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why doesn't my barbarian cities produce units?

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  • why doesn't my barbarian cities produce units?

    I've recently played around with version 2 of my scenario Hammer of the North. I've noticed a slight problem with my barbarian cities. They don't seem to produce the units they're supposed to. There is simply no shield buildup in the production boxes, even though their cities often have between 5 or 10 shields to build from.

    Anyone have a clue what might be the problem?

    I made the barbarian cities and their production with CivCity, which is different from what I used to do. I used to do it the old-fashioned way, letting land-grounded barb units take control of the cities, and then change the units to whatever they had to be. I don't recall a similar problem then. The cities would always reproduce the unit that took control of the city, be it changed to air, sea og whatever roles and domain. But now, no barbarian units are coming out at all...

    Is there something that needs to be done, before the cities can be effectively "barbarian" and produce barbarian units?

    All the barb cities have barbarian units preplaced in them, but alas, still no barbarian production.
    The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
    Kaplak Stream

  • #2
    Is there at least one unit in the scenario that does not need any prereq tech to build that unit? If there are no "open to everyone" units then the barbs cannot build units.


    • #3
      Yes, there are two, spearmen and settlers. But even those barb cities producing spearmen won't produce them. The shield box simply isn't filling up.
      The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
      Kaplak Stream


      • #4
        Hmmmm... looks like its working now... gonna have to test it further. But the shields are coming up now... opened up civtweak and gave the barbs a bunch of money. Maybe thats got something to do with it.
        The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
        Kaplak Stream


        • #5
          In my experience cities in the begining of the games "list" may produce units when barbarian and cities at the end of it can't.
          So cities that where founded early will produce units others won't acumulate shields even...
          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


          • #6
            nope still not working... no shields in any barbarian city. Very strange. Apparently I could produce a shield growth in one game, and the next again I can't.

            And no connection to city history that I can spot. There's no difference between early founded cities and later ones. Any other ideas, Henrik?
            The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
            Kaplak Stream


            • #7
              Strange, normally that's how it works for me atleast. Have you tried making all cities barbarian and have the scenario run a few turns? Usually they do produce units in atleast a few cities...
              No Fighting here, this is the war room!


              • #8
                Once a certain number of barbarian units are on the map, barb cities no longer produce units. I forget the formula, but it's a pretty low number- 12 or 15, I think.

                Anyway, you shouldn't expect barb cities to produce units. Use events, or make use of one of the barbarian activity levels if that's suitable. William Keenan's Barbarian Paper is very useful for that purpose:
                Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                • #9
                  thx, guys. I think its the number of barb units then. There's quite a few of them, and I need more still. Just gotta preplace them, then, so its not so much of a problem.

                  Does this mean there will be no random barbarians (raiding hordes or pirates), if the formula number is reached?
                  The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                  Kaplak Stream


                  • #10
                    Mmm... i´ve never had problems with the barbarians in my iron curtain scenario. And believe me, there are rebels everywhere!!

                    For your info, 13 cities are in rebel hands + 60 barbarian units in the map. and the random barbarians (created with events commands) appear always... no problem.

                    Take a look:
                    Attached Files
                    South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                    Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                    • #11
                      These are the stats of the "rebel forces" unit:

                      Rebel Forces, no, 0, 2.,0, 7a,5d, 3h,2f, 3,0, 1, no, 000001001000010

                      And a city producing that unit:
                      Attached Files
                      South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                      Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                      • #12
                        Oh, they "produce", by which I mean they are set to produce stuff. But no shields appear, always zero. Still, I'm not sure if it means that these units aren't produced by them from time to time.
                        Perhaps the sollution is to set the cost of the unit to 0?
                        "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                        I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                        Middle East!


                        • #13
                          Anyway, i have no idea why it works!!!
                          I hope you can "discover" the answer...
                          South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                          Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                          • #14
                            I posted my post before yours, that's for the first part
                            "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                            I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                            Middle East!


                            • #15
                              Same city, turn 2:
                              Attached Files
                              South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                              Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario

