The reason why I think it should count as the same game:
Isn't the addon about the same thing as the game anyway? Addons doesn't change gameplay (sequels do... or at least "can do"). Addons (mostly) only add things (e.g. like new objects to build, or new things to do, but they always keep the gameplay the same... and they doesn't change the graphics either).
I have yet to see people who buys a game, just because they like the addon, but not the game.
I see addons as only able to refresh the release date of the game, and that way the game survives longer (e.g. The Sims: if it wasn't because of the addons, the game would have been forgotten long time ago... but it's not like the addons makes the game funnier... sure you have new objects, but new objects only keeps the game alive, it doesn't change the gameplay)
What is your reason to have it your way?
Isn't the addon about the same thing as the game anyway? Addons doesn't change gameplay (sequels do... or at least "can do"). Addons (mostly) only add things (e.g. like new objects to build, or new things to do, but they always keep the gameplay the same... and they doesn't change the graphics either).
I have yet to see people who buys a game, just because they like the addon, but not the game.
I see addons as only able to refresh the release date of the game, and that way the game survives longer (e.g. The Sims: if it wasn't because of the addons, the game would have been forgotten long time ago... but it's not like the addons makes the game funnier... sure you have new objects, but new objects only keeps the game alive, it doesn't change the gameplay)
What is your reason to have it your way?