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1st EU2 GC. ravagon runs England.

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  • 1st EU2 GC. ravagon runs England.

    Into the ground. Down a rabbit hole. Then he starts to dig.

    Having been enthralled by the whole concept since one of the Swedes (Henrik, CR?) first posted a link to their site in late 2000 IIRC, I finally managed to get a copy not so long ago and its been on my shelf until just recently, after I managed to wean myself off HoI for a moment.
    Went through the tutorial with nary a problem and then started my first GC as the mighty precursor to the British empire. Rule Brittania!
    Opened rather well if I say so myself, and I managed to expand my continental holdings by a couple of provinces until the French had had enough. Not too shabby.
    Then it all started to go wrong. I'd gotten a few merchies into various trade centres - knowing how important they were, and gotten into a new alliance (the Burgundians (sp?) didn't seem to like me very much after the end of the war against France for some reason. I can't imagine why. It's not like I stuck them with any captured French provinces to administer. ) with Castille and Aragon, although I wasn't the leader anymore.

    My (relatively good) monarch upped and croaked and his heir turned out to be a real twit who suddenly decides that I should spend my time discovering some place in Japan on the other side of the world. (Yes I left this option on - not realising that I was auto-assigned a task if I didn't select one myself). As if I didn't have enough to do with mad Scotsmen named Macadder in kilts running around wielding claymores just to the north, but I digress....
    When asked how exactly I should go about this he seemed rather vague and left it in my hands. Gee thanks for the vote of confidence.
    Not having any explorers I have no chance of accomplishing this whatsoever so I just have to sit there and take the demotion when the 5 years are up.

    In the interim my neighbours obviously share the same high opinion of my new monarchs abilities that I do, and promptly proceed to knock all of my merchies out, knowing full well that the twit needs to use all his fingers and toes to count the 20 allowed in a CoT, and certainly can't put Englands merchants back again.

    The French then go and get themselves into a war with somebody I can't see and with whom they have no hope of reaching, and end up with a revolt in one or two provinces (at some point in all this Orleans rebelled too and left their alliance). After taking the province the rebels then decide to wander into my territory and start scribbling their evil "Vive la France" grafitti on my city walls. Of all the Gaul! (pun intended ). This will not do so my armies mobilise to put them down.
    Just before they arrive in the invaded province my leader ups and dies (great timing there - I'll have to make sure he's buried in the same cemetary as the Scots with their evil spectres tootling away forever in purgatory on those accursed bagpipes. ) leading to large casualties in my army in the routing of the French rebels.

    All seems rosy and then I get hit with my first random event (they seem to occur once every year?).
    Its the plague. Aaargh. No. Not the plague! It must be the Scots doing of course although I can't quite see how. (Note: over the next 50 years I would come to see plagues as a blessing - simply because they removed the possibility of a worse event ).
    Lots of people die in one of my provinces but my tax revenue doesn't seem to be too badly affected (holds up evil capitalist pig sign ) and it doesn't seem to spread any or induce a revolt so maybe it isn't the end of the world.

    The next couple of years are spent rebuilding the glorious English army, getting hit with another couple of negative events, a stability drop and a treasury loss (this last being something to do with the twits voodoo accounting no doubt - of course we haven't reached the Caribbean yet so maybe I should just say that he can't count. ) IIRC, in the process but good events are just around the corner right? ( @ ravagons naive wide-eyed optimism).

    Anticipating a followup scrap with France and the bagpiping yahoos from up north we conserve our treasury (ie: I lock the door and don't give the twit the key) and group our armies. We don't have long to wait.
    As soon as the 5-year period is up France declares war again. My allies and I mutually declare that French champagne tastes like vinegar and that we have to stop them making any more of it.
    Battle is joined and my two continental army groups surge into action. I take 2 provinces, both after a long sieges and throw my Anglia army at the Scottish forces beseiging Northumberland. I don't have the strength to rout them and have to retreat but do break the siege - forcing the Scots to levy up more men and giving me breathing space to regroup.

    The French offer me peace with a pitiful 100D. I throw it in their faces and tell em to get stuffed. I want one of those nice rich wine provinces (that way the twit can drink himself silly and stay out of my hair) but they just don't want to give it up.
    I then finally capture Artois - right next to Paris and send my glorious forceson the Southern march. They never arrive. Castille makes peace getting only 200D.
    Flabbergasted I can only recall my forces and try and find a good way to tell my Monarch that I've lost 10000 men for no gain.
    Then ... disaster! (aka random event time). I lose 2 stability, get a big +2% revolt risk and a revolting Northumberland. This on top of the +1% I had from war weariness and the +3% in the two recently "liberated" French provinces.

