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War of the Worlds based on Exiles Imperialism 1870 scenario

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  • #46
    Ok then . . . .

    Curt, if he'll shut up trying to justify his actions and his villification of ME with the insults and name-calling, I'll let it drop.

    I want a public apology too. Not just for the unauthorized theft of my work, but also for all the insults and name-calling as well. Throwing a temper tantrum is ok for toddlers and children. It's NOT for adults.

    Here's something to think about; If I let this kind of thing slide, it's an open invitation for someone else to do the same thing or worse. I'm not about to take something like this laying down.

    Neither would you.
    Lost in America.
    "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
    "or a very good liar." --Stefu
    "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


    • #47
      Your also doing the Name calling here.
      Future Marine


      • #48
        Ok . . . .

        Where? Quote?

        Keep in mind, if someone does steal or does lie, then what I am doing is describing their actions. If someone does these things, they ARE a liar, they ARE a thief. The problem lies in the CHARACTER of the person, NOT my description.

        And I notice that your profile indicates that the post above is the very first one you've ever posted. Whatsa matter, kid? Can't fight your own battles? (Oh, and btw, you should've said "you're" not "your." The latter is the possessive form, not the contraction of "you are" that was appropriate in the context of your sentence. )
        Lost in America.
        "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
        "or a very good liar." --Stefu
        "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


        • #49
          Yes it's my first post, I am talking to Throgrimm on MSN and was linked here.
          Future Marine


          • #50
            What are you talking about, I can't fight my own battles?
            Future Marine


            • #51
              Well . . . . .

              I don't care if he's a marine or not, sarge. His character is PRECISELY what is questionable here. If he IS a thief and a liar, then, as I just stated above, these terms are DESCRIPTIONS of his CONDUCT.

              It wasn't I who used the words "cur" and "vermin" and "wretch." The truth is that the kid threw a temper tantrum because I didn't approve of his actions in regard to my work. The responsible action to take would have been to contact me privately, apologize for failing to acquire my approval, and I'd have treated the whole business quite differently.

              Instead, when I finally DID notice what had happened, and voiced my justifiable disapproval, he acted like a spoiled little child and started calling me names and insulting me. Is THIS what you teach in the marines?

              Lost in America.
              "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
              "or a very good liar." --Stefu
              "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


              • #52
                Who said I was a sargent in the Marines? And no you didn't use those words, but you did insult him by calling him a thief, also I notice your online through AOL, Me too . Good bye.
                Future Marine


                • #53

                  Hmmmm. Now we have thinly-veiled threats from persons who remain anonymous. What good character. I'm so glad that you guys are showing your true colors--brings things into much clearer focus. I'm looking better and better. Thanks.

                  Sure, I use AIM. Contact me anytime you want.
                  Lost in America.
                  "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
                  "or a very good liar." --Stefu
                  "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


                  • #54
                    Ahem... Thorgrimm, you might have put Exile's name in the title of this thread, but you didn't mention his name in the scenario readme.

                    And it seems you only remembered Exile made the original after someone at CFC pointed it out, while I'm pretty sure Exile's name appears prominently in the original's readme.

                    But enough of that, you removed the download, so any other problems can be solved via PM.

                    Something more about the scenario though. You say it is based on the book, but the book only deals with Greater London (the Martians only launch 4 pods I believe, all landing around London), not to mention the Martians don't have any flying machines (perhaps because flight was only invented after H.G. Wells wrote the book? ).
                    Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                    • #55
                      Actualy the Martians Launched 10 cylinders, as the journalist and the Curate were buried under the 5th cylinder. and on his way to London he describes a giant flying machine with swept back wings like a crescent moon. also wanted to show that if the Martians had not died of disease they would have had a very hard tome with the rest of the planet, given Humanitys capacity and ingenuity for war. As i believe that Humanity would not have folded up with the fall of the British Isles


                      • #56
                        Just to set Exile's concern to rest - Soundwave, thorgrimm and Marine Corps all have different IP's, so they are at least different computers, if not different people.

