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Top: Game top list.

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  • Originally posted by Skanky Burns
    For those who have voted, how do you think the next version of this should be: Continue with the series votes, or vote for single games (such that a vote for Civilization 2 would be seperate from a vote for Civilization 3).
    It should be for seperate games (And preferly more than just 5 votes), since I e.g. love the game Battle Isle, but I simply hate the newer Battle Isle games (from BI2...)

    And could it be each 3 months, it'll be reset, instead of just once each year (And then, make a year-count at the end of the year, where the top 10 games, for each "3-months-count", will be counted together?)...
    This space is empty... or is it?


    • Originally posted by ADG
      It should be for seperate games (And preferly more than just 5 votes), since I e.g. love the game Battle Isle, but I simply hate the newer Battle Isle games (from BI2...)
      I agree with you, the vote should be given to seperate games.
      "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


      • Actually, can I split my No. 3 spot and give
        2 pts each to C&C and Harpoon ( It should be in there )
        "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure" - Dan Quayle
        "Where the hell is Australia anyway?" - Britney Spears


        • 1. Civilization
          2. SMAC
          3. Total War
          4. C&C
          5. Dark Forces (this includes Jedi Knight 1 - great plot lines)

          And yes, the vote should be on individual games
          Up the Irons!
          Rogue CivIII FAQ!
          Odysseus and the March of Time
          I think holding hands can be more erotic than 'slamming it in the ass' - Pekka, thinking that he's messed up


          • 1. Call to Power
            2. Civilization
            3. Championship Manager
            4. C&C


            • The complete list is available on the last page of this thread.
              Last edited by Skanky Burns; December 17, 2002, 07:05.
              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


              • Bleh... send the other 2 to SMAC then...


                • 1) Call to Power 2 (MODDED!!)
                  2) CIV 2
                  3) Might & Magic VI
                  4) Ultima Underworld 1
                  5) Transport Tycoon

                  It's more sexy to vote for the single game...........


                  • 1) Call to Power
                    2) Railroad Tycoon
                    3) Civilization
                    4) HoMM
                    5) SMAC


                    • Hmm... as soon as SMAC got the lead, CTP gets 6 10's in a row, SMAC gets no points...


                      • HEY!
                        How can I miss it!

                        But also, I can't help to nitpick and customise...

                        First, I strongly object to the consolidation of single games into whole series...
                        I knows, this helps avoiding the proliferation of entries.... but within a series you can find jewels along with crap.
                        For instance, I would (after a lot of internal struggle) rate CivII as 3rd, and I might even agree to bundle it with WinCiv and the original DOSCiv (there were more differences than just "Civ1"), but I would never accept that my vote for Civ helps the ranking of CivIII too.
                        Indeed, if I could, I would award Civ3 with a -50.
                        So, if it's not possible to keep my preference for CivII separate from thos who voted for Civ3 (a PoV shared by more than a few voters here too), I will see myself forced to.... renounce to express my vote for Civ altogether, and let my appreciation for the "series" be represented by SMAC alone.

                        2nd, as I see you granted such exception to Grumbold, I agree and maintain that the pool of 25 points to be awarded must not necessarily be split the default way you proposed 10-6-4-3-2, but can be freely managed by the voter - I know, this means more work for you, but you called for it when you granted the first exception, which now constitutes a precedence...
                        Furtherly, as I see you granted to (I think) thinkingamer, and to the many who split a position's point between two games, a voter is allowed to distribute his 25 points amongst more than 5 games.

                        Taken to the extreme, this means that I could be allotting the whole 25 points budget to a single game, or pulverise them sprinkling 1 single point to 25 different games....

                        That said, I will let you some time to ponder about this issues, and take an official position about it (but if you deny me (or any other voter) the above prerogatives, I expect that you revise accordingly all the exceptions that you granted above and take them back, for the sake of coherence... ), before I properly express my votes.

                        For now, I would say that I'd be inclined to start with
                        RIVEN 12pts
                        SMAC 5
                        and the remaining 8 to be allotted between...
                        Machiavelli the Prince (original version of Merchant Prince)
                        Tetris (actually, mainly its Tube and 3D variants...)
                        Brøderbund's "War!" (or was it Sun Tzu's the Art of War?)
                        hmmm.... maybe also Settlers II...
                        let's see... Mega-lo-mania...
                        maybe... ah, yes, Death Rally... MicroMachines...
                        Oh, well, I know, in the final release this will have to be rehashed and some of the above will have to be left out.
                        This was just a preview, a self-brainstorming, while I wait for some feedback...
                        (as if my single vote wold be of any relevance when "The Civs" are already traveling towards 500 points...)
                        I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


                        • Originally posted by Tuomerehu
                          Hmm... as soon as SMAC got the lead, CTP gets 6 10's in a row, SMAC gets no points...
                          That was because Martin the posted a warning thread in the CTP1 MP forum yesterday and i bumped the thread about this votation in the CTP2 General forum.

                          Skanky said that we should do that to have as many people as possible. So you should do the same in the AC foums.
                          Last edited by Pedrunn; December 16, 2002, 10:52.
                          "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                          Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                          Kill all and you are a God!"
                          -Jean Rostand


                          • First, I strongly object to the consolidation of single games into whole series...

                            That has been taken into consideration, and unless someone comes up with a good reason not to, the next version of this poll will be for single games. Civ 2 will be seperate from Civ 3.

                            Taken to the extreme, this means that I could be allotting the whole 25 points budget to a single game, or pulverise them sprinkling 1 single point to 25 different games....

                            Not necessarily. I've set a cap for a single series to be, oh, 12 points. (It seems fair to allow you, considering I just made up that rule) Whilst the minimum points you can assign a series is 1. Which brings me to my next point, you have 8 points split amongst 14 games...

                            Your votes for Riven and SMAC have been added, when you post your complete list I'll add them too. You can change your points allocation to Riven and Smac for your final vote if you so choose.

                            SMACers, as Pedrunn said, advertising in your forum is not only acceptable, but appreciated too.
                            I would like as many people to vote in this as possible before it ends.
                            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                            • Originally posted by Pedrunn
                              Skanky said that we should do that to have as many people as possible. So you should do the same in the AC foums.
                              Noooooo dont tell em

                              That has been taken into consideration, and unless someone comes up with a good reason not to, the next version of this poll will be for single games. Civ 2 will be seperate from Civ 3.
                              I do hope by the time the next poll comes around that all the blind Civ3 n00bs have left and dont vote it above CtP2, let alone Civ2. Having them in a series at least gave the look of this poll some credibility.
                              Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                              CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                              One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                              • Having said that, CtP2 is beating Civ3 in the non series poll, but maybe because less people know about that one.
                                Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                                CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                                One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.

