Every year around this time I go out and hunt in my "archives" for titles that I haven't played for a while. I have games there from Civ 1 and the xxx Quest Series from Sierra to present titles like Civ 3. Over the weekend I went back to RRTII and I must say that this game fascinates me as much as it did when I first played it a couple or so years back. I think it is the greatest game after the Civ and C & C series and Colonization. The one thing it misses is tunnels but after a while you get used to the fact you get yourself immersed in an excellent resources management and strategy game that lacks any type of violence (besides stock market crashes ). I would have thought that this game being in a very similar genre with Civ that it would have a lot of fans in here. So I wonder, does it? Do you guys still play it? Has anybody heard anything about a third installment? IIRC the original RRT was also a Sid game from Micropose, right?
So long...
So long...