whenever I try using a units file that has been made by copying and pasting it won't work the main game or in a scenario. it just gives my an illegal op screen. Why?
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I need help
I need more info. Copying and pasting with what?
I don't use Paint, but I gave it a try and there was no problem. Are you sure the units gif. you are pasting INTO is an actual Civ2 units gif. , with the original color palette?
Color palette is the selection of colors used in the gif. file which Civ2 makes use of. A different palette is a different selection of colors, and Civ2 won't use it.
more questions:
Are we talking Civ2 Fantastic Worlds or Gold Edition, or is it Test of Time (which uses bmp. files)?
Is the units file one you've copied directly from the game?
Has the new units file been properly designated? ie. Units gif.
If you have the right file format and palette in the units file you are pasting into, and it's named properly, it should work, even if the unit you are pasting was copied from a file of a different file format or palette.
Can you attach the file?
the Units file must stay in the SCN directory, or it'll never work."Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
"E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
"Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur