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Playtest - Atomic Eagle: Part 1

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  • #16
    Originally posted by GoPostal
    Limey! I'll send you the link after I get the second batch of files in order.


    • #17
      found another mistake. When Signal 5 is killed British units are created in South America. Rogue units are supposed to be created so that the Brits just don't capture the city. Also, it seems that only about 6 rogue units can be created upon killing Signal 5, so I'll have to change the Signal 5 kill to Georgetown capture. Odd.

      I will also have to distinguish the Abwehr units from the Axis as they are the same units. I have room.


      • #18
        Ok, solution to timing problem with Caracas and Georgetown. Upon the destruction of the ore factory a rogue air units will be created around Caracas. These units will have zero movement and can only be destroyed by a unit that can attack air - an Abwehr special unit. This special unit will be created upon Axis capture of Georgetown.


        • #19
          Whatever you say, Master!
          Just give me the files!
          (But don't forget that the Axis units get lost somewhere in South America instead of taking those damned cities.)

          Geehrteste Gertrude,
          I' ve been sent off to duties elsewhere. My men are really eager to help the causes of the Great Reich, but many dangers are on the road ahead. I can only say this: We will be fighting the King of the Savanna as much as the Jaguar hiding in the deep 'Regenwald' of the Amazonas.
          Hopefully I'll be back in time to see the fruit of our love be born...

          Mit groesster Liebe,

          Last edited by Ceteram; December 29, 2003, 13:59.
          Ceteram Macedonicus
          (got the 'Macedonicus' part as a title for playtesting Bernd's Imperium Romanum)


          • #20
            Ok, that problem is fixed. For some reason the Rogue units didn't want to be created in the city of Caracas. I just had them appear outside of the city. And if your wondering, the Axis Fallshirmjager will continually be replenished whereas the Rogue units will not.

            There is a bit of a time contraint for the Abwehr missions. As you are working your way through the map the Americans are researching the techs leading up to the creation of the Breeder Reactor. The Breeder Reactor wonder allows for the US Atomic Bomber to be built. The bomber is exceedingly expensive and I do currently have an event that creates a new bomber every 20 turns, but I'm sure the AI will manage to float some over to you. If this turns out to be to much of an advantage then I will figure out a way to curb the production.

            So the one fact of the Abwehr missions is that you need to hurry and get them done so you can move on to the Nazi part of the scenario. There is peace between the Allies and the Nazis until you finish the Abwehr missions, but the AI will be building units in the meantime. Don't fret, the Nazi civ is doing the same. One more thing, the Nazis can only research Future Tech until the Abwehr missions are done. So there is a definate bonus in finishing the missions early.

            Adds a bit of randomness into the scenario too.


            • #21

              I moved the Axis Fallshirmjager from the Amzon to just outside of Georgetown. Hopefully this will make them take the city quicker. If they don't I'll have an invincible, no move Abwehr unit in the Amazon to direct the Axis to better corral the units.

              Oh, and if you want to put any new stuff in the describe etc, files then go right ahead. Send the edited files to me and I'll put them in the next upload. Just let me handle the Events text as I want to keep a storyline feel to things.


              • #22
                "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                It can only be achieved by understanding"


                • #23

                  I just love watching a CIV2 legend being made!

                  @Harry, if you have the time, feel free to drop me off a zip with any new content to my usual email.

                  I'm addicted to this scen!


                  • #24
                    Let's roll, then!
                    Gentlemen, in order to respect the Creator, we've got some work ahead.
                    (tomorrow after my "Kater")
                    Ceteram Macedonicus
                    (got the 'Macedonicus' part as a title for playtesting Bernd's Imperium Romanum)


                    • #25
                      @Harry if you need me to help neaten up any unit shield layouts or such, just say the word!


                      • #26
                        "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

                        All those who want to die, follow me!
                        Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


                        • #27
                          Ok, still waiting on the hex edit. In the meantime I have added shields to the generic units and legs to the AA gun. Also I have included a trench unit for the Caracas mission derived from a civ3 unit I picked up. It fits in. Besides that, just twiddling my thumbs and thinking of another scenario idea...


                          • #28
                            Looking forward to test the new files.
                            The differences I was able to notice with the new .scn:

                            The Americans opened the diplomatic channel twice (1st I refused, 2nd was their discovery of "Breeder Program").

                            Every turn or so, the Axis would discover Future Tech, of course telling me so. It's a tad annoying and Out Of Character, imho.

                            Looking forward,
                            Ceteram Macedonicus
                            (got the 'Macedonicus' part as a title for playtesting Bernd's Imperium Romanum)


                            • #29
                              I would suggest making Future Tech into "European Reconstruction Phase 1"...etc...

                              Just an idea!


                              • #30
                                Ok, I will cut back on the tech research and make it harder. The tech paradign will be set at 800. This should make the Americans research at about 16 turns per tech and the Nazis at 14 turns per tech. Since the American tech tree is shorter this should be no problem. Plus no more annoying popups

                                Hmmm, as for diplomacy that should be turned off. The Americans called me up and stuck their new Plutonium bomb research in my face to gloat, but there has been no acts of war the regular diplomacy stuff.

                                And no new files have been uploaded yet. I will announce their upload when it happens.

