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Soundwave and 'Princess Lee'

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  • #31


    • #32
      Grr look its not funny, ok maybe i do spend to much time, but this isn't a laughing matter, I was at leannes house at lunch and I proved it to The ANZAC and Pap believes me, even though he doesn't care , but honestly when i'm at her house, me and her are very willing to prove it! and i will be excepting alot of apolyiges from everyone low to even a moderator.

      Its that simple, i will not leave and if you talk to me when i'm at her house i will do a web cam or a voice and you can hear or see her, so i am honest!

      Also in all the Pbems i have not won a game yet, I was britian in AOW and i was having fun adn then i thought right i'll be austria? no cheating there? and then anzac conquered me and i surrendered, cheating? NO, so how am i? leannes real and she got alot of attention outta this i have to admitt, but that beside the point, i am more than willing to prove case is wrong, and just talk to me... sorry case but you'll owe me a big SORRY...

      Thank you Anzac, Pap, and Cyrion for believing me!
      "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


      • #33
        Hes some nice reading!

        shes talking right now?
        Hmmm, Case was not amused by that....
        Attached Files
        "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


        • #34
          And more...

          they except you to be mind readers
          I guess they do, how come no-one ever told me, even though you assumed?
          Attached Files
          "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


          • #35
            and more...

            the thing about jimmywax thing he wrote, so why would i pse as a female and get sucipious? I would have done a male at least right? (never have)
            Attached Files
            "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


            • #36
              and the last...

              if people made complaints shoudln't they contacted Markos, or War Void then me? isn't that way it works? Not lets rush in and jump the gun and dis-creit people again! its stupid in law, people would sue for lose pf reputation!
              Attached Files
              "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


              • #37
                Oh sorry this is the last one... can the moderator please contact me please, as we have alot of talking to do!

                If you have a problem playing with me, you tell me and i will decide to leave or not, do not go behind peoples backs, you wouldn't like it and neither would i!
                Attached Files
                "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                • #38
                  As far as this goes, i'm innocent and how so i am going to talk to the Moderator and Markos, coz this has gone to far on both counts, and in this statement, i'm going to clear my name for both on both counts of cheating, in a court of law i would have won this, but in the land of 'net' it is harder, but eventually i will fight and hopefully win.

                  As far as truth goes i have never cheated, i have a few wandering eyes on a couple of guys in PBEM's, that i think have tinkered with there rules... but i will not names, and i will not discreit anyone, i will talk to War Void and Markos to sort this out.

                  Thank you for your time.

                  Thank you for the guys and 1 girl, who stood by me, i'm in your debt.

                  "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                  • #39
                    As Soundwave's screenshots show I just chatted to him and Leanne on MSN messenger (I'm Nick BTW )

                    During the chat (well, more an argument ) I asked Soundwave and Leanne why Soundwave had lied to me when I had previously asked if he knew 'Princess Lee'.* Their response to this was that they thought that if the link between them was known then they'd be somehow attacked for working together.

                    When I put it to them that this was irrevellent because they were playing as friendly nations (Britain and Turkey in the Napoleonic Wars) they didn't provide me with any further explanation.

                    As Soundwave appears to believe that this affair started with me attacking him publicly, then getting lucky when Warvoid and others supported me, here's a time line of what happened:

                    1. I noticed a lots of people coming out of nowhere eager to play PBEMs. In several cases their first ever post on Apolyton was the post in which they signed up for a game. Needless to say, this is unusual behaviour. This is expecially the case as these people all joined stalled games that Soundwave was in.

                    2. I discussed this phenomenon with several other people (Pap1723, Winterfritz, ANZAC and FMK). All of them agreed that it was unusual.

                    3. Via a PM I asked Warvoid to check out 'Princess Lee' and two others whose names I won't mention here as they were cleared.

                    4. That night Soundwave chatted to me about the Great Napoleonic Battles game he had started.
                    When asked, I declined to join his game on the grounds that I was already in enough PBEMs, including a GNB game on CFC. Following this Soundwave started to boast about how there was a girl in his game. I asked him if he knew her, and he said that he didn't.
                    If he had said at the time that she was his girlfriend I would have contacted Warvoid immediately and notified him about this.

                    5. A couple of days later Warvoid contacted me via a PM to tell me that 'Princess Lee' "was in fact Soundwave". He said that he'd contact Mark G to discuss what should be done, and in the meantime, I could post about this on the board.

                    6. Because I had no 'hard evidence' to support me, I at first declined this offer. However, after waiting two more days for Warvoid to take action, I started thinking that he wouldn't take action until I posted in public,** and as a result I started this thread.

                    As I said to I Soundwave and Leanne, I don't feel that I have anything to apologise for.
                    I kept my suspicions as private as was practical until I received confirmation from Warvoid. When I received this confirmation, I held off untill it appeared that nothing would be done until I acted.

                    For all I care Soundwave and Leanne can continue playing in PBEMs.
                    However, as I have definitely been lied to, I don't trust either of them enough to take part in any game that they're in.

                    *As I forgot to save a transcript of the conversation, I can't get into a quoting war, so please forgive me if I make a minor mistake here.

                    **(I was probably wrong about this )

                    edit: fixed spelling and grammar only
                    'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                    - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                    • #40
                      So in other words i never did anything wrong? So how can that make you right?

                      And another thing there are two ip addresses, mine and leannes... how can i be to people, two computers, two internet connections? (thats $54.00 in NZ) for a game!? I dont think so!
                      (how can i be two ppl then War Void?)

                      So how are you right?

                      You have discreited me and in fore times, i will go to Markos, coz you have no right what so ever, i dont care if you have been here longer than anyone.

