"... and that concludes our pre-Gladitorial entertainment. Now that the crowds have taken their seats, we'll begin the event that you've all been waiting for."
"While the arena is cleared of the... er... leftovers of that last event and prepared for the Gladitorial bouts, I hope you'll all take a moment to peruse the rules:"
[I've rewritten the rules in the hope of increasing their clarity - the existing ones were far too brief, IMHO... Note that rule 9 introduces a subtle change from (my interpretation of) the previous rules - previously even if both players were incapacitated then the one doing the most damage would still be considered the winner, but now I'm interpreting that as a draw, so going all out to incapacitate your opponent becomes more risky.]
"Now, the initial matches of the competition will come in three sections, and each contestant will be facing two opponents in the first and second sections, but three in the third. If you look at your programme you'll see a table showing how this works, where the entries marked 'a' indicate a pair who will face each other in the first section, and those marked 'b' and 'c' indicate pairs who will face each other in the second and third sections respectively."
"However, we have yet to decide which contestant corresponds to which number in the table, but that's what we're going to do now. We have Drogue, who has in the past served as both champion and judge of this contest, down in the arena to draw the names from a hat right now, so I'll pass you over to him..."
"Thankyou, and here I am, with past champion Skanky to provide us with some insight into the contestants. So, without further delay, the first name is..."
1. Jamski-San of Nippon W10 A10
"A semi-finalist 2 years ago, losing to Drogue, who went on to win the competition, doubtless Jamski-San is eager to return to his previous form and wield his Katana with the best in this competition."
2. Hercules Romani (ljcvetko) W16 A04
"A newcomer to the arena, previously famous for more intellectual pursuits, perhaps hoping that cutting analysis will make him the greatest Gladiator whose name ends in anything at all."
3. Theben W09 A11
"Theben reached the semi-finals last year, only to have his hopes for victory crushed by the unstoppable Doctor. Will his experience take him to greater heights in this years contest? Only time will tell..."
4. The Doctor (DrSpike) W20 A00
"Needing no introduction, The Doctor, last years champion, previously a finalist, and almost undefeated in the arena, must be feeling confident that his skills will suffice to bring him victory once more, but perhaps overconfidence will lead to his downfall."
5. The Ram (gjramsey) W07 A13
"The Ram, also a newcomer, coming to us from the speed-crazed world of racing, hopes that his aggressive tendencies will aid him in this arena, where they are not penalised, but rather promoted."
6. Chaunk W09 A11
"A total unknown element in the contest, our agents were unable to discover anything about Chaunk except some indication of a peculiar obsession with chickens..."
7. Spacius Maxiumus (Spaced Cowboy) W15 A05
"Spacius, last years runner up, must be eager to fight the Doctor once more, and apply the lessons for which he payed in blood in the last, brutal final."
"And that, of course, leaves:"
8. Smasher (Vlad Antlerkov) W20 A00
"Last, but will he be least? With a name like Smasher, surely his bouts will at least be enjoyable to watch."
"Well, Skanky's comments certainly provide food for thought - I hope he's able to maintain this quality of commentary throughout the competition. So, the lineup once more is:"
"So remember, in this first section each gladiator will face those adjacent to him on this list, so Jamski-San against ljcvetko and Smasher; The Doctor against Theben and The Ram, and so forth. And with that, I'll return you to the commentary box."
"Thank you Drogue and Skanky. So now we are waiting only for The Doctor and Spacius Maximus to select their equipment and the combat can begin."
"Good luck to all our contestants, and let the battles begin!"
[I'm now accepting orders for these initial rounds from all players not facing either the Doctor or Spacius (until they submit their weapon/armour selection, after which feel free). If you are facing either of them please don't send in your orders piecemeal, wait until they've posted (but if they don't post their stats soon I may choose for them
). Send orders via either PM or email, or if you're particularly suicidal you could post them...]
Past threads:
Gladiator -poly- 2 "The Competition"
Gladiator -poly- 2 "The Competition" Part Deux
Gladiator III - Sign Up
Gladiator III - Let the Battle Commence!
