A discussion of 15-bit ToT units in the Speculative Units thread led to the proposal of applying 24-bit “skins” to existing 8-bit Nemo-style isometric units. I posted a few examples of recoloured units showing how you could quickly and easily create camouflage effects using textures from the Paint Shop Pro library. This perked the interest of Fairline and Curt Sibling and I was asked to detail the procedure.
I’ll be using Paint Shop Pro 8.01 to demonstrate the method, but the same technique can be used in Photoshop. The following assumes basic knowledge of PSP:
1. Open up your units file in PSP. If it uses the 8-bit Civ2 palette, go to the Image menu -> Increase Color Depth -> 16 Million Colors (24-bit). In this example, we’ll use Nemo’s Panther tank.
2. Isolate the unit you want to work on if it’s in a large units file. Copy and paste as a new image. You’ll want to make the image background uniform – it makes it easier to select the parts of the unit you want. Most units have magenta (#FF00FF) and purple (#875487) backgrounds. Use the Color Replacer tool with tolerance 0 to ditch one of them.
3. Using the Magic Wand tool with tolerance 0, select all the background (magenta) areas.
4. Hit Ctrl-Shift+I to create an inverse selection. Now only the unit should be selected.
Note: You can also select units using Ctrl+A and then heading to the Selections menu -> Modify -> Select Color Range… Change the reference colour to magenta, tolerance to 0, softness to 1, and check Subtract Color Range.
I’ve added a script to make it easier to select units from the transparent background colours. You can download it here. Simply extract it into your C:\Program Files\Jasc Software Inc\Paint Shop Pro 8\Scripts-Restricted folder (default path). You will find a new script called UnitSelection in the Script toolbar. Select it, hit run and there you go. It will select units from most Civ2 units backgrounds without having to first modify them.
5. Before recolouring, you’re going to have to deselect parts of the unit you don’t want modified. For example, in the tank unit shown below, you don’t want to recolour the shadow, tracks, machine gun, exhausts or insignia. Use Magic Wand to select/deselect large areas of uniform colour, like shadows, and the Selection tool for more intricate parts. There’s no real way around this. Just hold down Shift to add to a selection or Ctrl to remove from a selection when you’re working with these tools.
6. At this stage there is a whole bucket load of effects you could apply to the unit, many of which I’ve never tried. However, for this example, I’ll stick to a basic recolour and texture.
7. Go to the Adjust menu -> Hue and Saturation -> Colorize… You will be presented with a dialogue box. For most military vehicles, I suggest using a Hue value within the range of about 10-70 (brown to green). For the Saturation value, I’d suggest anything up to about 60 – it depends how strong you like your colours. Hit OK and the current selection will change colour. If you do this in 8-bit colour, the whole image will change.
8. Now we want to add some fancy camouflage effects using textures. PSP has 52 default textures located in C:\Program Files\Jasc Software Inc\Paint Shop Pro 8\Textures (default path) – you can add more if you want. Go to the Effects menu -> Texture Effects -> Textures… You will be presented with a dialogue box like the one below:
9. For this example I chose the Bark texture, sized at 84% and applied a light brown colour (#D7C9C9), with the remaining settings left on default values. The result is shown below. My suggestion is experiment! I would recommend that you don’t use a Depth value greater than 1 and that any texture colours should be very light.
10. Paste the selection back on top of the old unit and you’re done.
11. Some of you may want to use these units for regular 8-bit Civ2. If you do so, then you must load the Civ2 palette. Obviously there’ll be a loss of quality. For those who don’t know how to load the Civ2 palette: open a regular Civ2 graphic file (stick to units.gif – there are a few palette variations around) and go to the Image menu -> Palette -> Save Palette… Call it something meaningful like Civ2. Open your 24-bit graphic, go to the Image menu -> Palette -> Load Palette… and select Civ2. Done.
Edit: Corrected colour depth and added selection method - see Mercator's comments below.
I’ll be using Paint Shop Pro 8.01 to demonstrate the method, but the same technique can be used in Photoshop. The following assumes basic knowledge of PSP:
1. Open up your units file in PSP. If it uses the 8-bit Civ2 palette, go to the Image menu -> Increase Color Depth -> 16 Million Colors (24-bit). In this example, we’ll use Nemo’s Panther tank.

2. Isolate the unit you want to work on if it’s in a large units file. Copy and paste as a new image. You’ll want to make the image background uniform – it makes it easier to select the parts of the unit you want. Most units have magenta (#FF00FF) and purple (#875487) backgrounds. Use the Color Replacer tool with tolerance 0 to ditch one of them.
3. Using the Magic Wand tool with tolerance 0, select all the background (magenta) areas.
4. Hit Ctrl-Shift+I to create an inverse selection. Now only the unit should be selected.
Note: You can also select units using Ctrl+A and then heading to the Selections menu -> Modify -> Select Color Range… Change the reference colour to magenta, tolerance to 0, softness to 1, and check Subtract Color Range.
I’ve added a script to make it easier to select units from the transparent background colours. You can download it here. Simply extract it into your C:\Program Files\Jasc Software Inc\Paint Shop Pro 8\Scripts-Restricted folder (default path). You will find a new script called UnitSelection in the Script toolbar. Select it, hit run and there you go. It will select units from most Civ2 units backgrounds without having to first modify them.
5. Before recolouring, you’re going to have to deselect parts of the unit you don’t want modified. For example, in the tank unit shown below, you don’t want to recolour the shadow, tracks, machine gun, exhausts or insignia. Use Magic Wand to select/deselect large areas of uniform colour, like shadows, and the Selection tool for more intricate parts. There’s no real way around this. Just hold down Shift to add to a selection or Ctrl to remove from a selection when you’re working with these tools.

6. At this stage there is a whole bucket load of effects you could apply to the unit, many of which I’ve never tried. However, for this example, I’ll stick to a basic recolour and texture.
7. Go to the Adjust menu -> Hue and Saturation -> Colorize… You will be presented with a dialogue box. For most military vehicles, I suggest using a Hue value within the range of about 10-70 (brown to green). For the Saturation value, I’d suggest anything up to about 60 – it depends how strong you like your colours. Hit OK and the current selection will change colour. If you do this in 8-bit colour, the whole image will change.

8. Now we want to add some fancy camouflage effects using textures. PSP has 52 default textures located in C:\Program Files\Jasc Software Inc\Paint Shop Pro 8\Textures (default path) – you can add more if you want. Go to the Effects menu -> Texture Effects -> Textures… You will be presented with a dialogue box like the one below:

9. For this example I chose the Bark texture, sized at 84% and applied a light brown colour (#D7C9C9), with the remaining settings left on default values. The result is shown below. My suggestion is experiment! I would recommend that you don’t use a Depth value greater than 1 and that any texture colours should be very light.

10. Paste the selection back on top of the old unit and you’re done.

11. Some of you may want to use these units for regular 8-bit Civ2. If you do so, then you must load the Civ2 palette. Obviously there’ll be a loss of quality. For those who don’t know how to load the Civ2 palette: open a regular Civ2 graphic file (stick to units.gif – there are a few palette variations around) and go to the Image menu -> Palette -> Save Palette… Call it something meaningful like Civ2. Open your 24-bit graphic, go to the Image menu -> Palette -> Load Palette… and select Civ2. Done.
Edit: Corrected colour depth and added selection method - see Mercator's comments below.