    I didn't note what event this was (although I'm pretty sure it was random) but I hope I never see it again.
    Over the next 2 years my forces and treasury are utterly shattered as I get hit with revolt after revolt after revolt (one province, at 3%, had 5 revolts in a single year! Is the risk per month or per day? ).
    Finally, my stability restored and the risk lowered, I get my first good event - 10000 of Englands finest deployed to Meath. Meath? Now where have I heard that name before? Thats in ... Ireland isn't it? Ireland? Ireland! I only have a single province in Ireland and the last time I looked it was in rebellion! Aaarrrghhh! Frantically my fleet in Lancashire sets sail but they don't have a prayer. I can only gaze in sheer horror as my new 10000 man army, near zero-morale, is routed in a province with nowhere to retreat and utterly annihilated.
    Little did I know then that this would be one of the 3 "good" random events I would get in the next 50 years...

    Still, it couldn't be all bad could it? Maybe the twit would buy the farm and I'd get a good boss again? Maybe the Scots would all simultaneously evolve a sense of hearing and instantly drop dead at the sound of those bagpipes? Maybe ravagon would accidentally-on-purpose hit something called an "off switch" and try again tomorrow ... One can only hope.

    If I'd known I was going to do this badly I probably would've played the French.

    [Editted due to bad spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing and violating pretty much every literary edict in the English language. Actually, in hindsight, the original fit my GC rather well. ]
    Last edited by ravagon; March 21, 2003, 04:06.

  • #2
    Why won't they ever finnish the Mac Port of this game

    I so wish I could play this thing when I read these reports (yes even though you lost).
    No Fighting here, this is the war room!


    • #3
      My first GC was as Helvetia...By the end I had a couple colonies in Africa, monopolies in almost every CoT in Europe, and has added Tuscany, Siena, Emilia, Piemont, Baden, CHampagne, Wurzburg, Anhalt, Ansbach, Tirol, and Salzburg to the mighty swiss empire. Right now i'm almost done with a GC as Lorraine. Right after the Huguenot rebellions, lots of rebellions broke out in France and almost of all it defected to Bourbonnais and I got Nivernais, Champagne, Franche-Comte, and a bit later Lyonnais. I also acquired Alsace (of course), Baden, Bern, Bourgogne, and Mainz, In a recent war with France and their ally Luxembourg I annexed Luxembourg and gained Pfalz and Artois. When France inherited me, I was very annoyed (to not be annexed you lose all stability, relations w/France go down 200, and you get a crappy "Noble Council" leader for the rest of the game). I've been maintaining around 3-4 monopolies in Europe at a time (but unfortunately I can't get into the best CoT in Europe because the evil spaniards are embargoing me ). Nearly all of northern germany was taken over by Hannover, but their aggression stopped when the became english vassals. Bohemia has annexed brandenburg, and other than hannover, the only german states are the puny Bavaria (minus Ansbach), Saxony, and Holstein (plus mainland Denmark).


      • #4
        Originally posted by Henrik
        (yes even though you lost).
        Actually I'm still going.
        As soon as I managed to stabilise things though I got hit with the "War of the Roses" event which put me right back in the hole.

        Why won't they ever finnish the Mac Port of this game
        Actually ...

        seems to imply that its not far off. Some seem to be quoting Q1 2003 although the most anybody got out of Johan was "Its still in testing".


        • #5
          Way to go, Rav! And is this game still ongoing? I'm curious to see how you pulled yourself out of the pit, and how the English are faring now!

          The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


          • #6
            Indeed it is still going.

            After the War of the Roses (which took me at least 5 years to recover from ) I rebuilt my forces to a fairly formidable strength (During which time the French, thank goodness, had other concerns), even exceeding the low-maintainance limit in some cases.

            I managed to build up 3 fairly sizable armies based in Guyenne (southern France), Picardie (Northern France) and the Midlands (to deal with the thrice-damned Scots).
            France had been engaged in a period of near-continuous warfare for about 3 years by this time and was starting to look a little ragged around the edges.
            Never having been one to make the first move (ie: I didn't have a CB ) I sat and waited.
            Sure enough, as soon as they'd finished warring against Savoy (IIRC) they dow'd me and began moving south. The Scots and the Irish joined in and struck at Northumberland and my Irish province respectively, without making much headway.
            To my utter horror my Spanish allies pulled out almost straight away, leaving myself and Aragon facing the 3 nations and an almost certainly costly war.
            I have no idea what happened next, nor how or who caused it, but, somehow the French alliance wound up in a war against Flanders, Lorraine (Now where have I heard that name before ) and another ally (whose identity escapes me at present), before Orleans started attacking Paris (on its own) as well.
            The 50 000 strong French army beseiged Alsace and one of Aragons provinces while my armies smashed a couple of much smaller French forces and captured 5 provinces, one after another, including one with a weapons manufactury (I had been wondering what the crossed swords symbol on the map meant - what with nobody having anywhere near the tech required to build one).
            The captured Lorrainian province rebelled and reverted to Lorraine, and Aragon captured a sixth French province before France gave up, ceding 3 provinces to England and another to Aragon.
            I had lost the Irish province to sieging forces and Northumberland was in dire straits but when France made peace those were anulled and I didn't lose any territory.
            Furthermore, France and its allies were still at war with the other nations and their revolt risks were building ever higher. Even after they made peace they were dealing with rebellion after rebellion, one of which eventually defected to England (yay ) without a shot being fired.
            Having just won bigtime on the continent I wanted to sit out for a while and consolidate, so, taking advice from someone on the EU board I pulled out of the alliance with Spain and took the stability hit.
            Now normally this is something I would never do but I didn't desert them in time of war (unlike the way they deserted me) or anything so I didn't feel too badly about it.
            This, for whatever reason, worked. Well. France hasn't bothered me since (although my army maintainance costs haven't diminished since so maybe French discretion had something to do with it ).

            France-Scotland had a falling out a few years later which saw French and Irish armies by the score invading the (low maintainance) Highlands, suffering tremendous attrition losses, and Scotland sueing for peace by offering their entire treasury (<50D and French-Irish losses had been in the region of 30 000+ !).
            (I think it was during this phase of the game that I really learned how unprofitable war can be ).

            Having had enough of the Scots treacherous ways I headed north as soon as the France-Scotland war was over (oh and before they could rebuild too much ) and captured Strathclyde, Lothian and the Grampians in fairly short order which saw both Strathclyde (with another weapons manufactury ) and the Grampians ceded.
            This was the last war I fought (at least to date) as I received an explorer in the closing years of the 15th century and have been competing, economically and colonially, with Spain-Portugal in the New World ever since.
            (I'm now in the early 17th century btw)

            To sum things up - basically, the only way I managed to dig myself out was through sheer dumb luck. France left me alone for long enough, bad events held off for a bit, and just when I'm going to all-out war something bad happened to the "other guy". I'll take sheer dumb luck over any sort of skill on my part anyday.

            Just in case the developers haven't heard it enough lately, this is an absolutely fantastic game!

            (Btw Vel, if you're still designing spells for CandleB're, I could use one in a format able to be easily imported into EU2? I'm not saying what it'll be used for mind, but it needs to be able to simultaneously burst all bagpipes, break all claymores, and sink all land masses north of the latitude of, ... oh, shall we say Northumberland?
            I'll keep it handy for the next time I play as England ).
            Last edited by ravagon; March 31, 2003, 01:28.


            • #7
              Wow looks like my first tries with this game. I feel with you pal After a few month the whole world declared war on me because I annexed all the small nations of course it was a disaster in the end but hey you learn and now at first I sign some alliances before I go to war and after everything is said and done my allies where the next to fall. Hey it's war and you know:
              All is fair in love and war.
              The AI is so stupidly trusting they deserve to be punished for that but they never learn, regardless of many times I start a new game they trust me again and again and again. Perhaps there should be an inbuild counter that remembers all I’ve done in a previous game and change the habit of the AI-nations in the next one. Wow after 4 games the AI will gang up on me at the start of the game


              • #8
                Good show, Rav! And as to the spell.....I'll see what can do!

                If you're looking for a very different sort of challenge as an island nation, may I recommend taking Brunei as your next game! I started playing as them over the weekend, and am actually enjoying it very much! Gotta make *every* decision count tho, cos you start off with such limited means that it's difficult to actually get going misstep, and you set yourself back 20-30 years....good stuff tho!

                The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                • #9
                  Brunei, huh?
                  I have a feeling my, erm, "skills" (and I use the word extremely loosely, to say the least ) may not be quite up to that yet.
                  It begins with only the one province IIRC?
                  I'd be very interested in knowing how you manage it though.
                  At present I have Japan and Sweden rather high on my list and plan to give the Ottomans a go too.
                  Maybe I'll fit the Sultanate (?) in there somwhere if I feel up to it.

                  Addendum: Having just wandered over to the paradox forums, it would seem that EU2 1.07 is now out. to Johan.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ravagon
                    Addendum: Having just wandered over to the paradox forums, it would seem that EU2 1.07 is now out. to Johan.
                    Well, yes. But if you want the newest functions and improvement, don't install it, install the beta patches instead.

                    The beta patches is more up to date. 1.07 has no files made after the twenty-something, while the latest beta patch is from 31. march. Of course, the beta patches is BETA, and you are not guarantied that all is okay, but as long as I've used them, I've seen no problems.
                    Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                    I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                    Also active on WePlayCiv.


                    • #11
                      Yep! Looking forward to downloading the latest patch! Some extremely interesting changes in this latest round!

                      As to Bruneii....TWO provinces! (with the oddity that your non-capitol province has Paganism as its religion.....)Your starting treasury is 50d, and you make 17d per year at +3 stab in annual income. I've played slightly more than a hundred years so far, and have them up to 15 provinces (no wars yet, pure colonization, though the little putzes in Bali are gonna push the issue sooner, methinks). Actually have a warrior king with good stats tho, so it might not be a bad time to just end the matter with them.....

                      Four of my provs are still colonies tho (two at level 6, 1 at lvl 2, and one at lvl 1). The downer is that I've been dumping all my money into growing big enough to be self sustaining, and have not done anything about fortification (got one fortification improvement event, which fortified my very first colonial posession when it grew into a city, but nada besides that).

                      So....after a hundred years of play, I'm at Land and Naval tech 2, Trade 3, and Infra 2 (tho we're getting close to Infra 3!), a groovy warrior-king, 'bout 6000 troops, some galleys and transports, and a singular warship that came with the explorer I recently got! We're....not exactly England yet, but we're not doing bad....

                      Last edited by Velociryx; April 1, 2003, 12:42.
                      The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                      • #12
                        Been fiddling with EU2 a bit more, and I must say, I'm *completely* impressed with Paradox's committment to the game....still recieving patches based on player feedback! That's just awesome!

                        My biggest problem with the game is that there are simply an overwhelming NUMBER of nations to play. I've found myself starting no less than a dozen different GC's simultaneously, and then switching back and forth between them to get a solid feel for the way different countries play.

                        Finished several of them so far, and the three I've got running at present are the Brunei game, Austria, and the Cherokee, with plans to start another as Lorraine to see how she plays now....fantastic, and even better is the fact that they all FEEL remarkably different! The Brunei, game is quite contrasted to the Austria one, for example, because of its isolation and slower the fact that Island nations require a radically different approach...and the vastly smaller economy means that each ducat must be carefully spent.

                        I'm diggin' it, and anxious to hear of your latest exploits, Rav! Hmmm....perhaps an MP game is in order as well....

                        The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                        • #13
                          As Lorraine, my advice is to ally with France ASAP. Otherwise they'll attack you while you're weak and annex you. Once you've annexed strassbourg and maybe some other provinces, you can cut your ties with France but until then ally with them.


                          • #14
                            ::nodding:: that's pretty much the approach I took with Lorraine in EU1....I figured even in France's weakened state in EU2, I'd still be no match for them, so yep...that's what I was thinking as doubt, my early growth will have to come at the expense of a couple of german minors/burgundy, then pounce on France after....

                            The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Velociryx
                              So....after a hundred years of play, I'm at Land and Naval tech 2, Trade 3, and Infra 2 (tho we're getting close to Infra 3!), a groovy warrior-king, 'bout 6000 troops, some galleys and transports, and a singular warship that came with the explorer I recently got! We're....not exactly England yet, but we're not doing bad....

                              This and 15 provinces after a century.
                              That actually sounds quite a lot like my England at the same point although you may be a province or two and some galleys up.

                              I'm diggin' it, and anxious to hear of your latest exploits, Rav! Hmmm....perhaps an MP game is in order as well....
                              Nothing more from me I'm afraid as I've been a bit lately. I'm planning on finishing my England campaign though so 1.07 may just have to wait a while.

                              An MP game? Not against me?
                              I can see it now - Vel takes Brunei, I take Castille and just hope he doesn't invade too quickly.

