This game is very low profile in the UK, but I played the demo for a while. It seems pretty good if you're into the 4x genre.
No announcement yet.
Anyone have an opinion on SE IV?
Very low profile indeed - my copy is an import - I have NEVER seen it available here...
SG[1]"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
Originally posted by Osweld
SEIV is, as far as I am concerned, the king of multiplayer strategy games
I'm enjoying it, although it's not the best of games I saw.
I'm just halfway thru my first game.
But I already wonder (the same usual MP question...):
How is combat resolved in PBEM????
I think I already know the answer: in PBEMS, combats are *forcibly* resolved in *strategical* mode.
For games like Stars!, which *from the start* renounced to tactical combat, there was nothing you felt you were losing in MP/PBEM.
But the games which DO offer *tactical* combat, have a GREAT problem in PBEM. That:
- if you happen to *LIKE* tactical combat in the middle of a TBS game ( I *DO*), then a PBEM is a *mutilated* game mode in that sense. (that's imho the *paramount* downside an MP MoM2 would have to face)
- with the albeit very limited experience I have in SEIVG, I saw that THANKS to controlling a combat in tactical I can win 90% of the combats with *0* damage against 2-level-higher ship calsses. The same forces matching, fought in "strategic", would see me losing at least 65% of the times, and alweays with relevant losses ("Optimal firing Range" and "Don't Get Hurt" combat policies just don't work as their names should suggest, in the hands of the AI)I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)