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Barbarians and Money?

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  • #16

    The barbarian money thing was not part of the original CivTweak. I added it by popular request. Subsequently I have come to believe that giving barbarians money via CivTweak has little effect on the game. The only effect would be that for the first few turns of the game, barbarian cities would be more costly to bribe. Barbarian cash seems to get flushed down the toilet.

    Weighing in on a point already covered, I think giving money to barbarians by event does not work. The event goes off just fine, but the barbarian cash does not increase, so it's merely a waste of an event. Event triggers and actions dealing with technlogy and cash seem to have no effect whatsoever. The only event action that I am sure works for barbarians is createunit and that's the only only I use regarding barbarians.
    "Cease fire! Please! Cease fire. What a dreadful waste of ammunition!" -- General Horatio Herbert Kitchener


    • #17
      When playing barbarians, cash seems to accumulate normally, but knowledge is certainly flushed. You just can't teach a barbarian anything. Give him a scroll of ancient knowledge and he uses it to wipe his....never mind.

      Lucius Alexander

      Implied by absence....
      Lucius Alexander


      • #18
        Not true.

        Barbarians DO accumulate beakers and WILL gain techs, if they have enough cities. Trading with them helps. I have seen the in-game announcements with my own eyes. It does happen.
        Lost in America.
        "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
        "or a very good liar." --Stefu
        "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


        • #19
          I too have seen the messages such as "Barbarians discover Ceremonial Burial", (happens if you have U.N. or Marco Polo), but I don't believe it does them any good. They don't build improvements or new types of units.
          "Cease fire! Please! Cease fire. What a dreadful waste of ammunition!" -- General Horatio Herbert Kitchener


          • #20
            At the very time you hit OK when you see a barbarian gains tech popup, the knowladge is lost for the barbs.

            They do gain techs but they lose them at the exact same time as they get them.
            No Fighting here, this is the war room!


            • #21
              I have seen ''Barbarian develop Bronze Working'' pop up several time in a single game. This seems to support the theroy that they forget what they learn instantly.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Exile
                The idea was to give the barbs a good amount of money so that when players seize barb cities, there would be a cash reward. As it was, they got 0 money for taking a barb city.
                Exile, can't you just use an event to give money to the civ taking a city from the barbs???

                So you don't need the barbs to have any money at any time, as long as the "invader" has it in the end... Just short-cut the middle-man...
                Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                Discworld Scenario:
                POMARJ Scenario:
                LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                • #23
                  My Events file . . .

                  is absolutely full. I can't squeeze even one more event in there. I do wish that there was some way to expand the events file.

                  I need about 10 times the space that is in it. But even 3 or 4 times the normal space would help.

                  And NO, I don't know the first thing about hex-editing, whatever that is.

                  Lost in America.
                  "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
                  "or a very good liar." --Stefu
                  "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


                  • #24
                    Re: My Events file . . .

                    Originally posted by Exile
                    And NO, I don't know the first thing about hex-editing, whatever that is.
                    I don't belive the Barbarians are able to spend money and hex editing this would be a waste of time. Yet hex editing is something that I had been fooling around with and, inspite of feeling my way in the dark, I was getting pretty successful at it. Unfortunately, my shareware hex-editor expired and I have not downloaded another. Get Allard's (I THINK Allard wrote it) document on Hex Editing and a good editor and it is not so hard if you have any computer skills at all. I'm gonna bump my old thread about this with another question.


                    • #25
                      Even assuming plenty of room in the events file, if what you want is to give someone money from conquering a barbarian city, that won't necessarily cut it. Unless you have certain barbarian controlled cities at start, and you can attach events to them, but if you want the barbarians to be able to take a city, then someone else takes it from them and gets'd need a seperate event for each city, and what about cities built after the scenario starts? One thing you could do, but it would eat up a lot of event space, is tie an event to each unit possible for barbarians, giving triggerdefender money when the defender is a barbarian and the unit is killed...if there is one thing barbarians are good at it is getting killed and this is the only gauranteed income I can imagine for them. It just might keep their coffers full enough to A) make them harder to bribe and B) give you a big bonus when you take a city from them.

                      Lucius Alexander

                      Palindromedary Enterprises
                      Lucius Alexander

