Welcome once again to the next sterling edition of I'm With Stupid. For those who have just joined us, the rules as written many eons ago are as follows.
Remember, all answers must be PMed to me.
1. Who is the person you'd most like to take revenge on?
2. "You have great internal fortitude"
Sum up that sentence in one word.
3. What is the best thing you've ever tasted?
4. "Our top scientists have been working around the clock"
What have they been working on?
5. Finish this sentence: "Unity of purpose is..."
6. What was the most important event to occur in the last 25 years?
7. You are at a bar. The bartender says "What'll it be?" What do you reply? Be specific.
8. Two trains whose lengths are 130 m and 110 m are moving in opposite directions on parallel lines, the velocity of the first being double that of the second. They are observed to pass each other completely in 4 seconds. What colour is the first train?
9. What is your favourite playground equipment?
10. Pretend you have a dice. You roll this pretend dice. What number comes up?
This game will be open until Sunday the 7th. Good luck one and all.
All answers are allowed. However, scoring is not based on what the "correct" answer is . It is based on how many other participants choose the same answer. So, for example, if I ask what fruit is the greatest, and 17 people say "banana," each person who answered "banana" will get 17 points for that question. If someone says "mango," and they're the only one, they will get 1 point for that question.
However, the answer doesn't have to even fit the criteria. If two people answer "I hate George W. Bush" when asked what fruit is the greatest, they will still get two points for that question.
Your individual score will be the total of your scores for all questions.
However, the answer doesn't have to even fit the criteria. If two people answer "I hate George W. Bush" when asked what fruit is the greatest, they will still get two points for that question.
Your individual score will be the total of your scores for all questions.
Remember, all answers must be PMed to me.
1. Who is the person you'd most like to take revenge on?
2. "You have great internal fortitude"
Sum up that sentence in one word.
3. What is the best thing you've ever tasted?
4. "Our top scientists have been working around the clock"
What have they been working on?
5. Finish this sentence: "Unity of purpose is..."
6. What was the most important event to occur in the last 25 years?
7. You are at a bar. The bartender says "What'll it be?" What do you reply? Be specific.
8. Two trains whose lengths are 130 m and 110 m are moving in opposite directions on parallel lines, the velocity of the first being double that of the second. They are observed to pass each other completely in 4 seconds. What colour is the first train?
9. What is your favourite playground equipment?
10. Pretend you have a dice. You roll this pretend dice. What number comes up?
This game will be open until Sunday the 7th. Good luck one and all.
