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New Mafia Scoring system discussion

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  • #46
    The only rule I know is that ljcvetko is always the third mafia. He should be voted out as soon as possible.
    ~ If Tehben spits eggs at you, jump on them and throw them back. ~ Eventis ~ Eventis Dungeons & Dragons 6th Age Campaign: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4: (Unspeakable) Horror on the Hill ~


    • #47
      yes his "false" leads i nrecent game have been very misleading ...
      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


      • #48
        I've done the score sheet up to mafia 18, but I can't post it yet cause html is not my greatest skill and I can't reduce my file bellow 20k characters yet. I'll have to use Jamski's table but it takes time. Let me just tell you all that Kassiopeia leads with 13 points out of 14 games while Guynemer is good second with 11 points and alva holds the third place with 10 points.

        I'll post the entire table later.


        • #49
          OK, it's too much hassle to use Jamski's table, so I'll post without formatting.

          First the number of games played.

          ADG and Skanky Burns played all games

          ADG 17
          Skanky Burns 17
          rah 16
          alva 14
          Guynemer 14
          Kassiopeia 14
          Spaced Cowboy 14
          DrSpike/Doc 13
          Jon Miller 13
          Zopperoni 12
          GhengisFarb 11
          Jamski 11
          MattH 11
          Pave 11
          Spiffor 10
          Tuberski/Deathtongue 10
          Vlad Antlerkov 10
          Jonny 9
          vovansim/vovan 9
          Comrade Tassadar 8
          Drogue 8
          Frozzy 8
          Hercules 8
          Theben 8
          FlameFlash 7
          Osweld/General Ludd 7
          CaptainGarlic 6
          Duke o'York 6
          gjramsey 6
          HongHu 5
          Rasputin 5
          Chaunk 4
          GeneralTacticus 4
          Nikolai 4
          Nuclear Master 4
          Azazel 3
          joncha 3
          Kropotkin 3
          ljcvetko 3
          mart7x5 3
          Sandman 3
          flipside 2
          SnowFire 2
          Urban Ranger 2
          anZac 1
          Asmodean 1
          Boshko 1
          china_444 1
          Felch 1
          MrBaggins 1
          Naevrod 1
          Sore Loser 1
          Stormbringer 1
          yaroslav 1

          Second, the gamemasters.

          Sheep 1
          Sheep 2
          Sheep 3
          Tuberski, Sheep, Skanky 4
          alva 5
          Spaced Cowboy 6
          vovan 7
          vovan 8
          Zopperoni 9
          Kassiopeia 10
          Frozzy 11
          Jamski 13
          Jamski 14
          Jamski 15
          Jamski 16
          Jamski 17
          Jamski 18

          Hail Jamski! But he missed mafia 12

          Third mafias in each game.

          Jamski 1
          DrSpike/Doc 17
          Skanky Burns 6; 11
          Spaced Cowboy 5
          ADG 10; 13; 17
          vovansim/vovan 10
          Tuberski/Deathtongue 3; 15
          Pave 6
          Comrade Tassadar 2
          rah 8
          Guynemer 7
          Kassiopeia 15
          Asmodean 4
          Zopperoni 11
          Spiffor 18
          CaptainGarlic 8
          Jonny 9
          HongHu 9; 16
          Rasputin 13; 14
          gjramsey 14; 18
          Urban Ranger 15
          joncha 16

          Hail to Jamski again for winning the first game

          Finally the points.
          I calculated the points like this: If mafia survived they got one point. If mafia killed the other mafia they got one point. If one mafia was killed, alive villages got a point regardless of their voting.
          These were the initial rules. However, to reward the winning mafia, I can increase their bonus to 5 points, which I think is the appropriate award.

          Kassiopeia 13
          Guynemer 11
          alva 10
          Spaced Cowboy 9
          ADG 8
          rah 8
          Zopperoni 8
          DrSpike/Doc 7
          Jon Miller 7
          MattH 7
          Skanky Burns 7
          FlameFlash 6
          Hercules 6
          Jamski 6
          Jonny 6
          Spiffor 6
          Theben 6
          gjramsey 5
          Drogue 4
          Frozzy 4
          Osweld/General Ludd 4
          Pave 4
          Vlad Antlerkov 4
          CaptainGarlic 3
          Comrade Tassadar 3
          Duke o'York 3
          GhengisFarb 3
          HongHu 3
          Nikolai 3
          SnowFire 3
          Tuberski/Deathtongue 3
          mart7x5 2
          Sandman 2
          vovansim/vovan 2
          Asmodean 1
          Chaunk 1
          Felch 1
          joncha 1
          Kropotkin 1
          ljcvetko 1
          MrBaggins 1
          Nuclear Master 1
          Rasputin 1
          Urban Ranger 1
          anZac 0
          Azazel 0
          Boshko 0
          china_444 0
          flipside 0
          GeneralTacticus 0
          Naevrod 0
          Sore Loser 0
          Stormbringer 0
          yaroslav 0

          We can use this score sheet as starting point for our new scoring system.

          Or this alternate score sheet if the winning mafia is awarded 5 points.

          Kassiopeia 13
          Spaced Cowboy 13
          Guynemer 11
          alva 10
          Jamski 10
          gjramsey 9
          ADG 8
          rah 8
          Zopperoni 8
          Comrade Tassadar 7
          DrSpike/Doc 7
          Jon Miller 7
          MattH 7
          Skanky Burns 7
          FlameFlash 6
          Hercules 6
          Jonny 6
          Spiffor 6
          Theben 6
          Asmodean 5
          Drogue 4
          Frozzy 4
          Osweld/General Ludd 4
          Pave 4
          Vlad Antlerkov 4
          CaptainGarlic 3
          Duke o'York 3
          GhengisFarb 3
          HongHu 3
          Nikolai 3
          SnowFire 3
          Tuberski/Deathtongue 3
          mart7x5 2
          Sandman 2
          vovansim/vovan 2
          Chaunk 1
          Felch 1
          joncha 1
          Kropotkin 1
          ljcvetko 1
          MrBaggins 1
          Nuclear Master 1
          Rasputin 1
          Urban Ranger 1
          anZac 0
          Azazel 0
          Boshko 0
          china_444 0
          flipside 0
          GeneralTacticus 0
          Naevrod 0
          Sore Loser 0
          Stormbringer 0
          yaroslav 0


          • #50
            way too lucky way of scoring....

            if i had time id do a comparison of my scorign suggestions....
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • #51
              Wow... that must have taken quite some time
              This space is empty... or is it?


              • #52
                Originally posted by ljcvetko
                First the number of games played.

                ADG and Skanky Burns played all games

                Does this officially show I have no life?
                This space is empty... or is it?


                • #53
                  Is that meant to imply that I also have no life?
                  I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                  • #54
                    This space is empty... or is it?


                    • #55
                      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by ADG
                        Wow... that must have taken quite some time
                        Indeed. Good job.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Skanky Burns
                          Wow! What a dashing avatar


                          • #58
                            Did he get it from a toothpaste commercial or what?


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by ADG
                              Wow... that must have taken quite some time
                              Yes it did. But I didn't have anything to do yesterday at work so I endeavoured to produce a score sheet for the benefit of us all.


                              • #60
                                Tis my charming visage, no less.
                                I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

