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Maps of Italy

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  • Maps of Italy

    Does anyone know where I can find a good, detailed map of Italy wihtout any extraneous ares (Greece, Balkans, France, Spain, etc.)

    -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert

  • #2
    Yes, of course: Mercator's map of Italy. You can find it at his HP (called "Fantastic Worlds", go find it at the links section). It has been used in the scenario "Up the deadly Boot" by John Petroski and my "3d Punic War" scenario.

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    Our survival is based on continouus changing.
    -Mao Tse-Tung
    God might have created us as equals, but democracy and science pretty
    much screwed that whole idea..

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    • #3
      I've got one I drew a while ago for my 'Unification of Italy' scenario. I'll send it over.

      edit: What's your e-mail?
      [This message has been edited by WarVoid (edited April 27, 2000).]


      • #4

        -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert


        • #5
          Hey GD, aol says your not accepting any embedded "attached" files. You wanna fix your preferences so I can send the map.


          • #6
            Sorry, I can't change it. Parental controls.

            -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert


            • #7
              I saw Mercator's map. Is there one that does not show the Balkans, and that shows more detail in Italy?

              -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert


              • #8
                My map is of Italy only.
                It's too bad I can't send it...
                Can't you get your parents to change the prefs.


                • #9
                  nope, sorry.
                  perhaps you could put it on a website for dowmload or e-mail it to someone else who could put it on a website for download. Then again, that would be a lot of trouble just for one map. Perhaps I can use Mercator's map and just block off the Balkans.

                  -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert
                  AKA GeoDude


                  • #10
                    WarVoid: Send it over to me, I'll upload it.
                    Geography Dan: My URL is at my signature (below)

                    Follow the masses!
                    30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!

                    Our survival is based on continouus changing.
                    -Mao Tse-Tung
                    God might have created us as equals, but democracy and science pretty
                    much screwed that whole idea..

                    Visit my Homepage at:
                    Follow the masses!
                    30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                    • #11
                      There are some other maps of Italy, which can be found in my map database:

                      None of them can beat mine in accuracy, of course
                      Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                      • #12
                        OK, I sent my map to Stefan.
                        I hope it's good enough...


                        • #13
                          Stefan, I can't access your site because of parental controls! It says "Web Restricted" when I try to go to it!

                          -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert
                          AKA GeoDude


                          • #14
                            Very much with the same problem, I couldn't find an image some time back of Italy without encompassing too much of the surrounding turf.

                            I put together an unfinished map;

                            which can be downloaded from . It contains a 'read me' that notes the Arctic terrain used as a deterrant from city site locations - this to be dealt with visually in Terrain1.gif.

                            (It was to be used in an Italian Medieval scenario, but I never got more than about one-third of the way through designing. I'm not the first though to bow out of a scenario's creation in midstream)

                            [This message has been edited by Cam (edited April 29, 2000).]


                            • #15
                              OK, Map section opened:
                              if the link there doesen't work:

                              Mercator, may I upload your Italian map and the map you made for "Pharaoh"? I'd like to offer all the maps I used for my scenarios.

                              Follow the masses!
                              30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!

                              Our survival is based on continouus changing.
                              -Mao Tse-Tung
                              God might have created us as equals, but democracy and science pretty
                              much screwed that whole idea..

                              Visit my Homepage at:
                              Follow the masses!
                              30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!

