How is the map editor work going? The last version crashed and burned instantly. I am still very eager to get my hands on an operational version.
No announcement yet.
A new map editor is born
A working version is coming your way, Captain!
Eru, are you sure you want to receive 1.7 MB, or do you rather receive it in several turns? Please mail me (in Dutch or English)!
Why are all the Dutch people talking about potatoes?"Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.
Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.
Because they taste so good??? I wouldn't know...
I'd really like to see that editor once it's finished!
Mathias' Civ II Page Lost Geologist Blog
The editor is working! Good work Mercator...
I just edited a new "oversized" scenario map with it.
Here are some suggestions for extra features:
1. Ability to extract and edit the map portion of a .sav file, then replace it in the file.
2. A tool to analyze and convert .bmp maps if they do not match the format needed. The message I got wasn't descriptive enough (Basically: "This format doesn't match"). How about "oversized dimensions" (Option to trim map?), "X wrong colors detected" (Option to replace?), "incorrect Palette"(Option to substitute palette?)...
This is a great utility and it is very usable as is... The above is not a criticism just a wishlist.
The problem with savegames is that there is a lot more map information stored in them than what can be found in a map file. In savegames and scenarios you also need to take units, cities etc. etc. into account. There are also multiple areas maps are stored in. Since I only recently found that out, I'll have to look into that a little better.
I could indeed add a little bmp analyzing options. I'll look into that as well.
Thanks for the comments and compliments!
When can I receive it? I sent you a mail yesterday, but I didn't receive it. But Nemo had it. Maybe is there something wrong with my e-mailadress. Working mail:
May Eru Ilúvatar and the Valar be with you!May Eru Ilúvatar and the Valar be with you!
*double post*
[This message has been edited by Mercator (edited April 18, 2000).]
Sorry, I did receive your mail Eru (Nemo was a little earlier). I just haven't been able to send a reply yet. I'll probably send the necessary things over this evening (CET). Tecumseh, Allard, Eru and WarVoid can expect it within the next 36 hours.
Well, Sieve Too, why did you think I chose this handle?
I'll have a look at all the error reports shortly.