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Hodadian Awards 2000 - Part 2

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  • Hodadian Awards 2000 - Part 2

    Ok, taking the suggestions made by everyone i've created a temporary webpage for the 2000 Hodadian Awards.

    I would like to ask everyone to review it and make any further suggestions you might deem necessecary so that these awards can be carried out properly and most successfully than the SDC series.

    Until I can figure out how to make FTP run on my computer I can't update the HAC site. So this temp page will have to do for now. Which is just as well since i'd like to finalise the changes in the awards structure before the actual site is updated. This page gives an explanation of the categories and provides a general list of rules and information. Some of the categories have also been removed or renamed, so read carefully.


  • #2
    Some notes:
    - Why is it "Best Non-Fictional Scenario"? Is this different from "Best Historical Scenario"?
    - How do the nominees for the "Scenario of the Year" relate to its subcategories? Shouldn't this category offer a choice only between the best fictional and the best historical scenario? That would mean this category isn't directly open for nominees. But if it is indeed a choice between those two, the nominees are only known after the outcome of HAC awards. So maybe you could just skip this category and only go for the fictional and historical best.
    - What is the meant use of "of the year"? Is this strictly 2000, or more like anything from the past few years (maybe only from after the previous HAC awards)?
    - Is there a significant difference between the "best..." categories and the "... of the year" categories (e.g. you have "Map of the Year" but "Best Fictional Scenario"?
    - Does a scenario also qualify for a modpack, particularly if the graphics/rules etc. can be used independent of the actual .SCN file?
    - I'm not so sure about the "Website of the Year" category, after all, this award is bound to go to Apolyton (am I right?). There will be little point in having such a category, then.
    - Just being nitpicky about the spelling, it's "meant" not "mean't" . Every time I read those I have to re-read the sentence before seeing it's not a negation .
    Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


    • #3
      I don´t know what this nominations were so critized last time you post it

      they look allright to me and the are quite well describe in the webpage

      until when do we have to do our nominations??
      Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
      Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


      • #4
        I propose the following categories:
        Best Historical Scenario
        Best Fictional Scenario
        Most Original Scenario
        Best Modpack (as in no real scenario)
        Best Map
        Best Utility
        Map Maker Lifetime Achievement Award
        Mod Composer Lifetime Achievement Award
        Scenario Designer Lifetime Achievement Award
        Web Master Lifetime Achievement Award
        Utility Coder Lifetime Achievement Award
        Best News Site
        Best Downloads Site

        I will send in my nominations based on these categories.

        St. Leo
        [This message has been edited by St Leo (edited March 15, 2001).]
        Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at

