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New scenario: Greek war of independence 1821-1832

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  • #61
    thank you Gerry )))

    Gerry, you are certainly a great help, this is my first scenario as you know and i am really very happy for your support, you will be in the text file thats for sure

    and so will be Tanelorn, since i am using some of his- not sure if they are by him, or just selected by him- units (for the non-greek units, but also for all of the ships)

    here is a look at units atm:

    I didnt know how much work was needed to make a civ2 scenario, untill i started to make one myself. Now i know that it takes months even to start having units that dont look like utter crap (i hope that they are generally acceptable now) There are really thousants of things that one can do, and even the most impressive scenarios dont employ all of the graphical slots, at least i havent seen a scenario that uses both the railway slots and the mountain slots for new graphics, or one that has that and also all new cities, or one that has all that plus huge tech tree with individual branches for each nation, and then there are so much more things one can do! But i realise that one doesnt need to do ALL that so as to make a fun scenario, and that is very good, since at the rate i am going if i dont make some general plans for the limits of this scenario i will just give up (and i dont want to do that at all!) By the way it seems that the topic of the greek war of independence is cursed for civ2 scenario making but i am confident that i will release this I will probably focus more on balance of power and fun than history see you soon
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Varwnos; November 6, 2003, 20:16.


    • #62
      The units are really nice varwnos! keep up the good work
      "Peace cannot be kept by force.
      It can only be achieved by understanding"


      • #63
        The units look nice, but the wepons the greek soldiers have are alittle "hidden". I like it when you can see the weapon more clerly, like on the turkish infantry. But maby thats just me...
        "You should count all humans as your kinfolk and the whole world as your foster country."
        - Queen Kristina


        • #64
          But don´t get me wrong, the units are verry good any way.
          "You should count all humans as your kinfolk and the whole world as your foster country."
          - Queen Kristina


          • #65
            ...And one other thing. I love scenarios with a simple begining. You don´t have many units and when you get more units you can keep an eye on them. I often seem to neglect manny units if there are too manny that I havent built and sent there my self.
            "You should count all humans as your kinfolk and the whole world as your foster country."
            - Queen Kristina


            • #66

              thank you Arthedain & Gerry

              yes, there wont be seas of units, only the ottomans probably will have many from the start, but they are of considerably weaker power.


              -new unit for greek leader (in the pic)

              -some other new units, variations (one of them in the pic, island greek unit)

              -probably wont have "egyptians" as a nation, since i dont really see the point. this means however that now there is room for one more nation. I could make "nation" Philhellenes, with lord byron and some english and french, and even an american unit. Any suggestions? (atm lord byron is either a southern, or an epirotan greek unit, and so is his byronic guard)

              also i havent yet created any mounted unit, because i suck at them, so if anyone wants to he can help with mounted greek units, using preferably the horse that the mounted ottoman unit has otherwise probably i wont have any of them unless i can create anything half-decent

              here is the pic:
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Varwnos; November 7, 2003, 12:20.


              • #67
                how about a vote?

                since the "nation" egyptians was dropped (they will be simply ottoman units) i am undecided on whether i will have a 7nth nation or not, and which it will be if i have one. I am thinking that the more rational choice would be to have a "nation" under Maurokordatos to represent the civil war that broke out in 1823 (i think it was in 23) while the war of independence was still going on. The problem with this is whether it will be fun or not.

                changes since the last report:

                -minor changes in some units/also picked some more units by others. turns out that i havent selected anything made by Tanelorn (at least not yet)

                -decided that the island greeks will start with many island cities, since it is really boring to have all of them be liberated through events, with units popping up here and there, since then i would have to do that for all of them. Only exception is the city of Chios, which is part of an event

                -probably the macedonian greek "nation" will not have any city. But if people want the scenario to be more about fun they can have one, expansion is impossible though since Thessalonike stands between them and the rest of the map, apart from one other city. I could ofcourse give them a city somewhere else, and keep them into play, it would be more fun, your thoughts?

