Introduction for poly-people: This is an AAR I wrote about a year ago. I personally think it's quite good in some places.
Anyway, I hope that this might inspire someone else to write something just for fun. Just don't use as many bad jokes as me.
Here we go...
The life and times of the Nocardia family
Well, it's EU1, IGC. Quite hard settings, can't remember.
Greetings future historians and future family members of this great family. Oh, forgive my poor manners, I am Lord Frederico Nocardia di Siena, at your service. But please call me Lord Nocardia. From my father, may he rest in etc, I inherited not only a seat in the council as advisor in the fields of military technology, strategy and juggling but also Honest Robertos Wagon Rental Co. and the Tuscan Piracy Co. The other seven members of the council are all old and frail so I hope that I will be able to control them. If I can't then my personal assistant Silvio can do something. Silvio is a tall man who always has an evil smile on his face and an axe in his hand. The diary begins on the first of January, Anno Domine 1492. I was on my way to the first meeting of the year and I had a terrible hang-over. Needless to say, last night's party was great.
The special new-year meeting
Grand Duke (Very alert and cheery): Right mylords, welcome to this years first meeting of the consistorio. And a special welcome to our newest councilman: Lord Nocardia. Would you like to say something?
Me: (Very weak) Ooh my head...
Grand Duke: Well, thank you for that. Shall we move on?
Council: ...
Grand Duke: Right...I suppose we should get cracking with the new yearly plan. Does anyone have anything new to add?
Council: (Total silence)
Grand Duke: Okay, well continue with the old plan. See you next year then!
Me: (Still quite weak): Wait a minute. I have something to add. Tuscany will grow slower than a snail if we don't make some drastic measures.
(Some of the councilmen wake up. What is this young rascal talking about?)
Me: I suggest we start our faster growing by increasing our commercial presence in Venice and Genua. And when it comes to foreign affairs we have to move away from our current alliance. We'll achieve nothing with such slow friends. I suggest that we start moving closer to France and it's allies.
Lord Feruzzi: Now, now, what's wrong with Modena, Genua and the Knights?
Me: Well, for one they are USELESS! We need stronger allies. France and her allies are the opposite force of the Spaniards and their alliance. We all know Spaniards can't be trusted.
Grand Duke: I'm sorry, why not?
Me: Sire, perhaps you do not remember that the Spanish emissary in Florence attended Lord Groppis birthday feast?
Grand Duke: So?
Me: He got drunk, made a pass at Lady Groppi and then threw up on me, Lord Cribo and the Pope.
Grand Duke: So that was him? What do you know...
Me: Anyway, to ensure our future entry in the French alliance we have to tie stronger ties to them and start to withdraw slowly from our present alliance.
Grand Duke: Sounds good to me. Any objections?
Lord Peruzzi: Well actually...
Grand Duke: Good, great, meeting ajourned. I'll be in my country house if you need me.
Ta ta.
The meeting had been a complete success for me. During the following year we will do what we can to achieve my goals: Better relations with France and more profit.
1 January:
A tax collector was promoted in Florence. Fortunately my estate is liberated from all taxes.
3 January:
Navarra joins the French alliance. This only proves to me that that alliance is the road to success.
25 February:
Naples joins the Spanish alliance. Those damn lap-dogs to the Spaniards. They're not true Italians.
2 March:
Venice joins Russias alliance. Another case of an Italian state gone mad.
9 March:
The Turk declares war on the Mamelucks. And there is a great party tonight at Palazzo Partaj. I can hardly wait.
1 April:
After a long period of doing nothing the consistorio finally managed to agree to a Stately Marriage with France. The French send their most beautiful princess to Florence. I bravely take on the task of marrying here, I'll do anything for my country.
4 April:
Messengers from all over Europe were practically besieging the consistorio today, trying to shout out who joined who's alliance. Most of the messages were uninteresting but a few caught my attention. Lothringen and Kurpfalz joined the Spanish alliance and Poland-Lithuania joined the French alliance. Interesting indeed. On my way home one of the messengers threw a piece of paper at me, saying that Saxony had joined Hessen in an alliance. I had Silvio bet him up. That will teach him, stealing my valuable time, what cheek!
11 April:
Strange news: The Mamelucks has joined the Spanish alliance. I knew the Spanish were low but I never thought they would ally with an infidel nation.
12 April:
Today Cologne joined the Spanish alliance. Seems to me that soon that alliance will consist of all of the world. A frightening thought.
1 May:
The first Tuscan trader was sent off to Venice today. He is an Austrian named Hans Fraud.
25 May:
I learned that Hans Freud had been seen on the beaches of Genua, living a life of luxury. I sent off Silvio on a journey to show this Austrian what happens if you double-cross an Italian.
1 June: One of the young noble-women was sent off to Savoy to marry a young Duke there. This will hopefully bring our two countries closer together.
And I got news from Silvio, that Austrian thief has met his death in a very unpleasant fashion. It was something involving a duck, a long spear and two nuns.
Today I'm off for my vacation in sunny Siena. I will leave my dog Franco behind to fill in my seat in the consistorio.
2 september:
It feels good to be back. While I was away Franco tried declaring war on Spain. Luckily the Spanish emissary bribed him with a bone to stay put.
I arrange yet another Stately marriage. The Grand Dukes mad brother Vito marries some ugly girl from Navarra.
1 october:
Me: Excellent news, sire!
Grand Duke: What! Why did you awake me from my nap?
Me: We can now construct cannons, long tubes which throw stones over great distances.
Grand Duke: When is that good?
Me: It can make sieges go much faster.
Grand Duke: Bah! Have I ever told you about the time I led a French army, in my youth?
Me: Only about hundreds of times.
Grand Duke: Good! Here's what happened. The French high commander told me to capture the province of Helvetia. My second-in-command advised me to wait until the spring came. But I attacked right away! That great 150 000 man army started besiegieng Helvetia in December. And when summer came, the fortress was ours.
Me: Wasn't that because the stench of 140 000 dead Frenchmen made the entire garrison die of vomit attacks?
Grand Duke: No. It was all because of my brilliant tactis.
Me: Whatever.
1 November:
To improve relations with Poland-Lithuania we send one of the Grand Duke's sons there to marry one of the princesses. Unfortunately, a day later he is sent back with a sign on his back that says: "Can't do his duty in bed, if you know what I mean".
1 January 1493:
On the first day of the new year of 1493 we manage to trade maps with Pommerania. We send them a map that had been drawed by my two-year-old daughter and inexchange we get some info on Russia and it's neighbours. With that map we manage to trade maps with the Portuguese. They show us some interesting coastlines...
Our last action before the next annual meeting is a marriage between my dog Franco and the poodle Nina who belongs to a Swiss nobleman. The happy couple will live at my country estate.

Here we go...
The life and times of the Nocardia family
Well, it's EU1, IGC. Quite hard settings, can't remember.
Greetings future historians and future family members of this great family. Oh, forgive my poor manners, I am Lord Frederico Nocardia di Siena, at your service. But please call me Lord Nocardia. From my father, may he rest in etc, I inherited not only a seat in the council as advisor in the fields of military technology, strategy and juggling but also Honest Robertos Wagon Rental Co. and the Tuscan Piracy Co. The other seven members of the council are all old and frail so I hope that I will be able to control them. If I can't then my personal assistant Silvio can do something. Silvio is a tall man who always has an evil smile on his face and an axe in his hand. The diary begins on the first of January, Anno Domine 1492. I was on my way to the first meeting of the year and I had a terrible hang-over. Needless to say, last night's party was great.
The special new-year meeting
Grand Duke (Very alert and cheery): Right mylords, welcome to this years first meeting of the consistorio. And a special welcome to our newest councilman: Lord Nocardia. Would you like to say something?
Me: (Very weak) Ooh my head...
Grand Duke: Well, thank you for that. Shall we move on?
Council: ...
Grand Duke: Right...I suppose we should get cracking with the new yearly plan. Does anyone have anything new to add?
Council: (Total silence)
Grand Duke: Okay, well continue with the old plan. See you next year then!
Me: (Still quite weak): Wait a minute. I have something to add. Tuscany will grow slower than a snail if we don't make some drastic measures.
(Some of the councilmen wake up. What is this young rascal talking about?)
Me: I suggest we start our faster growing by increasing our commercial presence in Venice and Genua. And when it comes to foreign affairs we have to move away from our current alliance. We'll achieve nothing with such slow friends. I suggest that we start moving closer to France and it's allies.
Lord Feruzzi: Now, now, what's wrong with Modena, Genua and the Knights?
Me: Well, for one they are USELESS! We need stronger allies. France and her allies are the opposite force of the Spaniards and their alliance. We all know Spaniards can't be trusted.
Grand Duke: I'm sorry, why not?
Me: Sire, perhaps you do not remember that the Spanish emissary in Florence attended Lord Groppis birthday feast?
