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Soundwave and 'Princess Lee'

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  • #16
    So I come back from my hoilday with my girlfriend, lazy in hot pools of Hanmer Springs to find this again!!

    Shame on your case, you are not a very good person, you would rather shoot your mouth off, than ask me again, and Yes i do know her... she's my girlfriend, and i'm sure i am allowed to play from her computer and her from mine, i think its stuipd, i'm sick of accusations, coming from Case all the time! You are not the Net Police, if you dont like it ask me, you are a stuipd little man!

    I thought someone would have asked me?

    NO, you all think oh, its fact lets ban him!

    I have tried to lighten up scenarios, add a bit more fun, try some humour, but i always seem to be cut down by the serious, i major in history, its been writen, so in PBEM's you can change it, be inovatived.

    So what do i do now how do i prove i'm not guilty? Hmm i know orgnized leanne (my g/f.. ok? on the net same time?? Why should i have to put her into the mess that Case created, she wanted to try it and play for the first time, people like Case makes ppl afriad of coming here! Its not toterable! And Warvoid, i would have thought more of a moderator, did you e-mail me, ask me? No... I would like to lay a complaint if i can do it, it will proably fall on deaf ears, but i want to do just that!!

    So much coming back from a hoilday relaxed!!

    Damn, why does everyone have to be like all serious 24/7.. but never mind... it'll fall on deaf eyes again!
    "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


    • #17
      I don't understand for the life of me why someone would want his girlfriend addicted to civ2?
      Re-elect Bush!


      • #18
        Sorry Soundwave, but I don't believe you.

        When I asked you on MSN Messenger if you knew 'Princess Lee' you said that you didn't. Why on earth would say this if she is actually your girlfriend?

        This is especially relevent as you had recently been warned how seriously any dubious actions are taken. If 'Princess Lee' is your GF, why didn't she say so when she turned up, and why didn't you introduce her? You've been on Apolyton for 8 months now, and that's plenty of time to have seen that the mods look out for DLs by tracking IP adresses.

        Seeing as you're notoriously impatient in PBEMs, and have numerous DLs on CFC (LCPD, Sepp Dietrich and Von Falkenhayn are the ones I've noticed) I really don't see why I or anyone else should believe you.
        'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
        - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


        • #19
          Well, once again it would have been better to talk about it with Soundwave BEFORE posting a thread here, I think... And, if my memory isn't betraying me, that was one of the conclusions of the last similar "affair"...

          Sorry guys, but this story is just s**t!! I don't care whether someone is overly suspicious or another one is cheating (not that I would accept such a behaviour!!), but the whole is coming down to the point where I stop having fun!! And having fun is the only reason why I come here...

          So what now??? Am I to stop playing because of this???
          Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
          Discworld Scenario:
          POMARJ Scenario:
          LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


          • #20
            Yea what now, do we boycot the games?

            In civfanatics Case, i have a problem with my computer, if i delete the temp files, it gets rid of my id on civfanatics, i have never got a chance to pm a moderator or thunderfall, i'd love it, i e-mailed him but no reply, i can full well prove that she is real, like met online at the some time, but to case, that would make it i have two computers? so how do i win? this is ridulous i come here to have fun, to make scenarios not get pushed around on the net and some of you ppl tell me, i've done this and that, and i'm sick of it, i have stopped having fun now, coz of Case!

            And i agree with Cyrion, this is s**t! I have sent a complant to Markos.
            "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


            • #21
              Attacking another poster is pretty low Soundwave. Case is a valuable member of the SLeague, you're way out of line insulting him like that.

              You should be more concerned with trying to prove your innocence. I don't know what the details of the 1st incident were, but Cases accusation this time seems well-founded. There was no reason for you to deny you knew Princess Lee was during your original conversation. Now that Warvoid discovered that both you and "she" were using the same computer, you claim she is your girlfriend. I'm not involved in any of the PBEM's myself, so I don't have any vested interest in this, but I can see why the other posters are frustrated. The above situation indicates a clear contradiction and suggests that you were lying.

              If you are innocent, there must be a reasonable explanation you can give. If not, just simply admit you were cheating and stop with the charade.
              STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


              • #22
                Just another thought

                Playing any scenario, let alone a PBEM, is not the way a newbie should start his(her) civ2 experience.
                Re-elect Bush!


                • #23
                  I'm sick of this, what right do you people have?

