In my current game, playing the Uzbek Khanate in the EEP GC, I'm experiencing the biggest sum of improbabilities I've ever seen together in one game. You can see a screenie of Europe below, fortunately of bad quality due to my conversion from bitmap to jpeg.
Aragon has not united with Spain.
France has been defeated by England and a monster Burgundy, and has not been inherited by Austria.
Hungary has not been inherited by Austria or the Ottoman Empire. (also not 25 years after I took this screenie)
Lithuania has not been inherited by Poland.
The Ottoman Empire has been crushed by the Mamelukes (at one point they also had Smyrna and Macedonia) after a good initial expansion phase, and Byzantium had a Renaissance.
Also Russia was formed by Suzdal instead of Muscovy.
And to add to the list of improbably events, China chose to open up in the Zheng He event, putting them in the muslim techgroup. As a consequence China has the highest landtech of the world, and all other muslimtech countries are hardly lagging behind the latins. I'm certainly not complaining.
So can anyone beat this list of improbablities? Human influence doesn't count of course: if so, I could add the non-existence of Persia and the Mughal Empire to the list.
(Darn: I had to cut the screenie in two due to the large size.
Aragon has not united with Spain.
France has been defeated by England and a monster Burgundy, and has not been inherited by Austria.
Hungary has not been inherited by Austria or the Ottoman Empire. (also not 25 years after I took this screenie)
Lithuania has not been inherited by Poland.
The Ottoman Empire has been crushed by the Mamelukes (at one point they also had Smyrna and Macedonia) after a good initial expansion phase, and Byzantium had a Renaissance.
Also Russia was formed by Suzdal instead of Muscovy.
And to add to the list of improbably events, China chose to open up in the Zheng He event, putting them in the muslim techgroup. As a consequence China has the highest landtech of the world, and all other muslimtech countries are hardly lagging behind the latins. I'm certainly not complaining.

So can anyone beat this list of improbablities? Human influence doesn't count of course: if so, I could add the non-existence of Persia and the Mughal Empire to the list.

(Darn: I had to cut the screenie in two due to the large size.
