Does anyone here play this game?
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The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
I think it's their best game. Mostly since it's very well rounded - the economic aspect of the game is very engrossing in its own right. That's really what prevents me from enjoying CK as much as Vicky; CK's wars aren't anything special, and yeah, the marriage engine is cool, but so is Vicky's politics engine. HoI had a similar (and worse IMO) affliction since all it has going for it is the military aspect of the game. The revolutionary difference is economics, and it outshines everything I've ever seen in a computer game. Yes, it could be better (its Stalinist way of dealing with industry isn't at all historical, and one is unable to make specific trading arrangements with certain states), but its not bad for their first attempt at making such a game. Can't wait till Vicky 2."Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "
Originally posted by Ramo
Can't wait till Vicky 2.
CK's not even in the same's fun, that's why I'm playing it, and 1.03 will probably fix and/or reduce the magnitude of most of the current complaints, but its long term playability is lacking.DULCE BELLUM INEXPERTIS
It is rather difficult to get into though. I wanted to start with a small country so that I could micromanage and see the effects of various policies. First try as Belgium - they start out at war. Ditto Mexico. Then I try some random island off the coast of Italy. No income tax, minute costs for police and education, import costs thousands of times higher than the controllable portion of the budget. Bankrupt within days.
I guess I will try as Britian or Russia.I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
Belgium's war in the beginning is hardly a problem. It's just about keeping those nasty dutch at bay for some time and then things will work out just fine! The real problem with Belgium is that it has a very limited labour supply and only one neighbour with the right national groups (subjects of your countries main culture(s) is twice as productive) that might be worth conquering - and that's France...
The problem with Britian and Russia is that they are huge. There's so many things going on that you'll probably lose control of it. Prussia might be a better alternative.
Oh, and I might add: The economy will probably be bad, no matter what country you start out with. You just have to keep your empire on a tight budget and keep a close eye on your net gain until you achieve industrial take-off (ie, huge exports of something quite valuable, like furniture).
Brazil's always good for beginners... there's a step-by-step guide for playing Brazil over at the Paradox forums somewhere.
As for Belgium, it's fun unless it happens to be one of the few games where Germany actually forms... then it gets sort of painful. I was crushed by them, despite having an alliance with the UK, France (who was also allied with Spain), and Scandinavia.
Skanky, I would heartily recommend playing as the UK to start with.
Although it does control a huge empire most of their territories aren't independent states ergo they don't support factories you have to worry about and most of the convoys carrying raw materials are already set up.
Your prestige rating gives you first choice from the WM, most other countries want to be your best friend, and you do have the time to start to sort things out before your first war (probably the opium war against China).
It's an absoutely brilliant game once you really get into it.