Grand Duke: So?
Me: He got drunk, made a pass at Lady Groppi and then threw up on me, Lord Cribo and the Pope.
Grand Duke: So that was him? What do you know...
Me: Anyway, to ensure our future entry in the French alliance we have to tie stronger ties to them and start to withdraw slowly from our present alliance.
Grand Duke: Sounds good to me. Any objections?
Lord Peruzzi: Well actually...
Grand Duke: Good, great, meeting ajourned. I'll be in my country house if you need me.
Ta ta.
The meeting had been a complete success for me. During the following year we will do what we can to achieve my goals: Better relations with France and more profit.
1 January:
A tax collector was promoted in Florence. Fortunately my estate is liberated from all taxes.
3 January:
Navarra joins the French alliance. This only proves to me that that alliance is the road to success.
25 February:
Naples joins the Spanish alliance. Those damn lap-dogs to the Spaniards. They're not true Italians.
2 March:
Venice joins Russias alliance. Another case of an Italian state gone mad.
9 March:
The Turk declares war on the Mamelucks. And there is a great party tonight at Palazzo Partaj. I can hardly wait.
1 April:
After a long period of doing nothing the consistorio finally managed to agree to a Stately Marriage with France. The French send their most beautiful princess to Florence. I bravely take on the task of marrying here, I'll do anything for my country.
4 April:
Messengers from all over Europe were practically besieging the consistorio today, trying to shout out who joined who's alliance. Most of the messages were uninteresting but a few caught my attention. Lothringen and Kurpfalz joined the Spanish alliance and Poland-Lithuania joined the French alliance. Interesting indeed. On my way home one of the messengers threw a piece of paper at me, saying that Saxony had joined Hessen in an alliance. I had Silvio bet him up. That will teach him, stealing my valuable time, what cheek!
11 April:
Strange news: The Mamelucks has joined the Spanish alliance. I knew the Spanish were low but I never thought they would ally with an infidel nation.
12 April:
Today Cologne joined the Spanish alliance. Seems to me that soon that alliance will consist of all of the world. A frightening thought.
1 May:
The first Tuscan trader was sent off to Venice today. He is an Austrian named Hans Fraud.
25 May:
I learned that Hans Freud had been seen on the beaches of Genua, living a life of luxury. I sent off Silvio on a journey to show this Austrian what happens if you double-cross an Italian.
1 June: One of the young noble-women was sent off to Savoy to marry a young Duke there. This will hopefully bring our two countries closer together.
And I got news from Silvio, that Austrian thief has met his death in a very unpleasant fashion. It was something involving a duck, a long spear and two nuns.
Today I'm off for my vacation in sunny Siena. I will leave my dog Franco behind to fill in my seat in the consistorio.
2 september:
It feels good to be back. While I was away Franco tried declaring war on Spain. Luckily the Spanish emissary bribed him with a bone to stay put.
I arrange yet another Stately marriage. The Grand Dukes mad brother Vito marries some ugly girl from Navarra.
1 october:
Me: Excellent news, sire!
Grand Duke: What! Why did you awake me from my nap?
Me: We can now construct cannons, long tubes which throw stones over great distances.
Grand Duke: When is that good?
Me: It can make sieges go much faster.
Grand Duke: Bah! Have I ever told you about the time I led a French army, in my youth?
Me: Only about hundreds of times.
Grand Duke: Good! Here's what happened. The French high commander told me to capture the province of Helvetia. My second-in-command advised me to wait until the spring came. But I attacked right away! That great 150 000 man army started besiegieng Helvetia in December. And when summer came, the fortress was ours.
Me: Wasn't that because the stench of 140 000 dead Frenchmen made the entire garrison die of vomit attacks?
Grand Duke: No. It was all because of my brilliant tactis.
Me: Whatever.
1 November:
To improve relations with Poland-Lithuania we send one of the Grand Duke's sons there to marry one of the princesses. Unfortunately, a day later he is sent back with a sign on his back that says: "Can't do his duty in bed, if you know what I mean".
1 January 1493:
On the first day of the new year of 1493 we manage to trade maps with Pommerania. We send them a map that had been drawed by my two-year-old daughter and inexchange we get some info on Russia and it's neighbours. With that map we manage to trade maps with the Portuguese. They show us some interesting coastlines...
Our last action before the next annual meeting is a marriage between my dog Franco and the poodle Nina who belongs to a Swiss nobleman. The happy couple will live at my country estate.