... create a scenario together with me?
Though my English is not the best and im not such a veteran as must of you guys here - i would really like to create a 1939 Scenario on Gigaworldmap!!!
It should be a gameboard for PBEMs or Democracy games.
and not just be specialized on citys which were important in the war (e.g. brest and cherbourg which are in fact really small towns) - but have a look at several citys in africa , so that later on war coul also be there. (hope you understand what i mean)
Who would like to?
if not i can understand it too...

Though my English is not the best and im not such a veteran as must of you guys here - i would really like to create a 1939 Scenario on Gigaworldmap!!!
It should be a gameboard for PBEMs or Democracy games.

Who would like to?
if not i can understand it too...
