Originally posted by fairline
Have you thought of using multiple units files, as with Red Front or Imperium Romanum to give upgrades rather than using up additional slots?
Have you thought of using multiple units files, as with Red Front or Imperium Romanum to give upgrades rather than using up additional slots?
Example: change Cataphractii to Bucelarii to Optimates to late Cataphracts.
This enables the middle Imperial Roman/ late Imperial Roman/ Byzantine swap.
Is there a way to affect civ/ruler names in the rule files? It doesn't seem to work for me, since it seems the running game overrides these fields (you know, change ruler names at the start of each era/ file swap, or change say the Huns to Mongols)
Oh man Panathinaikos- Fenner Bachtse 4-1

This doesn't even begin to describe how good it feels.
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