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Units and Advances are driving me crazy.

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  • Units and Advances are driving me crazy.

    I've been assigning new units to certain civs but several units aren't following the rules.
    Heres what I found out. Fanatics units will not work unless the Government is Fundamentalism. I changed the tech for this unit, obsolete nil, changed the free support as well but this unit won't change. Guess its hard coded. Anyone offhand know of a page telling about these special units. Or best could you post what units and Advances are special. I know Industrialization will change the city style, Automobile and ??? will change to modern style. Philosophy will give you that new message telling about glory and stuff for the civ. Anyone help out. Thanks....

    Civfan (Warriorsoflight)

  • #2
    I wrote a tip on the hard coded effects of the Advance slots. You can find it on the Scenario League and The Cradle of Civilization sites.

    The Partisans are tied to the Gue slot and Fanatics are tied to Fundy. Avoid using these two slots unless you want your units restricted for some reason.

    Watch out for the Musketeer and Knight slots as well.


    • #3
      Thanks again William Will check it out right now.
      Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


      • #4
        Automobile + ELECTRONICS = Modern cities

        Philosophy = Message + 1 free advance + people change to those renaissance dudes.

        Only Fundamentalists can build Fanatic slot...

        Partisan slot unit pops up whenever a city is captured from a civ that has Communism or Guerilla warfare, but I think they can be built as regular units based on any tech (Contrary to Fanatics)

        Special messages when Engineer, Paratrooper and Marine slots become available.


        • #5
          Thanks Nemo and William. The infomation from you two will be put in good use in my first scenario. Thanks again.

          Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


          • #6
            Get John Possidente's Guide to Scenario Building. It has everything you need to build a scenario.
            Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


            • #7
              Did Apolyton change the profile under our usernames?
              Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game

