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Calling all Mathematicians!

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  • #16
    Well, 4 tanks plus motorized infantry=5
    0,1,2,3,4...that's five numbers. If they all work, what's the problem?
    1011 1100
    Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


    • #17
      Well the americans are one civ and the brits are another. The Achilles is the m-10 used by the brits. Hence they both need a tank destroyer.

      putting 12345 doesnt work. certain units are rendered unbuildable because they are 'bettered' by anothers civ's 12345 tanks.

      01234 would be great if I am only trying to get one civ's worth of tanks to appear. For instance, the top AI heavy tank (Is-2) would better the top ami and brit tanks, therefore making the brit and ami tanks not appear in the build lists.


      • #18
        I should never have tried to make sense out of those rules.

        Does the scenario have any technological progress? If not, are all those tank prerequisite techs no, no?
        If that isn't the case already, that might help prevent the AI from comparing those units.
        Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


        • #19
          The techs are not worked out yet, but the various civs will have most of their units available for build at the start. Some will be delayed and given by tech. I'm just trying now to see if I can get all civs to be able to produce everything (which simulates the late part of the scenario) before I start restricting them.

          Im going to fiddle some more tonite. Hopefully i can explain myself better, maybe include some pics so the problem becomes more clear. Hopefully hopefully, I can get the whole lot to work.


          • #20
            Have you tried the air superiority (3) role? I use it to make ground units appear on the build queues from time to time.
            It also has a very beneficial effect on AI unit behaviour. Whereas the '0' role makes the unit roam and attack, often suicidaly, the '3' role makes it roam and only make attacks it has a good chance of winning.
            That's a gem! I just tried role 3 for a unique armored car unit in El Aurens, and the AI just handled it in a truly cunning way. With role 0, it usually handles it with a Baldrick-style cunning plan.

            Yet another Techumism in EA.
            El Aurens v2 Beta!


            • #21
              Yup, if you notice the Firefly already has role 3.

              Here is a picture showing the various units that needed fooling with. When 1 turn passes, with these 3 civs under AI control, all american units with the exception of the landing crafts becomes unavailable...


              • #22
                Well, just an update. I've tried everything mentioned, negative roles, all role 0, 1 etc... still stumped.
                Unfortunately, this is pretty much scenario breaking, which sucks. I have a new sweetass huge map with all the cities done, but have kind of stopped working 'cause of this dilema.

                Units are all positioned in the units.gif and all sounds have been worked out. Kind of past the point where I want to scrap it and start anew.

                Things were looking up, but this is a gamebreaker and I am at a loss as to what to do about it.


                • #23
                  I can't imagine any way that this could be slot-related, therefore it almost has to be some sort of a quirk with the tech tree somehow.
                  The type XXI with a "Not" tech as a prereq might be one although it seems fine just looking at it.

                  Could you try and change the prereqs for a unit or two (assuming that you haven't already used up all tech slots) and give the Yanks alone that particular tech - just to see if the problem remains for those units?
                  It could be having difficulties with every civ having "Not X" techs, although I don't recall quite where I first read about this being a problem.

                  [Edit: Apologies. Got mixed up with obsolete and prereq. D'oh. Fixed.]