                      You say you acted without prior approval!, you didnt even wait for War Void or Markos to contact me, you shot you mouth off like the last time, and why did you not ask me about the other d/l? HMM? to busy trying to be right! you should apologise and i will get an apologise till my body hits the grave!

                      Well Case i hope to see you out of alot of PBEMS then!

                      *i wish you wouldn't, but you are too stubborn and how dare you be so rude to me g/f! If anyman were in the same position in real life they would of smacked you one in the mouth, you are rude, stubborn, suspicious, no manners, out of your league and no right as you are not a moderator, and not even a man!

                      BTW if someone wants to make something of this personal attack tell , me and then i will tell you what he said and see if you had a wife or g/f that you love being abused. what'd do!

                      You are a vauable member of SLeague, so why is it you make it hell for me and my g/f... is it for fun? But i cant say that, coz you are a vauable member!
                      "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Soundwave
                        And another thing there are two ip addresses, mine and leannes... how can i be to people, two computers, two internet connections? (thats $54.00 in NZ) for a game!? I dont think so!
                        (how can i be two ppl then War Void?)

                        You say you acted without prior approval!, you didnt even wait for War Void or Markos to contact me, you shot you mouth off like the last time, and why did you not ask me about the other d/l? HMM? to busy trying to be right! you should apologise and i will get an apologise till my body hits the grave!
                        SW, if your friend posted from your machine then her IP would have matched yours for that particular post. That made you 2 people.
                        Further you claim that Case didn't ask you about the other d/l. He already had. You told him you didn't know "her", therefore you had already disclaimed it.
                        While you may have some small justification for feeling hard done by, you did bring it upon yourself.

                        I would suggest that Warvoid lock this thread. Further discussion on this matter does not seem beneficial.


                        • #42
                          While you may have some small justification for feeling hard done by, you did bring it upon yourself.

                          Excuse me in real life leanne is a good looking girl, everytime i say she is my g/f , guys just go off and talk to someone esle it pisses her off and i dont see why it should make a difference, i wanted her to play and feel comfortable.... so much for that!

                          I would suggest that Warvoid lock this thread. Further discussion on this matter does not seem beneficial.
                          Benefical?? Ravagon my reputation is in shambles because of Case, how is the Benefical to me, everyone will not play PBEM's or probably never talk to me, THATS WHAT I"M ON ABOUT ITS LOST OF REPUTATION because CASE SHOT HIS MOUTH OFF, not waiting for a moderator, or the big cheese, but rushing in and pointing fingers, when HE DID NOT ASK ME THE ACTUALLY FACTS!!

                          As I said to I Soundwave and Leanne, I don't feel that I have anything to apologise for.
                          Um Case you never said that at all, so you lied, so is everyone now going to ban you coz you LIED its that simple...
                          "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                          • #43
                            My opinion doesn't really matter, but I pretty much agree with everything Case said in his last post. Everything was logical. And the bottomline-

                            For all I care Soundwave and Leanne can continue playing in PBEMs.
                            However, as I have definitely been lied to I don't trust either of them, and I will not take part in any game that they're in.
                            Ravagon my reputation is in shambles because of Case, how is the Benefical to me,
                            No its not from Case, its from yourself. It is very easy to cheat in PBEMs, and if you care about them you must do everything yourself to keep your reputation clean. What you claim to have done is not very reassuring. You caused doubt. You and Leanne may be 2 different people, I don't know for sure or care. You should have made it clear that there was a connection between you two if you post from the same IP. But you didn't, which is very suspicious, and why should anyone here take a chance with suspicion?
                            Re-elect Bush!


                            • #44
                              Soundwave i noticed you said something in your last post...

                              Excuse me in real life leanne is a good looking girl, everytime i say she is my g/f , guys just go off and talk to someone esle it pisses her off and i dont see why it should make a difference, i wanted her to play and feel comfortable.... so much for that!
                              While you have a point there this isnt really real life is it, its Apolyton where we need never know what people look like, so to say you didnt say she was your girlfriend because shes good looking just sounds a bit odd to me, i mean what difference does it make, its not like we know shes beautiful do we (well we do now ) so why wouldnt we talk to her. Also you spelt else wrong

                              But anyway if you looked at the evidence, the fact that at the time of posting you and Princess Lee just happened to have the same IP address and the same ISP as well, well that kinda does suggest a DL you know. So while you do have some right to feel aggrieved by this incident it doesnt give you the right to have a go at everyone who tried to point this out to you.

                              So yes you should have alerted the Mods of this situation, because its perfectly alright to use someone elses computer to post as long as people know, which to be quite honest they didnt

                              But anyway now its been resolved (kinda) im looking forward to beating both your butts in the Napoleon scenario, Ill see you in London, Soundwave and Princess Lee in Istanbul
                              Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                              "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                              • #45
                                I would like to say i'm sorry and i will ask permission from the mods for leanne to play and for her to use my computer or vic visa, if not she does not want to play, so she wants her id deleted.

                                Other than that in all i'm sorry i did not acknowledge her, that was my fault and i'm sorry i did not know it would coz this/ that no1 i did wrong

                                no2 is i didn't ask permission from the mods, but in a small defence, i'm a beginner here and no-one ever told me, that means i never thought to ask anyway.

                                Case I dont know how to earn your trust back, but i will try, i'm very sorry, think of this as a 'peace-treaty' not a 'cease-fire' I am terriably sorry and i will fix it, but it was no need for me to go off at you... except when you lied... but i'm not going into it anymore, as far as i'm concerned this is over and i will sort it out with the mods, and Markos, thank you all for your input it was vauable


                                And she is hot .... lol... shhh!

                                Sorry Guys
                                "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave

