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Calling all ToT owners! Please help me make a map!

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  • Calling all ToT owners! Please help me make a map!

    Hi there!

    I wish to ask anyone who has the time to help me place cities on a ToT map.

    The goal is to create a copy of the Dictator 3 map...
    Then again, it might be a good chance to create a new WW2 map!

    What I had planned was the volunteer poster(s) and I would take a civ each and place cities and improvements...

    This task would assure that all important cities are placed where the community wants them.

    I am always up for co-operation in making scenarios as they are made with the CIV2 communities in mind!

    The powers are:
    Brit Commonwealth

    Using the Dictator 3 map, I have a full list of city co-ordinates made by Poly OT crusader, Ben Kenobi!

    So placing will be easy enough!

    Please help me make Dictator-3 ToT a reality!

    *Aragorn mode*
    "What say you?"

  • #2
    The Cities as made by Ben Kenobi!

    Third Reich
    Berlin - 138,58
    Leipzig - 137,61
    Hamburg - 136,56
    Königsberg- 144,54
    Frankfurt - 135,63
    München - 137,65
    Milano - 136,68
    Rome - 137,71
    Tirana - 142,70
    Trieste - 139,67
    Prague - 139,63
    Stettin - 139,55
    Tobruk - 146,84
    Tripoli -138,84
    Trondheim - 138,40
    Vienna - 141,65
    Warsaw - 146,58
    Amsterdam - 133,57
    Bergen - 135,45
    Breslau - 141,61
    Copenhagen -136,52
    Danzig - 142,56
    Hammerfest - 146,34
    Helsinki - 146,34
    Köln - 134,60
    Narvik - 142,36
    Oslo - 138,48
    Brest - 127,61
    Paris - 130,62
    Lyon - 132,66
    Marseille - 133,69
    Perpignan - 130,70
    Nantes - 128,64
    Bordeaux - 128,68
    Poznan - 143,59
    Moscow - 156,52
    Leningrad - 150,44
    West Stalingrad - 161,63
    East Stalingrad - 164,62
    Kiev - 153,59
    Minsk - 151,55
    Odessa - 151,63
    Omsk - 185,55
    Orenburg - 169,61
    Orsk - 174,64
    Petropavlovsk - 243,55
    Sevastopol - 153,65
    Tblisi - 159,71
    Pskov - 151,51
    Riga - 147,51
    Rostov - 156,64
    Saratov - 163,57
    Tallinn - 148,48
    Ufa - 170,54
    Vladivostok - 221,69
    Vologda - 157,47
    Yakutsk - 219,49
    Yekaterinburg - 177,51
    Alma Ata - 176,72
    Arkhangelsk - 157,41
    Astrakhan - 164,66
    Baku - 162,72
    Chelyabinsk - 176,56
    Guryev - 167,65
    Irkutsk - 202,58
    Kazan - 164,54
    Khabarovsk - 223,59
    Kharkov - 156,60
    Krasnodar - 157,67
    Krasnovodsk - 168,74
    Krasnoyarsk - 194,54
    Kursk - 156,56
    Magadan - 237,47
    Murmansk - 151,35
    Gorkiy- 161,51
    NOVOSIBIRSK - 189,53
    Washington DC - 74,76
    New York - 77,71
    Boston - 79,67
    Philadelphia - 75,73
    Atlanta - 70,80
    Chicago - 65,71
    Seattle - 44,66
    San Francisco - 43,77
    Miami - 72,88
    Houston - 60,86
    Buffalo - 74,68
    St-Louis - 64,74
    Saipan - 247,103
    Salt Lake City - 49,73
    San Juan - 84,102
    Tallahassee - 70,84
    Wake - 262,100
    Anchorage - 24,46
    Bismarck - 56,66
    Davao - 218,114
    Guam - 244,108
    Honolulu - 18,104
    Detroit - 70,68
    New Orleans - 64,84
    Denver - 57,73
    Dallas - 60,80
    Los Angeles - 46,80
    San Diego - 47,83
    Phoenix - 52,80
    Minneapolis - 62,66
    Pittsburgh - 71,73
    Manila - 214,106
    Midway - 280,82
    Panama - 73,113
    Portland - 43,71



    ST. LOUIS should be at 65,77

    British Allies
    London - 128,56
    Plymouth - 126,58
    Glasgow - 126,50
    Belfast - 124,54
    Luanda - 138,32
    Madras - 186,108
    Mandalay - 197,97
    Mecca - 159,97
    Melbourne - 230,172
    Montreal - 76,62
    Nairobi - 155,125
    Newcastle - 128,52
    Perth - 211,163
    Port Moresby - 233,135
    Quebec - 79,61
    Rabaul - 236,130
    Rangoon - 197,103
    Regina - 51,59
    Salisbury - 146,150
    Singapore - 202,120
    Suez - 153,87
    Sydney - 235,167
    Thunder Bay - 66,62
    Toronto - 72,64
    Valletta - 139,77
    Vancouver - 44,62
    Walvis Bay - 141,157
    Wellington - 252,172
    Winnipeg - 56,60
    Addis Abeba - 156,112
    Adelaide - 227,165
    Aden - 161,105
    Alexandria - 149,87
    Athens - 144,74
    Baghdad - 160,80
    Bandjarmasin - 209,125
    Bangalore - 183,105
    Batavia - 204,130
    Bombay - 181,95
    Brisbane - 236,160
    Broome - 216,148
    Brunei - 210,116
    Cairo - 150,90
    Calcutta - 192,94
    Canberra - 232,168
    Cape Town - 142,168
    Cooktown - 231,143
    Damascus - 156,82
    Darwin - 223,139
    Delhi - 184,88
    Durban - 149,63
    Frederikshab - 95,47
    Georgetown - 86,116
    Gibraltar - 126,76
    Hong Kong - 209,99
    Hyderabad - 185,99
    Iraklion - 146,78
    Jerusalem - 155,85
    Johannesburg - 148,58
    Karachi - 176,90
    Kathmandu - 192,88
    Khartoum - 152,104
    Kuala Lumpur - 201,117
    Lagos - 133,117
    Lahore - 180,82

    Brisbane needs to be moved to 233,153

    Japanese Empire
    Tokyo - 228,78
    Truk - 242,118
    Amoy - 211,95
    Aomori - 228,72
    Changchung - 217,67
    Chengdu - 209,81
    Formosa - 214,96
    Fuzhou - 213,91
    Hakodate - 230,70
    Hanoi - 203,99
    Harbin - 219,63
    Iwo Jima - 235,95
    Karafuto - 229,65
    Kyoto - 225,77
    Mijsaki - 224,84
    Nanjing - 212,84
    Nunchang - 210,90
    Okinawa - 221,89
    Osaka - 226,80
    Peking - 210,76
    Qingdao - 214,80
    Saigon - 204,112
    Sapporo - 231,67
    Sendai - 229,75
    Seoul - 218,76
    Shanghai - 214,86
    Shenyang - 215,71
    Shimonoseki - 223,81

    SAIGON should be
    at 205,109

    Neutral Allies
    Madrid - 125,73
    Bangkok - 201,109
    Barcelona - 128,74
    Belem - 92,124
    Buenos Aires - 87,163
    Casablanca - 124,82
    Dakar - 118,106
    Havana - 73,95
    Istanbul - 150,70
    Izmir - 149,75
    Lima - 73,131
    Merida - 66,98
    Mexico - 61,101
    Monrovia - 126,116
    Monterrey - 59,93
    Montevideo - 91,163
    Oran - 129,79
    Padang - 197,121
    Porto Alegre - 95,153
    Recife - 105,135
    Reikjavik - 114,42
    Rio de Janeiro - 101,147
    San Julian - 82,180
    Santiago - 80,162
    Santo Domingo - 80,100
    Stockholm - 141,45
    Tarfaya - 119,89
    Tunis - 136,78
    Algiers - 132,78
    Ankara - 152,72
    Arica - 75,141
    Bahia Blanca - 86,172

    Caracas 80,112
    Medellin 77,117
    Quito 74,124
    San Juan 68,108

    Budapest - 144,64
    Belgrade - 145,67
    Bucharest - 148,66
    Baotou - 206,74
    Baiyu - 198,90
    Yinchuan - 201,71
    Xining - 197,75
    Xi'an - 205,79
    Wuhan - 207,87
    Turpan - 194,68
    Tehran - 166,80
    Shiraz - 167,89
    Lanzhou - 201,77
    Langchow - 207,69
    Kunming - 201,95
    Kashgar - 189,69
    Kabul - 175,79
    Guiyang -205,93
    Chengdu - 202,88


    • #3
      If the cities are the same, couldn't you use CivConverter to change the MGE version to ToT? That should save some time...
      Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


      • #4
        Civconvertor does not make fully workable scn files.

        I could not open certain menus, for instance...


        • #5
          Isn't that a textfile issue, or solved if you open it as a savegame? Or maybe this can be fixed by copying the map and city sections of the CivConverted scenario to a new ToT one or so.
          Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


          • #6
            Well at the heart of the matter, it's really just the scn file that needs converted, unless I am wrong?

            I have made all the other txt and graphic files...

            Do you have a copy of the convertor?
            It's a process I can no longer do, as my current OS does not like MS-DOS actions...


            • #7
              Yes I do... I could have a little try, if you attach/mail the scenario/savegame.

              Edit: I don't know how fast I'll be though.
              Last edited by Mercator; February 19, 2004, 14:09.
              Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mercatore Uno
                Yes I do... I could have a little try, if you attach/mail the scenario/savegame.

                Edit: I don't know how fast I'll be though.
                No problem...I would be grateful.
                I'll try this option to try and shave off some development time.

                And there is no big rush, just post in this thread when you get the chance.

                Good luck!

                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Here's the first attempt... A scenario and savegame. The scenario is just a straight conversion. I created the savegame by loading the scenario (as a savegame) and saving it.
                  Attached Files
                  Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                  • #10
                    Great work, Mercator!

                    I am in your debt!

                    It seems that the conversion process resets all civ contact to 0.

                    To re-align the civ's contact is a case of merely putting a unit next to a rival city/unit.

                    This has saved me a few week's work!



                    • #11
                      Let's hope there aren't any unexpected problems down the road, so you have to do it all anyway... After first working on this one for a few weeks.

                      Oh, and don't forget to thank Angelo Scotto!
                      Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                      • #12
                        Curt, if you retain your original unit placement, check their orders. CivConverter doesn't always correctly translate "go to" orders. They often end up as "build transporter" or "no orders".
                        Catfish's Cave - Resources for Civ2: Test of Time | Test of Time FAQ | War of the Ring scenario


                        • #13
                          I will, don't worry about that!

                          There are no move orders at the moment, but I will check everything...


                          • #14

                            You do such good work, that I eagerly await your scenarios. Played and loved all of the Dictator versions and really appreciate people who design for TOT. I even enjoyed Battle of WW2 on TOT. Keep up the good work.


                            • #15
                              Kaptain Ken!

                              Many thanks!

                              Dictator 3 will be an attempt to make my best scen ever.
                              I plan to make avi movies for it, and give it the works in terms of events!

                              Stay tuned, dude!

