ok as per rahs request moving the discussion here.
In many games we congratualte our surviing vilagers for "Succesfully" killing of th emafia, whilst in relaity , it mostly luck in joining the correct docpile.
Id like to introduce the following scroing system.
1. Each Mafia will collect one point for each round they survive.
2. Each Mafia will collect a bonus 10 pts if the survive to the end.
3. Each Villager/mafia will collect one point for each time they vote for an actual mafiosa. (Mafia will vote for the other mafia in multi mafia games)
4. Each Villager will collect 5 pts for correctly identifiying a clue with the Correct Mafia.
5. Failure to vote will be a loss of a point. Exceptiosn to this rule are
a. If voting round is closed early.
b. Prior warning of abscence is given.
c. Suitalbe explanation for absence given to Game master.
Hope this gets all you mafiosa thinking .
In many games we congratualte our surviing vilagers for "Succesfully" killing of th emafia, whilst in relaity , it mostly luck in joining the correct docpile.
Id like to introduce the following scroing system.
1. Each Mafia will collect one point for each round they survive.
2. Each Mafia will collect a bonus 10 pts if the survive to the end.
3. Each Villager/mafia will collect one point for each time they vote for an actual mafiosa. (Mafia will vote for the other mafia in multi mafia games)
4. Each Villager will collect 5 pts for correctly identifiying a clue with the Correct Mafia.
5. Failure to vote will be a loss of a point. Exceptiosn to this rule are
a. If voting round is closed early.
b. Prior warning of abscence is given.
c. Suitalbe explanation for absence given to Game master.
Hope this gets all you mafiosa thinking .
