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Mercator's "Orbis Terrae"

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  • Mercator's "Orbis Terrae"

    <A HREF="">Mercator's Site</A>

    I playtested this scenario and found it very enjoyable. Orbis is one of the few scenarios challenging in the best use of the word (Units have good attack values, the challenge is in the surprisingly brilliant AI) and is very pleasant to look at. Unlike most fictional maps, the one in this scenario is great and suits the theme well. It gets my approval despite being entirely fictional in nature.

    St. Leo
    Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at

  • #2
    Thank you, thank you!
    I'm not entirely pleased with it myself. I let you and Hendrik the Great playtest it, made some changes and posted it. I think I should have done some more playtesting to optimize it.
    And unfortunetely, in changing the scenario, the Vikings somehow lost their immense need for Dragon Boats. As you probably remember with the first version, the Vikings were building loads and loads of them.
    But it certainly is a good one. In my (not entirely objective ) opinion, the difficulty levels really make sense: at Chieftain it's easy, at Deity (almost) unbeatable (or did you manage to win?)

    And I'd love to hear some comments about the scenario.
    [This message has been edited by Mercator (edited February 16, 2000).]
    Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


    • #3
      What did ya change?

      I think I recommended one or two extra weak wonders for the Romans.

      P.S. No, I didn't play it again after the defeat.

      St. Leo
      Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


      • #4
        I added loads of events, small Roman invasion fleets, more Roman wonders, random generals etc. etc. I aslo slightly changed a/d values of units (slightly in favor of the Romans). But in doing so I took away the Viking desire for Dragon Boats, they still build them, but not as much. I think the AI has, unfortunetly, weakened a little.
        Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


        • #5
          Oh St. Leo, do you by any chance still have that "old" version. It may sound strange, but could you send it to me. I've overwritten it in improving the scenario, but maybe I can have a look at the scenario again and make some more changes without screwing the AI.

          To all the others: Did anyone (apart from St. Leo and Hendrik the Great, my playtesters) actually play this scenario?? I'd really like to hear some comments (preferably good ones ). I must of course submit it to some other sites as well, especially the Scenario League.
          Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


          • #6
            Oh yes, that would be wonderful. You can download it from my website ( If you want I could mail it to you, and when I do change something I'll send it to you as well (that won't be too soon).
            [This message has been edited by Mercator (edited February 21, 2000).]
            Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


            • #7

              St. Leo
              Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


              • #8
                If you like to I could put it on my new site. I still have to put some contense on it apart from the things I made.
                Just send me the version you want me to put up.

                On the scenario: I did finish the scn just playing it for fun and it was a hell of a fight I must say. I eventually defeated all my oponents but my economy along with the rest of my empire was totaly ruined and devastated. But I won! Sort of anyway.
                I think it is one of the few scenarios I did finish all way through. Normaly I do get bored half way through but this one keept my going.
                The Lost Geologist Blog

