Only other games I own are FF7 and Caesar 3. Shogun is looking good though.
quote:![]() TA wins hands down for the following reasons; 1)Maps: TA maps are huge by comparison and with things such as true LOS, a three dimentional realm (land/sea/air), gradual elevation changes that actually affect movement beyond the occasional "choke-point", it has a much stronger basis for a real time strategy game. 2)AI: While I believe that SC's is technically more intelligent, it relies too heavily on "I get to start with a hundreds times as much stuff as you do" bit in the campaines, and gets too much of an advantage with SC's consentration on individual units and their special abilities ("spells"). The computer will always be able to give specific instructions to multiple individual units far faster (err, "simultaneously" is more the case)than any human and tends to make grunt/zergling/flash "rushers" of us all. 3)Scale: Along with the fact that it's largest available play area is only about a third of the size of Rhode Island, SC's limitation of 12 units in a group, combined with the necessity to micro-manage individual troops means that it's more of a "small unit tactics" game rather than one of "galactic conquest". Besides, there's nothing like a good "hairball assault" to end a scenario. 4)Resource Management: The boon and bane of most of these sorts of games, but any SC player or AI can be defeated by simply waiting for them/it to run out of resources. It can take hours and even days, but it is inevitable behind a strong enough defence. On the other hand, your TA opponent will only get stronger the longer you wait, even on "starvation maps" because TA even allows you to scavenge the scraps. The bottom line is, TA let's you spend more time playing/fighting the game and less time "getting ready to". 5)Longevity: TA was designed to go on and on, the ability to add units and new AIs means that as long as people are playing it, people will keep on playing it. SC is doomed to boredom that the occasional map or campain set will do little to correct, regardless of how clever (or annoying) the speech-clips get or how pretty the cut-scene videos are. I still play both, but SC is more of a mid-level intoduction to the genre rather than a real challenge and I use it as a relief game when I've gotten my butt kicked ten times in a row by TA. Its also a great one to play with my nephews until they are ready for the "big-time". "Let no oversight or weakness go unrewarded". ------------------ "Encumbered by idgits, they pressed on." Sheriff Pat Garrett; Young Guns II ![]() |
quote:![]() * Hotkeys: you can assign a 'squad number'(1-9) to units and factories, with no limits on unit types or group size. Same with starcraft ![]() |
quote:![]() * Enhanced Patrol: You can program factories with complex, repating patrol routes, that the units automatically follow as soon as they are made. Not neccessary since starcraft is a faster game ![]() |
quote:![]() * 500 unit limit: Apparently SC has a 200 unit limit ...which is never reached in a normal game. But still, if you really wanted to you could have 200 of each race, giving you a 600 limit. ![]() |
quote:![]() * 'Alliance Symbols': You can have up to ten players in TA (up to nine AIs), that can be set as two massive alliances, ten armies out for themselves, or anywhere in between. Oh yeah--500 units apiece 8 people playing is enough for me, a 4v4 game lags the hell out of my slow modem. ![]() |
quote:![]() * Map size: I know this was hit in the quoted post, but I would like to add to it. Original TA has a maximum map size of 40*40; thats in 640*480 screens. 8*8 is considered 'small'; 3rd party designers have pushed the limit to 63*63, and are hinting that larger is possible. In addition, the maps, are considered to be 20% larger with regard to aircraft, so they don't have to stop short at the edge of the map. With starcraft you can do this as well. A 64*64 game is small, 256*256 is big. for wierdness, you could even make a 64*256 or some such. ![]() |
quote:![]() * Naval Units: TA has them, complete with subs, amphibious unit, hovercraft, sonar, torpedos, and depth charges. Units that are underwater are invisible unless you have an underwater unit nearby. Did I mention torpedo bombers? ![]() |
quote:![]() * Unit Types: Original TA has room for roughly 230 different units. I forget how many units are included, but I think it's around 130. 3rd party designers filled in the rest pretty quickly, and figured out a way to squeeze in another twelve... If starcraft had that many units then games wouldn't be based on speed and micromanagement, its a whole different type. ![]() |
quote:![]() * Unit Selection Options: there are hot keys to select all units, all armed units, all aircraft, all armed aircraft, all construction vehicles, etc. hotkeys for everything, spells, attacks, you name it. ![]() |
quote:![]() Don't compare TA with a game thats not based with the same kind of strategy and say its better, look at the people playing it. Starcraft/Brood War has been out for 2 years now, and at any given moment there are 40,000 people playing them online. Weekends can get 60,000+ ![]() |