Space empires IV (SE4) i a 4X TBS game in spcae, kind of like moo2 is. It has a very active community on their forums (;f=23). It is by far the most moddable game i've ever seen. The stock singleplayer game is a bit lacking IMO, the AI isn't the sharpest knife in the book 
But those things can be fixed by installing some fan made mods, or by making your own mod.
Don't expect any fancy 3d graphics though, but EVERY picture, every background, every color in the game can be changed, which is kinda neat if you got any artistic skills (unfortunately, i don't have any).

But those things can be fixed by installing some fan made mods, or by making your own mod.
Don't expect any fancy 3d graphics though, but EVERY picture, every background, every color in the game can be changed, which is kinda neat if you got any artistic skills (unfortunately, i don't have any).