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Two best scenarios of last monts for War Gallery

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  • Two best scenarios of last monts for War Gallery

    First of all my congratulation to Civilization Community.

    Happy Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Long live our Civilization for ever !

    I suggest an action for common interests. I just totally reconstructed
    my old site War Gallery and find possibility to get free web space.
    I published my new 40 good graphic units for Your scenarios and
    opened some new sections, for example section of pictures for Your title
    pages and section of the gif graphic for You site improvements (no Civilization

    My policy now is changed. I have no more
    time to create big scenarios, Such as Spartacus,
    Quebec, etc. and only two my scenario will be completed
    (Russian Civil War - almost done, ) and America
    (II parts : «Piracy world» and «Young Nation».

    But I have place to put a pair of the best scenarios of another
    to my site for a month for two months (it is depend of quality of a scenario)
    The really good scenario I can UPGRADE with my graphic. But it must
    be totally completed, tested scenario and may be approved on Apolyton’s

    And so ... What two best scenarios of the last time You can call?

    PS. The address of War Gallery is not changed:

    PS - do not call Red Front - it is olready
    planned for War Gallery.

  • #2
    I kind of like the old one better, but this one we'll all get used to.

    Keep up the great work, Alex!
    Nicholas Crown
    The War of Civilization - An online Civilization text game.


    • #3
      Welcome back, Alex!
      I could think of a few excellent older scenarios with poor units or even just a mix of inconsistent units... But some authors may take this the wrong way? I will definitely upgrade "2194 Days of War" with the newest graphics from "Red Front".
      Is there any other WWII scenario that should get such a cosmetic upgrade? (Since I now have a massive amount of WWII units?)


      • #4
        Hi Captain.
        I think the "wrong" way is not impossible.
        I have no aim to apgrade ANY scenarios, only very good or original. And if I have time. But the place on my site is a good room for
        ambitious authors. They are welcome!

        Somebody know about "Northern War"?I listened rumors about it. I know all uniforms fro this game. Is a "Bronze Age"
        only a single good scenario of last months?


        • #5
          Happy New Year, Alex! I nominate "The End of the Bronze Age", by Kull.
          Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


          • #6
            Great Page, Alex!
            sigs are for fools who havent said enough!


            • #7
              Nice site (the Netscape version), although having an adult link at the top is a questionable idea for a civ site.:-)

              Artaxerxes by Stefan Hartel and Homer V3 by Allard Hofelt deserve a mention.:-)

              St. Leo
              Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


              • #8
                There were several good scenarios but I can't think of any that need your artwork.

                Use just once, then destroy. Invasion of our piracy. Afterbith of a nation, starve without your skeletal key. I love you for what I have not. I do not want what I have got. Blanket acne'd with cigarette burns. Speak at once stop taking turns. What is wrong with me? What is what I need?

                I can throw a hundred pound walrus right through the wall!


                • #9
                  Hi St. Leo, Thank You for visit my site. It is sorry that You was unable to see it under
                  Explorer, much better.

                  But I think You are wrong when You talk about adult section. Here was a great discussion on Apolyton about the age of Civ-II fans. More them 50 % were
                  people above 22-25 and not less them 30 % were above 30. I do not remember
                  quantity but Marcos even made calculation.
                  And so adult guys are the main "population" of this world.
                  Moreover, I think funs of Civ -II are divided on two categories - one of them
                  almost maniacs (I have nothing against them) and live in Civ-II world as in a trap, having no interests to real life. Another category is people who looks on Civ-II as on a hobby (I am belong to this goup) and fave many interests and very active in different spheres of life. I got many letter from my visitors during this years and find that
                  many of them interested in a politic, adult materials, art etc. I liked to talk with
                  them (it is pity that I had no much time for it). Some others had nothing to say only about, scenarios, units etc. I
                  never support this talks much.
                  Also, we have a democracy here, I warned everybody before he goes
                  to «adult» room of War Gallery, and each person have chance to return.

                  PS. I know well known scenario which can be totally upgraded with graphic
                  It is my favorite old «Vikings» by Harlan Thompson who is a pioner of scenario World. Since he done this scenario we got so much good graphic, especially with new Erwan’s
                  (profeccional painter, even better than I am) infantry units and cities of Captain Nemo, on some other designers . I have many perfect ships for this game and still think that my Norman vessel (see «elite
                  graphic section of War Gallery» is one of my best units.
                  I vote for «Vikings De Luxe» by Harlan Thompson if he let me to upgrade
                  this scenario with graphic. But I lost his e-mail and have no more
                  this original scenario itself. Anybody can help?


                  • #10
                    Alex, where can I see Erwan's graphics? If they are better than yours, then they must be the best units ever.

                    Nick Crown (Greek.)
                    NOTE: The people in the Apolyton forums are all extremely annoying, especially Mr.Te...*ahem!*
                    SERENITY NOW!
                    Nicholas Crown
                    The War of Civilization - An online Civilization text game.


                    • #11
                      Alex, don't take this the wrong way, just as some friendly advice.

                      Moreover, I think funs of Civ -II are divided on two categories - one of them
                      almost maniacs (I have nothing against them) and live in Civ-II world as in a trap, having no interests to real life. Another category is people who looks on Civ-II as on a hobby (I am belong to this goup) and fave many interests and very active in different spheres of life.
                      I always find that the internet people who care that much about what other internet people think to go out of their way to proove they have a life, are the ones that don't.

                      As for your "adult content", I have not visited the page (although I could just by looking at the html source) yet and I don't plan on. I'm assuming that its pornography... Anyway, its a dirty business and I don't support it. Another interesting thing about pornography is that adults aren't going to be the ones using it, its going to be your underage fellows. Trust me.

                      Who was born in a house full of pain
                      Who was trained not to spit in the fan
                      Who was told what to do by the man
                      Who was broken by trained personnel
                      Who was fitted with collar and chain
                      Who was given a pat on the back
                      Who was breaking away from the pack
                      Who was only a stranger at home
                      Who was ground down in the end
                      Who was found dead on the phone
                      Who was dragged down by the stone.
                      Re-elect Bush!


                      • #12
                        NickC: Here is Erwan's page, with loads of very nice units:
                        Civ II Units
                        [This message has been edited by Mercator (edited December 29, 1999).]
                        Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                        • #13
                          Hi Michael Jeszenka,
                          I am VERY respect You, but at the same time
                          I am very surprised, how You can talk something about the page where You was not?
                          Including "adult materials". Do You know a story about three adult men and elephant?


                          • #14
                            Sorry , I wanted to say "three BLIND men and an elephant". It was a mistake...


                            • #15
                              No I've never heard it. Sorry, I just assumed it was pornography. After all, it did say "sex in russia" on the page. I've learned from the internet that when a page says adults only, 99% of the time it means porno.

                              Who was born in a house full of pain
                              Who was trained not to spit in the fan
                              Who was told what to do by the man
                              Who was broken by trained personnel
                              Who was fitted with collar and chain
                              Who was given a pat on the back
                              Who was breaking away from the pack
                              Who was only a stranger at home
                              Who was ground down in the end
                              Who was found dead on the phone
                              Who was dragged down by the stone.
                              Re-elect Bush!

