By December 2nd, 1437, we have failed completely in our task of standing up to Richemont, and our army is shattered, reduced to a scant 6222/3255 and fleeing back to Artois. The Army of Richemont is left with 18,558/3316....we barely even scratched him and lost countless thousands of soldiers to his wrath. A dark day indeed, for Lorraine.... 
For his part, seeing crisis in other parts of France, Richemont takes his army and promptly marches it south, rather than follow us to Arras to finish us off.
Instead, he leaves Dunois in Paris with a small train of 1065 Cavalry, and departs, and our nation breathes a sigh of relief. We have two siege crews in the immediate vicinity that would not stand a chance of holding up under the kind of attack he could bring to bear against them, and this, more than anything, is what saved us. Richemont's need to be in the South of France to stem the tide of the armies of Savoy, Genoa, and England.
On December 17, we get our first big of Good news as Champagne falls to our forces! Makes the year end on a bit of a less-dark note than it otherwise would have.
Stability +1, 219d in our treasury, and our monthly economly is 23.8 (war taxes in effect)
Raising the "Lorraine Emergency Reserve" 6000/4000 in Lorraine, in an attempt to put some additional troops in the field....after the shattering defeat at the hands of Richemont, we're feeling....very vulnerable....very exposed, and yet, we MUST continue!
The Lorraine Regiment (6k Infantry) in Champagne, marches to Nivernais to begin a siege there.
In March, a MASSIVE army from Geldre utterly destroys the army of Dunois in Paris (which had recently swelled to some 6k) before marching further south. Bless them! The battered Artois regiment returns to Paris to begin a new siege there!
April - The Lorraine Reserves are ready, and march to Nivernais, bound for Orleanais.
May - Lorraine Reserves re-route to Paris as a 16k army from France appears, bound for Orleanais, and no doubt, with the intention of driving us away from the French Capitol again.
May 17th, Berri is captured!
May 24th - Lorraine reserves arrives in Paris, swelling that force to 8744/6560. Morale is still shakey, but it will have to do!
June - Poitou Regiment to Limousin.
The English General, Northumberland fights a gallant delaying action in Orleanais against the 16k French army. Northumberland only has 3k at his disposal, but gives the French a good fight, killing some 5k Frenchmen before being slain himself....he will be remembered for the time he bought our forces....time purchased with blood.
July 17th, Picardie falls to our forces, and the Picardie regiment is RUSHED to Paris to help reinforce our siege there against an inevitable French attack.
On the 24th, the French inexplicably stop advancing toward Paris and stand down in Orleanais.

For his part, seeing crisis in other parts of France, Richemont takes his army and promptly marches it south, rather than follow us to Arras to finish us off.
Instead, he leaves Dunois in Paris with a small train of 1065 Cavalry, and departs, and our nation breathes a sigh of relief. We have two siege crews in the immediate vicinity that would not stand a chance of holding up under the kind of attack he could bring to bear against them, and this, more than anything, is what saved us. Richemont's need to be in the South of France to stem the tide of the armies of Savoy, Genoa, and England.
On December 17, we get our first big of Good news as Champagne falls to our forces! Makes the year end on a bit of a less-dark note than it otherwise would have.
Stability +1, 219d in our treasury, and our monthly economly is 23.8 (war taxes in effect)
Raising the "Lorraine Emergency Reserve" 6000/4000 in Lorraine, in an attempt to put some additional troops in the field....after the shattering defeat at the hands of Richemont, we're feeling....very vulnerable....very exposed, and yet, we MUST continue!
The Lorraine Regiment (6k Infantry) in Champagne, marches to Nivernais to begin a siege there.
In March, a MASSIVE army from Geldre utterly destroys the army of Dunois in Paris (which had recently swelled to some 6k) before marching further south. Bless them! The battered Artois regiment returns to Paris to begin a new siege there!
April - The Lorraine Reserves are ready, and march to Nivernais, bound for Orleanais.
May - Lorraine Reserves re-route to Paris as a 16k army from France appears, bound for Orleanais, and no doubt, with the intention of driving us away from the French Capitol again.
May 17th, Berri is captured!
May 24th - Lorraine reserves arrives in Paris, swelling that force to 8744/6560. Morale is still shakey, but it will have to do!
June - Poitou Regiment to Limousin.
The English General, Northumberland fights a gallant delaying action in Orleanais against the 16k French army. Northumberland only has 3k at his disposal, but gives the French a good fight, killing some 5k Frenchmen before being slain himself....he will be remembered for the time he bought our forces....time purchased with blood.
July 17th, Picardie falls to our forces, and the Picardie regiment is RUSHED to Paris to help reinforce our siege there against an inevitable French attack.
On the 24th, the French inexplicably stop advancing toward Paris and stand down in Orleanais.