I've been assigning new units to certain civs but several units aren't following the rules.
Heres what I found out. Fanatics units will not work unless the Government is Fundamentalism. I changed the tech for this unit, obsolete nil, changed the free support as well but this unit won't change. Guess its hard coded. Anyone offhand know of a page telling about these special units. Or best could you post what units and Advances are special. I know Industrialization will change the city style, Automobile and ??? will change to modern style. Philosophy will give you that new message telling about glory and stuff for the civ. Anyone help out. Thanks....
Heres what I found out. Fanatics units will not work unless the Government is Fundamentalism. I changed the tech for this unit, obsolete nil, changed the free support as well but this unit won't change. Guess its hard coded. Anyone offhand know of a page telling about these special units. Or best could you post what units and Advances are special. I know Industrialization will change the city style, Automobile and ??? will change to modern style. Philosophy will give you that new message telling about glory and stuff for the civ. Anyone help out. Thanks....