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Starcraft Haters Club

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  • #46
    Oooommmggg.. honestly, anyone who would talk trash on someone else because they don't have the same opinion on a stupid computer game....has taken the whole thing way too seriously. Newbie? Who gives a **** what skill level I would be? I DON"T like the game, many other people DON"T like the game. Its that simple. Could you sound ANY more like a computer geek?


    • #47
      Originally posted by 1
      Oooommmggg.. honestly, anyone who would talk trash on someone else because they don't have the same opinion on a stupid computer game....has taken the whole thing way too seriously. Newbie? Who gives a **** what skill level I would be? I DON"T like the game, many other people DON"T like the game. Its that simple. Could you sound ANY more like a computer geek?
      That is the whole point, finally you got it. You shouldn't be ashamed to be a newbie, I didn't mean anything to upset you. Just didn't know you are that sensitive. Sorry my bad. I actually said this :
      You're not a bad person, don't take this as offence.
      My critisism was for the things you said about the game, they were totally false. The fact that you don't like the game is true I give you that.
      I hope you understand that there is nothing bad being a newb, everyone has been there. Watch carefully who you are calling a geek when you post message looking like that


      • #48
        SC does have a lot of depth. Unfortunately most of the depth is never realized because games become battles of attrition between huge homogenous hordes of units.
        John Brown did nothing wrong.


        • #49
          Out of curiosity, what dead end tech paths are you refering to 1?
          I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
          For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


          • #50
            UR: I'm not so sure. If you don't like SC, then BW probably won't be able to overcome it- you will still have to be clicky with your mouse. That said, the options you can do multiply. Just as an example, the Terrans got Medics & Valkyries. In terms of SOME stategies I can pull off, many of which work better with BW...
            -A fast Marines rush. Kinda standard, but can be effective, although not much fun if you win with it.
            -Wait a bit, and hit with more Marines backed by Medics. The Medics make the Marines about twice as useful, being that they live longer and you can stimpack a lot more freely.
            -Ignore infantry troops almost completely and head straight for 2 Factories, cranking out Siege tanks to blow up land units and Goliaths for fast-support and anti-air. Maybe build some dropships to put a tankie surprise at the back of somebody's base. The Goliaths can shoot farther with their anti-air now, too (with an upgrade from BW, making them awesome against air). Upgrade Vehicle techs a lot.
            -Try and build up to Starports fast, and get out some cloaked Wraiths before my opponent has adequate detection. Even if repulsed, I might be able to come back with more, or even more deviously, just make a few to make your opponent waste too many resources on detectors.
            -On a land map, build up some Vultures and research Spider Mines, running around skirmishing and finding enemy expansions while dropping Mines in places I intend to fight battles. Meanwhile, my base is secure.
            -If my enemy is in love with air units, or in mass team games, build up a huge force of Valkyries and wait for their army of BCs/Carriers/something to come on in... and die.
            -Nukes & Science Vessels speak for themselves in temrs of the support they can give.

            And so on. Contrary to what 1 said, there are no useless units in SC: BW. It's beautiful. Sure, you don't use Vultures every game, but they sure have their place (and people like Boxer certainly use 'em, so they can't suck!).
            All syllogisms have three parts.
            Therefore this is not a syllogism.


            • #51
              1 and tiny cut it out guys. No reason to call each other newbies at a game. Lets be reasonable. Simply say why you like what you like and why it has depth but without all the attacks.
              About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


              • #52
                Originally posted by tniem
                1 and tiny cut it out guys. No reason to call each other newbies at a game. Lets be reasonable. Simply say why you like what you like and why it has depth but without all the attacks.
                I didn't make an attack. It was and is a simple fact, the message he wrote is 100% proof of he being newbie. If you fail to see the reason I said it the "oh so evil" word newbie (no, it was not to insult) then it's your problem entirely I had to call him a newbie because he seemed to think he had understanding of something he did not.

                Newbie is short from inexperienced player, did you know?
                Hoping your crusade for love and peace in the realms of apolyton be wonderfully victorious


                • #53
                  tiny, I was trying to give you guys a warning just before it got out of hand and lead to both you being banned. I am sorry if you don't respect me for that.

                  You can have a discussion and a fight without the verbal assualts. Look at what you said in the very first post,
                  After reading this it's obvious that you are a newbie in sc (...) Real players don't use dead end paths (.... ) You're not a bad person, don't take this as offence. I used to think I knew everything too when I was a newb.

                  Bold added for emphasis by me.

                  Does that really seem like you don't mean any offense? It seems to mean that you were insulting him right off the bat. And he took your bait. Why couldn't you have said this:

                  There are no dead end paths in SC for serious players. The experienced player knows what to go for and what not to in all situations. The game is incredibly balanced in that all the tech upgrades are important in certain situations. The players that win, know when the time is right for the upgrade.

                  All I am asking is for this to stay civil. You both seem to have valid points to make that would benefit both of you to hear. You could find C&C to be a game that you would actually like to give a longer try, while he could find SC to be a game that he would like to get good at to battle you. And I think others would respect you both more as well.
                  About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by tniem
                    tiny, I was trying to give you guys a warning just before it got out of hand and lead to both you being banned. I am sorry if you don't respect me for that.

                    You can have a discussion and a fight without the verbal assualts. Look at what you said in the very first post,
                    After reading this it's obvious that you are a newbie in sc (...) Real players don't use dead end paths (.... ) You're not a bad person, don't take this as offence. I used to think I knew everything too when I was a newb.

                    Bold added for emphasis by me.

                    Does that really seem like you don't mean any offense? It seems to mean that you were insulting him right off the bat. And he took your bait. Why couldn't you have said this:

                    There are no dead end paths in SC for serious players. The experienced player knows what to go for and what not to in all situations. The game is incredibly balanced in that all the tech upgrades are important in certain situations. The players that win, know when the time is right for the upgrade.

                    All I am asking is for this to stay civil. You both seem to have valid points to make that would benefit both of you to hear. You could find C&C to be a game that you would actually like to give a longer try, while he could find SC to be a game that he would like to get good at to battle you. And I think others would respect you both more as well.
                    It was not getting out of hand, but I guess thats not the point. I need to learn to be more PC or polite? Not using the word newbie sounds like PC to me. Fine I'll try. It was not a bait, are you baiting me here by saying that I baited there? Btw I actually spent some time when I posted then, at first it was way too offensive (well it was the same but looked evil). I was actually aiming to get the things said and not even getting any reply. Maybe I need to learn more english.

                    What comes to that last paragragh, you can't possibly know how much I know about rts

                    If I ever get banned it will be a miracle, because I'm not dumbass but thanks for warning anyway

