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another bloody scenario!!!

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  • #16
    Right then an update for the unit minded of all of you out there.

    General Units:

    Enginneer, Light Tank, 152mm Howitzer, AA Gun, Strongpoint, Bomber, Fighter, LCA, LST-2, Freight, Destroyer, Light Cruiser, Heavy Cruiser, AA Cruiser, Battleship.

    US Units:

    G.I's, Combat Engineers, Marines, Airborne, M4A2 Sherman, P-38 Lightning, P-47D Thunderbolt, P-51D Mustang, TBF-1, USS Iowa, USS Lexington, Essex Class Carriers, Gato Class Subs, B-17 , B-24 Mitchell, Atom Bomb,

    British Units:

    Infantry, ANZAC Troops, Commandos, Matilda II, Spitfire, DH Mosquito, King George V Class, HMS Indomitable, Gato Class Sub, Beaufighter, Indian Infantry (Complete with great imperial india flag )

    Japanese Units:

    Japanese Army, SNLF, Reserves, Type 97, A6M2 Zero, Ki-67, IJN Yamato, Zuikaku Class, G4M Betty, Ki-43 Oscar.

    Everyone Else:

    Nationalists, Red Chinese, Red Army, Dutch Troops,

    I have 6 units slots left and it looks like a need some more units for the Japanese, Any Ideas???
    Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

    "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


    • #17
      Originally posted by Grothgar
      I have 6 units slots left and it looks like a need some more units for the Japanese, Any Ideas???
      Well, no Pacific scenario would be complete without Kamakazis!
      You may want to have a few different types of Kamakazis - eg fighters and bombers,* and maybe that rocket powered thing.

      Give the British carriers the x2 defence vs missile flag to simulate the fact that Kamakazi's did little damage to them thanks to their armoured decks.

      As for other units, Anzac's De Ruyter is very nice and historically accurate
      You may also want to have an 'atol defence' unit for the Japanese and place it on the various islands.

      BTW, did you recieve that stuff I sent you?

      *The USS Franklin was hit by a Betty Bomber - I've read that this packed a greater punch then a modern anti-shipping missile!
      'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
      - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


      • #18
        How could i forget the kamikazes!!!! im an idiot (Note any of you who agree with that staement will be killed. Im just self lamenting.) Well there in now. Thanx case and yes i did get the scenario you sent me. Almost buggered my mailbox but hey lol. I was thinking about the de reuter but i would rather concentrate on the big 3. also the dutch went under rather quickly so it would be a waste of a unit. its a fine unit too. well i wonder if chris will have any ideas. Thanx case by the way
        Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

        "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


        • #19
          I suspect Chris is right about no IJ Marines. I've read MUCH more about SNLF (special naval landing force?) in battles than about imperial marines. Still Case has them in his Australian scenario, and he usually does his research well. Chris, what about airborne units?

          B17's were used in the Pacific, but B24's were used more. They had somewhat similar stats. Do you have any F4F Wildcats, F6F Hellcats, or F4U Corsairs? The first two were workhorses for the USN, far more important than P-47's and even P-51's. You might need to lump P-40's, P-39's, Buffaloes, and Hurricanes into a generic slot. They were mostly Zero-bait.

          For terrain graphics, you might want to play with the River16(?) icon, the one with rivers out of 4 edges. By 'hollowing' it out with water (leaving enough to see the underlying terrain) you could make something resembling atolls by using one square islands with rivers. River16 is rarely seen elsewhere.

          A possible trick to reflect the installation of effective radar in US ships is to change the AEGIS flag on selected classes. This could be done with a Rules.Txt switch midgame sometime in '43 (I think). This way you could get around the 62 unit limit a little.

          Hong Kong was British until its capture sometime in the first 6 months of the war. Burma was primarily a Commonwealth theater, although Merrill's Marauders (a battalion-sized unit) accomplished some amazing feats on a shoestring before they were exhausted and disbanded. I believe the Chinese divisions in Burma were hamstrung by red tape through most of the war.
          El Aurens v2 Beta!


          • #20
            Originally posted by Boco
            I suspect Chris is right about no IJ Marines. I've read MUCH more about SNLF (special naval landing force?) in battles than about imperial marines. Still Case has them in his Australian scenario, and he usually does his research well. Chris, what about airborne units?
            US used some in Phillippenes in 1945, less then a brigade, Japs landed a regiment on corrigidor in april of 42. Otherwise, no airborne.

            B17's were used in the Pacific, but B24's were used more. They had somewhat similar stats. Do you have any F4F Wildcats, F6F Hellcats, or F4U Corsairs? The first two were workhorses for the USN, far more important than P-47's and even P-51's. You might need to lump P-40's, P-39's, Buffaloes, and Hurricanes into a generic slot. They were mostly Zero-bait.
            Groth and I are discussing it now.