Gladiator III - Let the Battles Continue!
Gladiator IV Signup
"While the arena is cleared of the... er... leftovers of that last event and prepared for the Gladitorial bouts, I hope you'll all take a moment to peruse the rules:"
1. Each contestant must distribute 20 points between weapon and armour values which remain constant throughout the contest (e.g. weapon 11, armour 9). These values are public knowledge.
2. Each match is divided up into combat rounds, which are further divided into 3 segments.
3. In each round you must distribute 100 points amongst the 3 segments, each of which requires values for attack, defense and power.
1st A11 D11 P11
2nd A12 D8 P15
3rd A15 D2 P15
The total of all 9 values must equal 100, and the total of the 3 values in any one segment must not exceed 50.
4. These ADP values are modified by the contestants choice of weapon and armour values. Half the armour value is added to each defense, half the weapon value is added to each attack, the weapon value is added to each power and the opponents armour value is subtracted from each power.
5. In each segment the modified attack and defense values are compared. If, in any round, your attack is greater than your opponents defense then you hit them, and so damage equal to the power for that segment.
6. Ties between attack and defense values result in 50% damage rounded down. 0 attack 0 defense ties are possible.
7. In the initial portion of the competition, each contestant will face every other contestant for one match consisting of two combat rounds.
8. In each match, each contestant will begin with 100 HP from which damage is subtracted. A contestant who loses all of these is considered incapacitated and cannot continue with the match (no more segments take place), but is presumed to recover for their other matches, which remain unaffected.
9. If both contestants are incapacitated then the match is considered a draw, and each contestant recieves 1 point.
10. If one contestant is incapacitated then the other is considered the winner and recieves 4 points.
11. If neither contestant is incapatitated, then the one inflicting the most damage in the whole match is considered the winner, and recieves 3 points. If both contestants inflict the same amount of damage then the match is considered a tie and each contestant receives 1 point.
12. The four contestants who receive the most points in this way will proceed to the second portion of the competition.
13. A tie for fourth place will be resolved at the discretion of the GM.
14. The second portion will consist of a knockout competition of matches to the death, exact rules to be announced later.
2. Each match is divided up into combat rounds, which are further divided into 3 segments.
3. In each round you must distribute 100 points amongst the 3 segments, each of which requires values for attack, defense and power.
1st A11 D11 P11
2nd A12 D8 P15
3rd A15 D2 P15
The total of all 9 values must equal 100, and the total of the 3 values in any one segment must not exceed 50.
4. These ADP values are modified by the contestants choice of weapon and armour values. Half the armour value is added to each defense, half the weapon value is added to each attack, the weapon value is added to each power and the opponents armour value is subtracted from each power.
5. In each segment the modified attack and defense values are compared. If, in any round, your attack is greater than your opponents defense then you hit them, and so damage equal to the power for that segment.
6. Ties between attack and defense values result in 50% damage rounded down. 0 attack 0 defense ties are possible.
7. In the initial portion of the competition, each contestant will face every other contestant for one match consisting of two combat rounds.
8. In each match, each contestant will begin with 100 HP from which damage is subtracted. A contestant who loses all of these is considered incapacitated and cannot continue with the match (no more segments take place), but is presumed to recover for their other matches, which remain unaffected.
9. If both contestants are incapacitated then the match is considered a draw, and each contestant recieves 1 point.
10. If one contestant is incapacitated then the other is considered the winner and recieves 4 points.
11. If neither contestant is incapatitated, then the one inflicting the most damage in the whole match is considered the winner, and recieves 3 points. If both contestants inflict the same amount of damage then the match is considered a tie and each contestant receives 1 point.
12. The four contestants who receive the most points in this way will proceed to the second portion of the competition.
13. A tie for fourth place will be resolved at the discretion of the GM.
14. The second portion will consist of a knockout competition of matches to the death, exact rules to be announced later.