                  I am a person and a person has rights and so does she, how dare you say she does not exist, you people make me sick!

                  i have never cheated and never will, its stupid to cheat it ruins a game, civ2 is a game to have fun with to play and i thought pbem are fun at the start, you people have turned them into something esle?

                  I think Cyrion is the only other that sees my point, and i will not give up my innocents, ban me, ingore me, but i thought you came here to have fun, not cheat, and be humous as well!! Correct me if i'm wrong?

                  I dont know why i said i didn't know her, maybe to see what case thought of her i dont know, i apolygise for that, but she is my g/f and is real, why would i go to the extent of making an e-mail and everything, even ask her shes on msn, she came from england and was born in Grimbsy, she says its a famous fishing port and her dads in the airforce, check with the British Ambassy if you are that worried, maybe i should do that to prove to you all!! but why should i, to prove i am right, when i know i am?
                  "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Soundwave
                    ...even ask her shes on msn, she came from england and was born in Grimbsy, she says its a famous fishing port and her dads in the airforce, check with the British Ambassy if you are that worried, maybe i should do that to prove to you all!! but why should i, to prove i am right, when i know i am?
                    I really don't know what to believe, but Soundwave, that still doesn't prove your innocence because if you are her, then ofcourse Princess Lee will answer what you just told us all!
                    Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                    • #25
                      Just to clarify, the first cheating offense was when you 'hacked' around someone's password in a PBEM game to see what they were up too.

                      In the future instead of creating different DL's on CivFan when your computer erases the cookie, maybe you should write the password down somewhere.

                      Honestly I don't know if there is anyway for you to prove that Princess Lee exists. If you both log on at the same time someone could just say that you figured out how to use your password and had someone else log in at the same time as you. I think this is a no win situation, there will always be doubt by the people who accuse you and those who believe you. Myself? I am in the middle, I jumped on the bandwagon at first but after thinking about I believe there is the possibility that you are telling the truth. Honestly I think it is a little far fetched for your girlfriend to want to play a PBEM and become a Civ GEEK like us. Every girlfriend I have had has hated this game because it has the ability to turn me into a zombie sitting slack jawed in front of the monitor. Maybe I just need to find a British girl, huh.
                      "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
                      "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


                      • #26
                        Well, no smoking gun, but a good circumstantial case. And a previous record. Enough to convict in most jurisdictions.
                        Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                        • #27
                          Look, i'm here to have fun too, but the bottom line is that I also have a job here. My job as a mod requires that I report something suspicious. Which I did.

                          I checked it all out to make sure what Case was saying, in fact, proved to be true.

                          The bottom line of this is that, if the IP's match, it's considered a DL. I don't care if it's your wife, girlfriend, mother, aunt, or God himself. If the IP's match, it's classified as a DL and banned. Simple as that.

                          I do not have a personal opinion here. I am a moderator. I am pure logic. I am the Terminator. I follow facts and logic, nothing else. Comprende?

                          Now I am not going to deal out bans or whatnot, that's up to Markos' discretion. So rant and rave all you want, but if this gets out of hand, i'll make sure a proper punishment is dealt out.


                          • #28


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Jimmywax
                              I am in the middle, I jumped on the bandwagon at first but after thinking about I believe there is the possibility that you are telling the truth. Honestly I think it is a little far fetched for your girlfriend to want to play a PBEM and become a Civ GEEK like us. Every girlfriend I have had has hated this game because it has the ability to turn me into a zombie sitting slack jawed in front of the monitor. Maybe I just need to find a British girl, huh.
                              I am VERY offended by this comment....................i admit sean spends too much time on this........more than with me sometimes!!! but now im used to it and wanted to actually join in my mans hobby. so basically coz i know him u are sayin that u are takin this away from me? .............ive watched him play and i quite like the look of it as im into computer games too so its not far fetched at all, u know this is not just a male game!!! or are u being sexist????


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Princess Lee

                                I am VERY offended by this comment....................i admit sean spends too much time on this........more than with me sometimes!!! but now im used to it and wanted to actually join in my mans hobby. so basically coz i know him u are sayin that u are takin this away from me? .............ive watched him play and i quite like the look of it as im into computer games too so its not far fetched at all, u know this is not just a male game!!! or are u being sexist????
                                It would be if it wasn't so . Still, it IS pretty !
                                Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