            A possible trick to reflect the installation of effective radar in US ships is to change the AEGIS flag on selected classes. This could be done with a Rules.Txt switch midgame sometime in '43 (I think). This way you could get around the 62 unit limit a little.
            I like this idea a lot.

            Hong Kong was British until its capture sometime in the first 6 months of the war. Burma was primarily a Commonwealth theater, although Merrill's Marauders (a battalion-sized unit) accomplished some amazing feats on a shoestring before they were exhausted and disbanded. I believe the Chinese divisions in Burma were hamstrung by red tape through most of the war.
            Hong Kong fell on 25 december, 1941.
            Yes, the China divisions were ham strung, but did go on the offensive in 44.
            I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
            i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


            • #21
              Right ive got rid of the P-47 because chris said they hardly were used then and ive replaced it with the F6F hellcat. got U class british subs the B-29 and the K-84 Fiat so i have 2 unit slots spare. any ideas.
              Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

              "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


              • #22
                Just in case ...

                I didn't know if you had a Hellcat or not? Here is one that I made the other weekend.
                Attached Files
                "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
                "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Boco
                  Still Case has them in his Australian scenario, and he usually does his research well.
                  I'm afraid that I screwed up here. I've seen a few references to IJN Marines, but I think the authors of these books got them mixed up with SNLF
                  I've since renamed this unit 'Guards' to simulate the ellite Imperial Guards Division, which proved to be very effective in Malaya and Singapore.

                  Originally posted by Boco
                  You might need to lump P-40's, P-39's, Buffaloes, and Hurricanes into a generic slot. They were mostly Zero-bait.
                  Late model P-40's were a match for Zero's. They weren't as long ranged or manuverable, but they had heavier armour, a better armement and a very useful speed advantage in dives.

                  I'd agree with your assesment of the other aircraft though, and lump Australian Wirraways and Boomerangs in with the Zero bait catergory

                  BTW Chris, The Japanese also mounted airborne attacks on the Sumartran Oil Fields, and West Timor.
                  The US had a full airborne divsion in the Pacific by 1945, but as you point out, it never made a full scale drop. The USMC also had a few airborne battalians, and the Australian army rasied a parachute battalian as well.
                  'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                  - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                  • #24
                    Grothgar: Glad that you put in the B-29. Maybe you should give it to the Americans when they take the Marshalls/Marianas? Also they operated out of China and the Flying Tigers were in China, just to give you an idea of American involvement in the CBI Theatre. Also, why don't you cut out the generic fighter and bomber? The major powers have their own planes. Also you could get rid of the LCA since they weren't made for ocean travel. Also look at the graphics thread and various Nemo scenarios for unit graphics BTW thanks for promoting my infinite store of knowledge
                    Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                    • #25
                      Well i dont really want to get rid of the LCA because i would like to have 2 transports. The LCA which is faster than the LST but carries less and vice versa. Also im going to have the generic fighter and bomber because in 1941 the US didnt have much in the way of specific fighters and bombers and also its a good unit for the flying tigers. And Jimmywax thanx for that unit. there i was thinking i would never find a unit in that style and then i come here and find it. your a miracle worker Jimmy could you per chance do me a B-29? the one i have is fine but it doesnt really fit in with the graphics i have and you do them in the style i like. I know chris might disagree but its my scenario. (well it is for the moment. more info soon) And does anyone have a graphic of the Ki-84 "Frank"?? Or could someone draw me one because i have no idea what it looked like and im only including it so i can get chris off my back lol Also im using the fighter graphic to represent all the "zero bait" as you put it. So if i get rid of the LCA (note the if) ill have 3 untis left.

                      Bring it on
                      Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                      "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                      • #26
                        I must say Gary, when I started reading this thread, I was hopeful. But my heart sank when I saw that you decided not to use the De Ruyter class because the Dutch fell quickly.

                        This is going to be another of those WW2 scenarios where you just play out history, isn`t it? I want to marching into Tokyo and claiming Japan for the Netherlands!

                        "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

                        Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


                        • #27
                          Paul if you want to do that then youll have to cheat because the dutch have 4 units or so
                          Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                          "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                          • #28
                            Although if i get no more units to be used which i like that is ill put the de reuter class in and the T-34/76 for russia and dutch
                            Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                            "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                            • #29
                              Right this has probably come up so many times before but which technologies are needed to change to the industrial era and which are needed to turn to the modern era? i mean all of them because i know there are more than a few Thanx guys because i need them to make sure all the cities are not all the time
                              Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                              "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                              • #30
                                all the same even. big typo there
                                Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                                "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"