[I've rewritten the rules in the hope of increasing their clarity - the existing ones were far too brief, IMHO... Note that rule 9 introduces a subtle change from (my interpretation of) the previous rules - previously even if both players were incapacitated then the one doing the most damage would still be considered the winner, but now I'm interpreting that as a draw, so going all out to incapacitate your opponent becomes more risky.]
"Now, the initial matches of the competition will come in three sections, and each contestant will be facing two opponents in the first and second sections, but three in the third. If you look at your programme you'll see a table showing how this works, where the entries marked 'a' indicate a pair who will face each other in the first section, and those marked 'b' and 'c' indicate pairs who will face each other in the second and third sections respectively."
12345678 1 !abcccba 2 a!abcccb 3 ba!abccc 4 cba!abcc 5 ccba!abc 6 cccba!ab 7 bcccba!a 8 abcccba!
"Thankyou, and here I am, with past champion Skanky to provide us with some insight into the contestants. So, without further delay, the first name is..."
1. Jamski-San of Nippon W10 A10
"A semi-finalist 2 years ago, losing to Drogue, who went on to win the competition, doubtless Jamski-San is eager to return to his previous form and wield his Katana with the best in this competition."
2. Hercules Romani (ljcvetko) W16 A04
"A newcomer to the arena, previously famous for more intellectual pursuits, perhaps hoping that cutting analysis will make him the greatest Gladiator whose name ends in anything at all."
3. Theben W09 A11
"Theben reached the semi-finals last year, only to have his hopes for victory crushed by the unstoppable Doctor. Will his experience take him to greater heights in this years contest? Only time will tell..."
4. The Doctor (DrSpike) W20 A00
"Needing no introduction, The Doctor, last years champion, previously a finalist, and almost undefeated in the arena, must be feeling confident that his skills will suffice to bring him victory once more, but perhaps overconfidence will lead to his downfall."
5. The Ram (gjramsey) W07 A13
"The Ram, also a newcomer, coming to us from the speed-crazed world of racing, hopes that his aggressive tendencies will aid him in this arena, where they are not penalised, but rather promoted."
6. Chaunk W09 A11
"A total unknown element in the contest, our agents were unable to discover anything about Chaunk except some indication of a peculiar obsession with chickens..."
7. Spacius Maxiumus (Spaced Cowboy) W15 A05
"Spacius, last years runner up, must be eager to fight the Doctor once more, and apply the lessons for which he payed in blood in the last, brutal final."
"And that, of course, leaves:"
8. Smasher (Vlad Antlerkov) W20 A00
"Last, but will he be least? With a name like Smasher, surely his bouts will at least be enjoyable to watch."
"Well, Skanky's comments certainly provide food for thought - I hope he's able to maintain this quality of commentary throughout the competition. So, the lineup once more is:"
1. Jamski-San of Nippon W10 A10 2. Hercules Romani (ljcvetko) W16 A04 3. Theben W09 A11 4. The Doctor (DrSpike) W20 A00 5. The Ram (gjramsey) W07 A13 6. Chaunk W09 A11 7. Spacius Maxiumus (Spaced Cowboy) W15 A05 8. Smasher (Vlad Antlerkov) W20 A00 12345678 1 !abcccba 2 a!abcccb 3 ba!abccc 4 cba!abcc 5 ccba!abc 6 cccba!ab 7 bcccba!a 8 abcccba!
"Thank you Drogue and Skanky. So now we are waiting only for The Doctor and Spacius Maximus to select their equipment and the combat can begin."
"Good luck to all our contestants, and let the battles begin!"
[I'm now accepting orders for these initial rounds from all players not facing either the Doctor or Spacius (until they submit their weapon/armour selection, after which feel free). If you are facing either of them please don't send in your orders piecemeal, wait until they've posted (but if they don't post their stats soon I may choose for them

Past threads:
Gladiator -poly- 2 "The Competition"
Gladiator -poly- 2 "The Competition" Part Deux
Gladiator III - Sign Up
Gladiator III - Let the Battle Commence!
Gladiator III - Let the Battles Continue!
Gladiator IV Signup