I was being serious when I offered you the white pieces. I honestly don't know what my current rating would be either ELO or USCF. My last published rating was in 1973 and was about 1150 - 1200 on the then current USCF system. As I mentioned on a discussion board at the tournament site that I use, considering a draw to be neither side has the material to mate the other, I only draw with the white pieces in tournament play. Perpetual check and stalemates I get with either color. For some reason, I not sure why, that seem to bend a lot of people out shape and really ruffle their feathers. Lately most of my games have been running into the 40 - 50 move territory, unless there is a severe mismatch between players.
I was being serious when I offered you the white pieces. I honestly don't know what my current rating would be either ELO or USCF. My last published rating was in 1973 and was about 1150 - 1200 on the then current USCF system. As I mentioned on a discussion board at the tournament site that I use, considering a draw to be neither side has the material to mate the other, I only draw with the white pieces in tournament play. Perpetual check and stalemates I get with either color. For some reason, I not sure why, that seem to bend a lot of people out shape and really ruffle their feathers. Lately most of my games have been running into the 40 - 50 move territory, unless there is a severe mismatch between players.