                        thorgrimm, Mercator is right, you should have included a reference to Exile's work in your readme file, especially since so much of your scenario is actually his work.

                        Having said that, I think Exile should have taken a few things into account:

                        1) thorgrimm made it clear from the outset that his scenario was based on Exile's.

                        2) thorgrimm is new, and should have been given a chance to do the right thing before being attacked. Despite being attacked, he still did what he said he would from the outset, and withdrew the scenario.

                        3) the rule here has always been that material posted here (or on any civ site) is public domain and is available for everyone to use, PROVIDED that proper acknowledgement is given. No permission is required, although it is sometimes sought, as a courtesy.

                        When I was a newbie around here, I witnessed the debates when Alex the Magnificent tried to claim copyright on his artwork and even tried to SELL his scenarios (those were the days of Glastnost, I guess ) Alex conceded defeat, and the current understanding has been in place ever since.
                        Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Exile
                          On a related note, does anyone else besides me suspect that this is yet another soundwave DL? He sure does have the tone of a soundwave DL.
                          The writing style does look spookily familiar

                          [though I accept Tech's findings of different IPs]

                          Originally posted by techumseh
                          3) the rule here has always been that material posted here (or on any civ site) is public domain and is available for everyone to use, PROVIDED that proper acknowledgement is given. No permission is required, although it is sometimes sought, as a courtesy.
                          I dunno - I think that it's OK to request that others seek permision for modifying something as large and labour-intensive as a scenario.

                          When I was a newbie around here, I witnessed the debates when Alex the Magnificent tried to claim copyright on his artwork and even tried to SELL his scenarios (those were the days of Glastnost, I guess ) Alex conceded defeat, and the current understanding has been in place ever since.
                          - I guess that explains why you could never load his graphics in MS paint.
                          'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                          - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                          • #58
                            Brian, I'm not asking anything of anyone else that I didn't do myself. When I put together MedDarkAge and American Empire, I was certain to contact and acquire permission from both Eric and Charles before placing those scenarios ANYWHERE. Both of these gentlemen gave me a clear and even enthusiastic go-ahead. Moreover, both of them had long since left the Civ2 community.

                            You're right in saying it's common courtesy. It is. But when someone does the things I've encountered to MY scenarios without even informing me that it was being done then I'm going to point it out. Agressively if necessary.

                            The reason is simple;

                            I spent a LOT of time making sure that, despite the difficulties with the Civ2 program itself, the scenarios performed the way that I wanted them to. When someone else monkeys with that work, they are simply not going to be able to take into account all the factors that I have. There are almost inevitably some factors that a thief isn't going to even know about, let alone understand. Then, the "modified" scenario goes out there. And it's screwed up. And then persons playing it are unhappy, unsatisfied, and wind up thinking that my scenario is crap.

                            Think that's an overstatement? Look at the "soundwave/history" episode. He "modified" AoW, and the result was that the careful balance I'd tried to create was ruined. The result of his tampering was wreckage.

                            I'm still trying to understand why MY scenarios are the only ones attracting this kind of "attention."

                            Thorgrim isn't a newbie. He's only a newbie here. He's been over on CivFan for some time. Long enough to know better, frankly.
                            Lost in America.
                            "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
                            "or a very good liar." --Stefu
                            "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Exile
                              I'm still trying to understand why MY scenarios are the only ones attracting this kind of "attention."
                              As the saying goes, plagerism is the ultimate form of flattery

                              Seriously, the reason is that your scenarios are great potential starting points for various mods. The maps are great, the tech trees are excelent and the units and their stats are well chosen. I don't think that many other scenarios have such inherent flexibility. IMO the only ones which come close to being as mod-friendly are those by Harlan Thompson [who, for the record, I sought permission from before releasing mods of some of his scenarios. He was even nice enough to send me his unfinished scenario Dark Age/Vikings 2.0 which I lamely tried to finish, before giving it up owing to my near total ignorance of that period of history].
                              'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                              - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                              • #60
                                Ok . . . .

                                I feel much better now.

                                Thanks, Case.
                                Lost in America.
                                "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
                                "or a very good liar." --Stefu
                                "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.