                -"nation" Epirotan Greeks starts with one or two cities, and is safe for the first rounds, since Vilaeti of Ioannena stands between it and the ottoman armies. So its fun and playable

                -Southern greeks start with one city, near where the greek flag was hoisted for the first time to signal the revolution

                -Decided to have unit "settler" not available in the start, but only through research (after all its the middle of a war!!!)

                -i plan to have barbarian activity in the game, to represent outlaws and groups of mountain bandits, who many times acted indiferently to the revolution

                If i have the 7nth nation be the other side of the civil war i am not sure what the benefit will be, as opposed to having the enemies in the civil war be depicted as regular barbarians units through events, after all they dont start with any city, and will just have an imobile unit somewhere.

                Other candidates for a seventh nation?

                Btw, Tanelorn, you had some french units in your unit collection, did the french take part in the defence of the vilaeti of Ioannena?

                see you soon



                • #68

                  1. basic macedonian greek unit
                  2. strong island greek unit
                  3. Lord Byron & byronic guard
                  4. Kolokotronis & guard
                  5. basic southern greek unit
                  6. generic greek unit "revolutionary"

                  Attached Files


                  • #69
                    I am afraid that no island Greeks wear "foustaneles" (Greek "kilts"), they wear loose black/ blue baggy pants (vrakes) instead. Foustaneles are particular to mainland Greece, only. The kilt itself is a great source of pride and tradition (its basic piece is a sleeved tunic- ÷åéñéäùôïò ÷éôùí). Also, in some parts of northern Greece people wear a flat scull cap (kalpaki) instead of the fez or woollen cap (fesi) and long white pants, though white pants are rare.
                    "Whoever thinks freely, thinks well"
                    -Rigas Velestinlis (Ferraios)
                    "...êáé ô' üíïìá ôçò, ôï ãëõêý, ôï ëÝãáíå Áñåôïýóá..."
                    "I have a cunning plan..." (Baldric)


                    • #70
                      well, this is a game, not a historical army unit catalog

                      ofcourse if you are offering to make those units i will accept them

                      i think that the units are looking a bit better now though


                      • #71
                        starting the game as the epirotan greeks

                        your starting screen
                        Attached Files


                        • #72
                          Could this on the left settlement be Souli? Agrafa perhaps? Yes, I might give it a try once I get some free time (lack of it explains why I haven't drawn much lately).
                          "Whoever thinks freely, thinks well"
                          -Rigas Velestinlis (Ferraios)
                          "...êáé ô' üíïìá ôçò, ôï ãëõêý, ôï ëÝãáíå Áñåôïýóá..."
                          "I have a cunning plan..." (Baldric)


                          • #73
                            i never even thought of Souli (certainly it is important in the history of the revolution) but dont know where exactly it should be placed on the map! (i know its in Epiros, ok, but not quite where!)

                            Also i am trying to find out where in the Pelloponese is Methone and Korone, since historically they were two of the few towns which werent liberated easily. If you can post any link to a map with any of those towns it would be very helpfull

                            ps i could always use your unit, the one with the blue coat and the "kalpaki", it certainly looks very cool, i am only afraid that it wouldnt fit in with my units (it looks better than them)

                            also i am trying to find a reasonably good timeline of the greek war of independence, again without success, so if you have any site in mind please post

                            btw did you have any icons ready for your scenario? (i need them too)

                            see you around


                            • #74
                              It would be nice if i could get some help with the icons, it isnt much fun trying to do everything by oneself (let alone the end result being not as good)

                              so, optimistic that i may urge someone to help, i post yet another pick, this time YOU are in control of the Vilaeti of Ioannena, and the glorius city of Ioannena
                              Attached Files


                              • #75
                                What kind of help do you need with the icons? I can look fore some icons but I can´t make icons.
                                "You should count all humans as your kinfolk and the whole world as your foster country."
                                - Queen Kristina

