What is Heihachi's ending like?
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Soul Calibur II released --- MY first impression:
I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio
hei's ending is pretty lame. And Im having hard time translating because of the nature of japanese text. Im illiterate when it comes to kanji(chinese characters).
I've not seen a Voldo yet that didn't fall before the might of my Nightmare
Nightmare seems like he's been improved from the arcade. I cant really tell yet because my friends arent pushing my nightmare's skill to the limit. But I did notice some subtle difference.:-p
I figured out some functions on the weapons. There are some similarities in the characters weapons that you gather.
All of them have a soul edge version of their weapon. (Yoshimitsu's soul edge version being my favorite... Its a katana with an eye on the flag and veins growing all over it). It's incredibly powerful, but it drains your health over time (evil power corrupts I suppose).
Everyone has a soul calibur version of their own weapon. It heals you over time. The damage seems to be same or maybe slightly weaker.
Everyone has a weapon thats twice the size of the original. The purpose of these weapons are obvious.
Everyone has a weapon thats a total joke. For example, Nightmare has a bat that makes elephant noise when you swing them. Mina uses a mop.. etc... these weapons do virtually no damage and has no function other than for entertainment purpose or to humilate your opponent by beating them w/ it.
There are other weapons that have their own unique properties just like they did in SB. The damage rate of each is yet unidentified because there is no meters like they had in SB. So even if I translated the description of the weapon, I cant tell how good it is (even though it would say "powerful weapon") Until I use them and test all the weapons and measure them using the same attacks. And thats just power. which weapons are the fastest, gives you more defense still needs to be determined as well.
Age Old Question: Does Hei have weapon? Yes he changes his gautlets. He can acquire all sorts of gautlets including the ones I stated above which applies to him. I havent found his twice the range and joke version of his gautlets yet. But Im guessing that he will acquire something that extends his fist (kinda like voldo but no blade) for his range ones and a bare fist for the ultimate joke one.Last edited by Zero; March 30, 2003, 00:17.:-p
What sort of 'joke weapon' does Voldo use, if I may dare to ask?
Also, I've found what I believe to be his funniest moves -- go into the Caliostro Rush (236) and do a throw. It's great just seeing him leap onto the other person's head.I notice, when I use him at the arcade, that I use his Lunatic Wheel too much though. I'll have to break that habit...
And is the PS2 version the only one you've played yet?
Originally posted by Calc II
Everyone has a weapon thats twice the size of the original. The purpose of these weapons are obvious.
All of them have a soul edge version of their weapon.
What about the characters that already have the Soul Edge?I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio
Originally posted by DinoDoc
Nightmare has a weapon that gives him double the range?!?! Excellent!)
All of them have a soul edge version of their weapon.
What about the characters that already have the Soul Edge?:-p
MacT, I'd like to request to take down those old crappy videos and host new ones. I will go play SC2 w/ my friends and record some smokin' battle actions and perhaps demonstrate my new CRAZY~ taki and yoshimitsu. Also, I made a music video on SC2 and Im uploading it right now, if your interested in checking it out. If you could, I'd like to ask you to host that one too.:-p
Originally posted by Calc II
I will go play SC2 w/ my friends and record some smokin' battle actions and perhaps demonstrate my new CRAZY~ taki and yoshimitsu.I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio
Originally posted by Calc II
I guess it COULD make sense story plot wise because in sc2, his sword's power has been weakened....I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio
I plan to show a few things in my next upcoming vids:
My Yoshi, Taki and Nightmare (they are my main)... Taki will focus on her crazy posession charges (PORC) and Im gonna try to demonstarate how to use nightmares stance changes.. yoshi will be just yoshi.. need I say more?(I'll show you some of his Tekken exclusive moves, where he mimics tekken characters in SC2)
My revised Mitsurugi and cervantes, based on changes in SC2. Mitsurugi seems a bit weaker, but he's still got his main ingredient. Cervantes also feels like he's toned down too, but still is a solid character.
And New Voldo tricks in SC2. I consider him one of the leet characters now.:-p
I've been creeped out of my wits just recently.
Anyone with an IQ higher than a houseplant knows by now that I'm a Voldo freak. Well, I was looking at his bio at Soulcalibur.com earlier and found a few things that scare me:
-he's as tall as me
-he weighs as much as me
-he has the same blood type as me
-he has the same birthday as me
I'm just going to hide in the corner whimpering now...
Originally posted by DinoDoc
How do you explain Cervantes then?:-p
Originally posted by CapitanGarlic
I've been creeped out of my wits just recently.
Anyone with an IQ higher than a houseplant knows by now that I'm a Voldo freak. Well, I was looking at his bio at Soulcalibur.com earlier and found a few things that scare me:
-he's as tall as me
-he weighs as much as me
-he has the same blood type as me
-he has the same birthday as me
I'm just going to hide in the corner whimpering now...:-p