is not going to win you any awards. You better get some proof before you come in here and act like the supreme @$$hole being.

